Chapter nine

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The next morning I wake up at twelve which was very late for me. I stayed up late writing and got so excited that I forgot about the time.

I check my phone to see if I have missed any messages. Sarah texted me "Hey how was your day, did you hear anything from Niall? xxx".

And there was a text from Niall "Thank you for today, I had a great time". His text makes me smile and I reply "I had a great time as well".

Then I FaceTime Sarah. She picks up "Hey, why didn't you text me back yesterday?" She asks. "Yeah I'm sorry, but I need to tell you a lot" I say. After I tell her about yesterday she get's really exciting "Omg Lauren, why didn't you say yes? You have an amazing voice, he knows what he's talking about".

"I don't know, you know I don't like to be in the spotlight, and singing at a karaokebar while your drunk doesn't count" I say knowing she will use that against me.

"Lauren one day you'll have to get over your shyness, you're an amazing person and you should share that with the world" she says.

"Ahw thank you, but I have to really think about this, I don't want to do something that I'll regret" I reply.

"You know what, let's go out to dinner" Sarah says "just to celebrate that a popstar asked you to record a duet with you, even if you don't do it, this is huge Lauren and I'm very proud of you".

"Okay where do you want to go?" I ask.

"Let's go to Bella Italia" she answers. It's our favourite restaurant and it has different locations all over London.

"Where do we meet?" I ask.

"Let's meet in front of the m&m store" she says.

"Okay shall I make a reservation at eight?" I ask.

"Yes that would be great, I see you tonight!" She says and hangs up.

I take a shower and then put on a short black chiffon dress. I do my make up, this time with brown colours so it looked more natural. I brush my hair and put some mousse in it, to make my curls look less fuzzy.

Then I go to the living room and sit on the couch. I watch some series until it is time to leave. I put on my high black all stars take my purse and jacket. Then I go outside, I don't feel like taking the underground today, so I get in the first cab that I see.

"Hallo where too?" the driver asks.

"Too Leicester Square please" I answer him and look outside.

After five minutes I see a lot of girls running and I get closer to the glass so I could see where they are running too. Wait they are running after someone. I squinted my eyes, the person they run after looks familiar. Omg! It's Niall.

"Stop at that corner!" I yell at the driver, who looks at me with a confused look.

"We need to help that guy who is running from those girls" I say to explain myself.

"Oh yeah I see, poor guy" the driver says.

He drives past them and then suddenly stops at the corner, where Niall was running too. I open my door and can hear the girls scream Niall's name.

"Niall, get in!" I yell and at first he doesn't recognise me, but when he comes closer he sees me and I could see relief on his face.

When he's almost at the cab he smiles "I'm so glad to see you!" He says.

I chuckle and make room for him to get in the cab. He jumps in and closes the door behind him. He takes off his baseball cap and runs his hands through his hair.

"Thank you for saving me!" he smiles and gives me a hug.

"You're welcome, now I'm the hero for once" I chuckle.

"Hahaha yes you are a hero for sure" he laughs "some fans can really go crazy sometimes" he continues.

"I thought that you don't get recognised if you wear a baseball cap?" I ask.

"Well that's usually the case, but there are exceptions , this fan started to recognise me and before I knew it I was running" he explains.

"Do I still need to go the Leicester Square?" the driver asks.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry, thank you for stopping" I say. He pulls up and we're driving again.

"Look what just happened to you is the reason why I'm still not sure about the duet, I like to walk around without people getting crazy about me" I explain.

"I can understand that, but you are so talented, you shouldn't hide just because you are afraid that people with start to notice you" he says and he takes my hand. "Maybe we can figure something out?" he asks.

When I think about his question I start to think about other artists.

And then all of a sudden it hit's me.

"What if I do it anonymously?" I think out loud "No pictures of me, just my voice. Something similar as Sia except that they won't see me".

Niall starts smiling and squeezes my hand.

"That could totally work, I think that people would like a little mystery" he says "So does this means that you're saying yes to my offer?"

"Yes, I'm saying yes to your offer" I smile at him and he starts dancing, which was difficult considering we are in a cab. Then he takes my face in his hands and kisses both of my cheeks. Which causes me too blush and I feel the heat in my neck. He hugs me and I feel so happy.

"We're here" the driver says. Oh shit he just heard the whole conversation. I look at Niall and he sees me panicking.

"Excuse me sir, but can you keep a secret?" he asks the driver.

"It's a drivers policy not tell anyone about conversations that people have in their cab, so your secret is safe with me" he says and smiles at me.

I feel relieved and open my purse to get money for the driver.

"Let me pay for you, to thank you for saving me" Niall says.

"You pay for everything" I say and give the driver ten pounds. Niall sighs "When will I see you again, I can't wait to start writing with you".

"I have to work tomorrow till six pm, so I can see you after work" I say. Niall and I haven't really talked about what I do for a living or other suff about me. I wonder what he thinks about me, when I tell him more about me and where I come from.

"That's great, I'll pick you up, text me the address" he says.

My phone starts buzzing and I knew without looking at it that it's Sarah.

"I have to go my friend Sarah is waiting for me to go get some dinner" I explain.

"Yeah of course, thank you again for saving me, I'll see you tomorrow" he says and gives me a hug.

I love his hugs, he's so gentle and kind. He makes me feel so lucky and loved. I should be careful not to fall for him, he wouldn't like someone like me.

"See you tomorrow" I say and get out of the cab.

Author's note: Hey guys! How Is your day? Where I live it's 23:00 and I'm still figuring out what the best time to post for you. Let me know! I hope you like the story! What do you think so far? I'm close to 100 reads and that means so much to me! Thank you so much! Please vote and comment :) 

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