Chapter seven

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It all seems like a dream, me being in the studio with Niall Horan. Him asking me to make a duet with him. Why would he want to sing a duet with me? I never considered being a singer, my mom and stepdad always teased me when I sang. They always said that I should only sing in the shower. Then when I moved to London I began singing again, but only at Lucas's pub and at home, I never thought that I was great.

"So what is your answer?" Niall asks still holding my hand and with a concerned look on his face. "Sorry, if I was too direct" he continued letting go of my hand and I saw that he was starting to freak out a bit.

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, you can say no if you like, but I just love your voice" he begins to rattle again.

"No wait, let me just think about it" I say without even realising what I just said, "I just need a minute". Was I going to do this? What would happen if I did it. It could change my whole life.

"Yeah of course, think about it for as long as you want, I won't go anywhere" he said and smiled.

Someone knocked on the door "Come in" Niall says. It was Alice with drinks in her hand, she throws a bottle at Niall which he catches. "Thanks Alice" he said.

"We should start recording, we booked the studio only for half a day" she says.

"I should go then" I said already getting up.

"No you can stay" he said quickly and then laughed a little. "If you want of course" he continues.

"Yeah I can stay for a while, I don't have any plans" I say and sit down again.

"Great, I'll be right back" he says and turned around and walked into a recording room, where the mic is. He sat down on a stool and takes his guitar. "Are you ready Alice?" He asks and put on his headphones.

"Yes ready to go" she says while pushing different kind of buttons on the big machine she was standing in front. It was so cool that I'm able to be here and see Niall Horan record a song. He started playing and I instantly recognised the song he was going to record, it was this town. Why would he record that again? After the song ended he came back with a huge smile on his face. "Was it good?" He asks Alice.

"Yeah this is perfect" he smiled and they give each other a hug. He then walks up to me. "So what do you think?" He asks.

"I love that song, but why would you record it again" I say a bit confused.

"Well Lewis is going to record this song as well, and we are going to make a new single of it" he say "I hope our voices will match, but if it doesn't then it was still a fun thing to do" he laughed.

"That's so exciting" I say and I wonder how their voices would match "I hope it works out, fans would go crazy if you two make a duet" I continue.

There was a knock on the door and Niall and Alice both said "come in" at the same time, which makes us laugh. A tall man with dark hair walked in "are you guys ready? The next person will be here in five minutes" he says.

"Yeah we are done, we will be there in a minute" Niall says turning around getting all his stuff and puts it in a backpack. It looks cute, he looks like a teenager, that's about to go to high school. I stand up and get my stuff and give Niall his jacket back. He looks me right in the eyes when he takes his jacket and our hands touch each other again. I feel myself blush again and look down not wanting him to see that he has that effect on me. Niall put his jacket on and a baseball cap.

"After you" he says letting Alice and me go first.

When we were outside I turned around to say goodbye. Niall looks at me with a sad face. "Do you need to go or do you want to grab some lunch with me?" He asks a bit unsure.

Niall wants me to get lunch with him, this was by far the weirdest day ever. When I was about to answer that I probably should go home, my stomach starts to growl. My hand went straight to my stomach and I hope that he didn't hear anything.

"Your stomach says that you are hungry" he laughes, which make me laugh along with him.

"Okay let's get some lunch" I smile at him and he smiled back at me.

"Great, follow me!" he says and grabs my hand and I followed him to god knows where.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me. Don't forget to vote and follow! Let me know what you think of the story :)

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