Chapter twenty six

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I hear the phone from the hotel rings and don't want to open my eyes. I roll over to the phone and pick it up. "Hello?" I ask and rub my eyes.

"Good morning miss Hill, we were informed that you wanted to wake up by eight o'clock" a nice woman says.

I groan and sit up in bed, this must be Niall's doing. "Thank you" I say and get up. "Have a nice day miss" she wishes me and after I thanked her I hang up.

I look for my phone and put on some music. When I'm in front of the mirror I can see that I have bags under my eyes. I ignore them and take a refreshing shower when I get out I wrap a towel around my body and walk to the window. I put on some high waisted blue washed shorts with a white tank top, to top it off I wear an olive green plaid blouse. After brushing my hair I couldn't get it right so I just put it in a messy bun.

I open the curtains and see that the sun is already shining bright, making my mood instantly better. A knock on the door makes me turn around and I walk to the door and open it.

Niall stands in front of the door and he carries a tray with breakfast on it. "Good morning love" he says coming in and putting the tray on the coffee table. He sits down on the couch and I take a moment to take in his presence. He wears black navy chino pants with a loose flower blouse and he looks so good.

"Good morning" I say and sit beside him "this looks so good" I say. We have croissants, scrambled eggs, and more, it smells amazing.

"It does" he agrees and we eat our breakfast.

After breakfast we have to go to the studio, today will be the last recording day, tomorrow we have to sit with designers to discuss the cover. Niall will be having a lot of interviews at the end of the week to talk about the new song. It's exciting and I'm excited about the song coming out next week.

When we walk outside of the hotel, the car was already there and the driver was holding the door open for us. We get in the car and I sit by the window and look outside. This is my first time in Los Angeles, it's even my first time in America and I'm looking forward to discovering this city.

It's a short ride to the studio and the driver parks the car in an underground garage. We get out of the car and get inside the building and Niall leads the way. The building is huge so we turned a lot of corners and I would definitely get lost here if I was here all by myself.

We get to a door that says reserved and Niall opens it without knocking. This studio is bigger than the one in London and it looks so luxurious. Niall greets everyone with a hug and introduces them to me. I wanted to shake hands with everyone, but the first guy just hugs me and I just go with it.

"Nice to finally meet you, we've heard a lot about you" a guy named Bruce says and eyes Niall who turns red.

It's cute when Niall gets shy and it just makes me like him even more.

"Shall we start? We don't have that much time" Bruce says and Niall and I nod. Niall and I get ready, warming up our voices while they set everything up. We only have to do the backup vocals, Niall says that those usually don't take that much time so we could explore the city after recording.

After two hours we are done and the whole team cheers. "This is going to be a hit, I can just feel it" someone said and it makes the happiest person in the world. The producer was jumping around and pushes a button on accident and a song starts playing, I immediately recognize Niall's voice but I haven't heard the song before. It just Niall's voice with a guitar and it's an uptempo song and it has an Elvis vibe to it. Before the chorus starts the producer pushes the button again "Sorry my bad" he says and laughs at Niall.

"Is that a new song for your album?" I ask him out of curiosity and I can see a smile form on his face.

"Yes it is, do you want to hear it? It's just a small part of the song" He says and looks at his producer to see if it's okay. The producer sits down and clicks away, then he pushes the same button again, and the song start.

Nice to meet ya, what's your name?

Let me treat ya to a drink

I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear

I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear

'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there

Every time I turn around, you disappear

The producer pushes pause and Niall looks at me with an expectant look on his face.

"This song is catchy" I say and he looks relieved and hugs me.

"Yeah you inspired him good" the Bruce guy says and Niall's face goes bright red. He looks at Bruce and Bruce starts to laugh. I feel myself blush and look at Niall who's looking back at me and I smile at him.

"Let's get out of here, I have something planned for us" he says and takes my hand, and after we say our goodbye's we leave the studio.

Author's note: Hey guys! How are you doing? I hope you are doing okay in this hectic time. Thank you so much for reading! Don't forget to vote and stay safe :)

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