Chapter fifteen

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He was standing with his back to me, but I'm a hundred precent sure that it's Harry Styles. I walk up to him and he turns around. He looks at me and smiles "Hello" he says.

"Hey" I say and smile back looking in his eyes, his beautiful green eyes.

"You must be new here" he says "I haven't seen you here before" and takes a step closer to me and reaches out his hand, "I'm Harry" he says. His nails are painted pink and blue, which suits him very well.

It take his hand "I'm Lauren, Lauren Hill and I know who you are" I say "I love your music".

When I say that he gets a smile on his face "thank you, I wish I could say the same, are you a singer?" He asks still shaking my hand.

"Well I don't know, I'm recording a song with Niall, but I want to do it anonymously" I explain.

He lets go of my hand and takes a step back "Niall, as in Niall Horan?".

"Yes, we're recording just across the hall from here" I say and I don't know if this is a problem. I know they split up in good terms, but that could off been to keep the media off their backs.

"Can I come back to the studio with you?" He asks with puppy eyes.

"Yeah I thinks so" I reply not knowing how Niall would feel about this.

"I just need to refresh my face and then we can go back to the studio" I say.

He steps aside so that I can go to the restroom. When I'm inside I walk up to the sink and open the crane to let the water run. I look up and see myself in the mirror, my eyes are a bit red from the crying, but it wasn't obvious that I cried. I splash some water in my face, I'm glad that I always use waterproof make up so when I look in the mirror again, my make up is still intact. I let my face dry and in the meantime am freaking out that I just met Harry Styles! I giggle a little bit and hope he doesn't hear it. When I was younger and still lived in the Netherlands, I had a poster of one direction hanging above my bed.

When I'm done with freaking out I restrain myself and go back to Harry, who's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Lets go" I say and lead the way back to the studio. I go in first with Harry following, Niall and Alice look up and Niall starts laughing.

"What are you doing here mate?" He laughs and walks up to Harry.

"Just recording the last stuff for my new album" he says and they hug each other.

"It's so nice to see you, it's been ages" Niall says and takes a step back to look at Harry properly. Harry looks at Niall as well "it has" he agrees.

I sit down on the couch to see the little reunion and enjoy every second of it.

After they are done with small talk, Niall sits next to me and Harry takes the chair sitting across from us.

"So you two are recording a duet?" Harry asks and looks at us.

"Yes I heard Lauren sing in a karaoke bar and I knew I had to record a song with her, I actually followed her outside, but lost her and before I knew it she bumped in to me" Niall says and he gets bright red.

Wait he followed me? I didn't know that, he never said that to me.

I feel myself warm up inside, he went through all these lengths to meet me and ask me if I wanted to sing a duet with him. I feel flutters in my stomach and try to think about something different.

"But I couldn't ask her that night because this girl was a bit drunk" he laughs back at the memory.

I feel myself getting red "I'm sorry for enjoying myself" I laugh and they laugh with me.

"We all get drunk sometimes" Harry says and looks at Niall, the start laughing harder, probably about some memory they share.

"Well I wouldn't change a thing about how we met, if I had asked you to record with me then you would off said no and I probably wouldn't have seen you again" Niall says with a cute smile and looks me in the eyes.

I feel the butterflies again and smile at him, I really want to kiss him, but I quickly put this thought in a drawer in the back of my head.

"I would definitely said no" I laugh, "is that why you gave me your jacket? So you had a reason to invite me to the studio?" I ask accusing him.

Harry laughs "that's something he would do" he says. Niall gets bright red "no and yes, you were literally shaking" he defence himself.

"I don't mind if you did that to see me again" I say looking straight into his eyes. When I say that I think I see something lit up in his eyes and in that moment all I wanted to do, was take his face and give him a kiss on his lips.

"This sounds like a great love story" Harry says and Niall and I both blush and deny it.

Of course he wouldn't love me, he just made contact with me for my voice, nothing else.

"Okay okay, sorry that I mentioned that" Harry says and laughs "can I hear the song?" He asks.

I look at Niall before answering, I don't want to do it unless he will sing along with me.

"Well we just finished the lyrics, so don't be too harsh on us" Niall says before me and gets up. He looks at me and offers his hand, I take it and we go to the recording room. I sit behind the piano and Niall takes his guitar. He looks up to Alice to see if she was set to start recording, she gives a thumbs up. Then he looks at me with a bright smile. "You're ready?" He asks.

"Yes, let's do this" I smile back at him. Niall and I count down and start playing.

After we play the song we look at each other and smile excited. The song sounds amazing and Niall start screaming "Yes this is it!". He starts to jump around and I join him "We did it!" I scream back laughing. We hug each other and he pick me up and spins us around. When he sets me back down he looks me in the eyes and his hair is messy. There's a pluck of my hair that's in front of my face and Niall sets it back in place behind my ear while looking at me. His touch makes my skin feel like it's on fire and I feel butterflies. I look down so that he wouldn't see me blush. He takes my hand and we go back to Harry and Alice who are clapping when we enter the room.

"This is going to be a hit" Harry says and he walks up to me to give me a hug. I let go of Niall's hand and hug him back, he smells so good. Then Harry hugs Niall and Alice hugs us to.

"Glad that you like the song, I have a great feeling about it as well" Niall says and look at me again taking my hand.

"We only have to record your voices separately and then we have everything for production" Alice says happily.

"Okay but first I need to get some food" Niall says and I laugh at the sight of him rubbing over his stomach and making a sad face.

"I have a reservation at the sky garden, I can call them and at more people to the reservation" Harry suggests.

"That's really expensive" I say with a worried look on my face.

"Don't worry love" Niall says "I've got you covered" and gives me a smile while squeezing my hand.

"Niall you don't have to pay for everything" I say feeling ashamed that I can't afford a place like the sky garden.

"I know but I like to make you happy" he says.

"You come on" Alice and Harry say encouraging me.

"Okay" I say giving in.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story, it means a lot! If you have any question let me know. Please vote and comment and I will reply back :) What do you think will happen? 

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