Chapter fourteen

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We arrive at the studio and when we go in Alice is already waiting in the hallway. "Good morning" she says to the both of us and gives Niall a hug. Then she walks up to me and gives me a hug as well. We walk to the same studio where Niall asked me to sing a duet with him. We enter and Niall sits down on the couch. Alice sits down behind the control panel and I walk to the couch and sit next to Niall. I take my notebook and pen from my bag and lay them on the table in front of us.

"So what have you guys been up too?" Alice says and looks at us.

Niall gets up and goes in the recording boot and sits behind the piano. He clears his throat and starts playing the melody he played the night before. He sing the part that I've wrote and adds some lyrics.

For you and I

What a time, what a time

For you and I

I know we didn't end it like we're supposed to

And now we get a bit tense

I wonder if my mind just leaves out all the bad parts

I know we didn't make sense

I admit it that I think about it sometimes

Even though I know it's not so distant

Oh, no, I still wanna reminisce it

Wow that sounded so good and he sings the lyrics that I wrote again. Then he stops playing and it is quiet for a while. We both look at Alice and I feel nervous, what if she doesn't like it?

Then she gets a smile on her face and starts clapping "I think you guys are making a hit" she says. Niall comes back and runs up to me with open arms and I get up and hug him. He picks me up and twirls around "this song is going to be so good" he laughs and I can't help but laugh with him. He puts me down and gives me a kiss on the cheek and I can feel my face starting to blush. Niall and I sit down on the couch again and I take my notebook. While Niall was singing the song thing about my last relationship came up and I start to write them down. Niall comes closer to me and reads along with the lyrics that I write down.

I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking

I guess that means you're close by

"That's good" he says, we should definitely use that. He points to the notebook and looks at me asking if he can use my notebook and pen. I give him the notebook and lean over to read what his adding. I brush my arm against his arm by accident and I can feel a shiver going down my spine. Doesn't he notice what kind of affect he has on girls?

He's writing something down.

My throat is getting dry and my heart is racing

I haven't been by your side

In a minute, but I think about it sometimes

I start to sing along and after a few second Niall starts to sing with me. I forget the Alice is there and I look Niall in the eyes. He looks back at me and we were really singing at each other with the emotions of the song.

After we sing the lyrics we still look at each other and I feel so close to him. Alice clears her throat and we look up at her. "It's really good but I still miss something".

I get up "can I go inside?" I ask and point to the recording booth.

"Of course you can love" Alice says and brings her focus to the control panel in front of her.

I sit behind the piano and look at my surroundings, when you get in this room it feels like you're all by yourself.

I start playing and sing the song, I feel every emotion that comes to me and think about my last relationship, how I felt and with tears in my eyes I sing. I hear someone coming in the recording room and see that it's Niall. He brought his guitar and plays along, it's a beautiful moment. Him on the guitar, my on the piano singing from our hearts and experience from the past.

I add some lyrics and freestyle a bit to the song, to make sure that we use the right words.

For you and I

For you and I

For you and I

What a time, what a time for you and I

What a time for you and I, yeah

What a time, what a time for you and I

After the song end I couldn't help myself but I start to cry. Niall comes up to me and sits beside me. He takes me in his arms and I lay my head on his chest, just crying. He strokes my hair and he doesn't stop until I stop crying. I catch my breath and sit back up again. "Thank you for that" I whisper.

"No thank you for writing this song with me, it's been a hard day for the both of us" he says with a small smile on his face.

That makes me giggle a little bit "we are two fucked up people" I say.

He laughs at that and I laugh with him.

"Sometimes relationships aren't meant to be, but they still hurt" he says and gives me a hug again. I hug him back tightly, he is the most amazing person I've ever met.

"Are you ready to really record this song?" He says a bit unsure and looks my deep in my eyes. It so sweet that he wants to make sure that I feel fine.

"Yeah but I think I need to go to the restroom" I say smiling at him, so that he would know that I'll be fine.

"Of course" he says and we get up to go back to the other room. I totally forgot about Alice and feel a bit ashamed that I just cried, but she comes to me and gives me a big hug.

"I'm sorry for whatever you had to go through" she whispers in my ear.

"Thank you" I say "where is the restroom?" I ask and walk to the door.

"It's on the other end of the hallway around the corner and then it's the door on your right" Alice says with a sweet smile on her face.

I smile back and go in to the hallway. It was a long hallway and I'm glad to be alone, so I can get myself together.

When I turn around the corner I'm starstruck, in front of the door of the restroom is a handsome man and when he looks at me I stand still.

In front of me stands Harry Styles.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading almost 250 reads! Thank you thank you thank you! Do you like the story so far? What do you think/hope that will happen? Let me know in the comments, and pleas vote and follow me :) Let me know who I should follow <3

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