Chapter forty nine

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I wake up and for a second I'm confused, I sit up straight and look around. After blinking a few times I see an old desk standing against the wall with a poster hanging above it. I'm in my old room and sigh in relief and let myself fall back against my pillow. These last few days have been crazy. My mom made sure the whole family was at my parents' house when we arrived so that they could surprise me. It was nice to see them all again and in the end, everyone was crying, because of the speech my mom gave.

"Thank you all for coming, it means a lot to me." Then she looks at me with a big smile on her face. "Lauren, I'm so proud of you and I know that you're here for only a week, so you can think about the next step and phase in your life". I already feel a lump coming in my throat even though I didn't want to cry. "You started singing since you were a little girl and you have so much talent". My mom wipes the tears from her face and I feel my tears come as well, we laugh at each other because we're both crying. "No matter what you choose, we will always support you". Everyone starts to clap and my mom gives me a big hug. "Believe in yourself Lauren" she whispers in my ear. "I will and thank you mom" I whisper back to her.

After the party was over I went to my room and sit down on my old bed. My room hasn't changed since I left, even my bed squeaks like it used to. I take my journal from my suitcase and start to write. It felt great to write again and before I know it, it was three 'o clock in the morning.

The rest of the days flew by and it was nice to just cruise around town and meet up with my old friends. Every day I sit with a blanket on the swing in our garden with my journal, writing, feeling all the emotions going through my mind. What will I do? I know that I love making music and Selena Gomez wants to work with me. Could I make a song with her? Will I ever overcome my stage fright? All these questions keep going through my mind, but after a few days, I notice something different. If I imagine my life without my normal job, it doesn't make me sad. If I imagine my life without music, that makes me feel empty and I know I can't live with that void.

Niall and I call each other every time we can, I keep replaying the moment he said he loves me and every time I think about that moment I can feel the butterflies again. He's almost every day in the studio recording for his album.

I sit up in bed and take my journal so I can start writing again. I'm focused when I hear a knock on the door, I look up, "come in" I say and my little brother walks in.

"Hey, am I interrupting you?" He asks me pointing at my journal. "No, not at all, what's up?" I ask and put away my journal. My brother sits down on the edge of the bed and I put my arms around my legs resting my head on my knees. "Have you decided what you're going to do?" He asks me. I sigh, close my eyes, and open them again. My little brother looks at me with a serious look on his face. He's so grown up now and I can't imagine I haven't seen him in five years.

"You going to choose for music," he says all of a sudden. I start to smile and he's already hugging me "I'm so proud of you Lauren!". He hugs me tight and I almost can't breathe anymore. "Chris, I can't breathe!" I laugh and he immediately let's go of me. My mom and other little brother walk into the room. "What's going on here?" My mom asks us and looks at my little brother. "Lauren decided she's going to choose music," Chris says and my mom and brother start to smile. "That's great news!" My mom says and comes to the bed to hug me as well. Luc my other brother also joins us and I feel very loved by my family.

We sit at the kitchen table and I'm Face timing with Niall. "How's your day?" He asks me while he's in the studio recording again. "My day I great so far," I say and start to smile. I can't wait to tell him about my choice to make more music and that I'm going to contact Selena today to tell her that I'll write a song with her. Of course, I will need his help if I want to learn how to perform and feel comfortable on stage. I mean the only times that I've performed on a stage were while I was drunk.

"Why are you smiling?" He asks me and I try to make a straight face but I fail. "Well..I wanted to tell you that I've made my decision about working with Selena and the whole music choice thing" I say and smile when his eyes are getting big. "Really? Tell me what did you choose?" He says his face getting closer to the screen. Even through FaceTime his blue eyes are mesmerizing and they make me want to kiss him. "I'm going to do it, I'm going to work with Selena and try to write my own songs," I say looking at his reaction. I don't know what happens, but I only see a blurry screen and hear Niall cheering on the other end of the line. "Are you jumping up and down?" I ask and start to laugh. "Of course I am!" I hear him scream but I still can't see him properly. "Lauren, I love you so much! I'm so happy for you! The world knows what happens to them!" He says and I really just love this guy so much. The way he makes me feel is indescribable, I would do anything for him. "I love you too," I say and finally I can look in his blue eyes again. It looks like every detail on his face is smiling and that makes me smile as well. I just know that I've made the right choice. 

Hey guys! Sorry that I'm not updating as much as I want to. I'll try to post a chapter every Sunday. I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote :)

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