Chapter forty four

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We're at the bar and we all started the night with some tequila shots. When we all have a shot glass in our hand we look at each other in the eyes and they say "cheers to Lauren". We drink the shot and I can feel the warmth in my throat. We order margaritas and sit down in a little booth in the corner I sit next to Sarah and Helen and Luna sit opposite from us. There's a live band playing and we listen to the music bobbing along with our heads. After a few drinks, I feel that I'm getting a bit tipsy and I take Sarah's hand to take her to the dance floor with me. We start to dance and we laugh because we're the only ones dancing but at this point, I don't even bother.

After a few songs, we go back to the booth and Helen looks distracted and is getting nervous.

"What's wrong?" I ask her knowing that something wrong.

She looks at Luna "we need to tell them." Luna nods and then they look at Sarah and me.

"We want you two to know that we love you so much and we don't want this thing to change our friendship with you," she says and she tries to continue but I could see the tears in her eyes. I reach over to take her hand and stroke it with my thumb.

"Helen, what is it? Whatever it is, we'll be there for you" I reassure her. Luna takes her hand as well and looks me in the eye.

"We've been dating for a few weeks now and we really like each other more than friends," Luna says and Helen is looking from Sarah to me and then back again. I look at Sarah and we both start to smile. We look back at them "we kind of knew already," we admit.

Helen looks shocked "how did you know?".

"Well, you two holdings hand all the time and how you look at each other, it was just a feeling," I say and Helen and Luna look at each other smiling.

"Thank you guys for being so chill and accepting," they say and we all stand up to hug each other.

"Of course we are, love is love no matter in what form it comes in," I say and Sarah nods her head agreeing with me. She goes to the bar and comes back with shots in her hand "let's toast on love" she says and we all cheer. "To love," we say and take the shot.

"Let's talk about a lighter topic shall we?" Helen says and we all laugh.

"Why don't we go to Lucas and do some karaoke?" Luna suggests and we all agree on that. We go outside and it's getting more chilly. I take Sarah's arm and we walk to Lucas's karaoke bar. When we get there the whole bar is full with people, I've never seen it so crowded here. We walk up to the bar and Lucas notices us straight away. He comes from behind the bar and walks up to us.

"It's been too long girls, where have you've been?" He asks and gives us all a hug.

"You don't wanna know," I say and the girls start giggling.

"I'm glad you're here, now we have someone who can actually sing," Lucas says to me. We listen to the girls who are now singing on stage and we all cringe a little bit when they try to sing the high note.

"No, I don't feel like singing tonight," I say and I instantly get booed by them.

"Come on, why not?" Sarah asks me and I look around. There's a lot of people and we all know that I get nervous performing in front of so many people.

"Oh please, come on, you know deep down you want to," Sarah says.

"Okay fine," I say and walk to the bar to pick a song. I choose a new song that just made the list, it's Control by Zoe Wees. I heard this song last week and I'm obsessed with this song. Lucas sees which song I've chosen "do you want the recording or are you going to play this song acoustic? " He asks and I get a smile on my face.

"I'm obsessed with this song, so I've learned to play it on the piano already," I say a bit ashamed.

"That's awesome," he says and we look at the girls finishing the song on the stage. I look at the girls and they all have their thumbs up and I laugh at the sight of them, I love them so much.

Lucas goes on the stage "tonight we have a special treat for you, the next performer is going to do an acoustic song on the piano, so enjoy and make some noise for Lauren" he says and everyone starts to clap.

I go on stage and feel the warmth of the stage light on my face. I sit down behind the piano and feel the keys under my fingers. Then I play the first note and sing the song with my whole heart. I love the feeling of just playing the piano and singing, being in this bubble without caring about what happens around me.

When I finish the song I finally look up and the crowd is silent for a moment and then a few girls start to whisper and record me. Why are they recording me and for how long have they been recording?

I look at Sarah and she has a terrified look on her face. Then a guy in the crowd starts to scream "that's the girl from that song of Niall Horan" he points at me and I can feel my heart start to race. Lucas comes up to me and shakes me "Lauren, come with me" and he takes my hand and I follow him like a zombie. When I get off the stage all the people are asking questions and taking photos of me and at that moment I know I've blown my cover.

Author's note: Hey guys! First of all, thank you so much for reading! Almost 7k reads! When I first started this story I didn't expect this. I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote:)

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