Chapter thirty two

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"Oh sorry," I say between my giggles and Tom smiles at me.

"Not a problem dear," he says and looks at me with intense dark brown eyes "this is your first Jake party, isn't it?" He says and I feel a bit embarrassed, I probably don't act like I belong here.

"I would recognize a face like yours anywhere," he says before I can answer and I feel myself blush.

"Yeah this is my first Jake party, it's my first A-list party as well," I say a bit shyly and his eyes widen.

"Your first A-list party, I remember my first A-list party," he says and laughs at the memory. I feel my bladder and remember the reason I came back inside the mansion.

"Do you know where the loo is?" I ask him and start to giggle again, I'm at a party asking Tom Holland where the loo is.

He laughs at my question "I'll show you, I don't think you will find it if I only give the directions" and he walks in front of me and looks back if I follow him. I smile and take a step in his direction and I feel myself slip and before I can feel the floor I feel hands around my waist. Tom holds me and helps me get back on my feet "are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah sorry it's slippery," I say and smile at him.

"Good, let's go," he says and he leads me to the loo with his hand on my back, making sure I don't fall again.

We are on the other side of the mansion and there's no one to be seen. "Were here" he says and points to a door.

"Thank you, can you wait? I don't think I'll be able to find my way back all by myself" I smile at him. He smiles "of course darling, I'm not gonna leave you here" he adds a wink which makes me laugh. I get inside the bathroom and it's huge. The whole bathroom is white marble and there's even a shower and bath in here. I go to the loo and wash my hands after looking in the mirror. My makeup and hair look decent and I drink some water to make sure I'll leave this party sober. I think about Niall and the girl he was with and feel that stab in my chest again. He said he likes me but he looked very close with that other girl. I try not to think about Niall and the girl anymore, I just want to have a good time. I take a deep breath and go back to meet Tom in the hallway.

"All set?" He asks me and his eyes lit up when he looks at me "you look beautiful by the way". He says it like he's just talking about the weather and I smile at him feeling myself blush.

"All set," I say and he puts his hand on my back again even though I don't need it anymore, the trip to the bathroom really sobered me up. We get back to the main area of the mansion and Tom and I go to the bar outside and he orders to cokes.

"So have you met a lot of people yet?" He asks when he hands me my drink.

"No I haven't, you are the first person that talked to me," I say a bit ashamed that I didn't make any contact.

"I know the feeling, I was lucky that I already knew a few people on my first A-list party but I was too scared to talk to other people," he says and him saying that makes me feel more comfortable.

"The first time I met Robert Downey Jr, I was actually talking to his stunt double for like ten minutes and then Robert walked in and I was like shit" he laughs and I laugh with him.

"Well I know Niall Horan, I came here with him," I say and I don't know if I need to tell him that I recorded a song with him.

"Oh really? I know him, we've played golf a while back" he says and I decide not to tell him about the song. I see that he gets a bit uncomfortable and I don't know why.

"It's nice of him to bring you to the party," He says and it looks like he's getting a bit nervous "so like, are you two together or just friends" he continues and I'm caught off guard. What are Niall and I? After what I just saw I would say that we are just friends and I feel that empty feeling in my heart again but I ignore that feeling.

"We're friends," I say and he starts smiling again.

"Do you guys want to play beer pong with us?" A woman's voice asks behind me and I turn around and see that the voice came from Selena Gomez. I can't answer because I just stare at her.

"Yeah we would love to," Tom says standing next to me and putting his hand on my shoulder to make me relax. Selena looks at me "I love your dress by the way" she says and I'm fangirling on the inside. When I was younger I watched Wizards of Waverly Place every day and I looked up at Selena so much.

"Thank you, I love your dress as well," I say and she looks drop gorgeous in her short red dress. We go to the table where Jenifer Lawrence was waiting for us. I introduce myself and they don't seem to mind that I'm not a famous person. They are very down to earth and I instantly feel comfortable. Tom and I are a team and he is so good in this game, Jenifer looks like a professional and takes the game very serious. If she misses a ball she starts to curse at herself and we laugh at her for being so competitive. I'm not that good but whenever I get the ball in a cup Tom gives me a high five and we hug each other. When we hug his hands are very low on my back and almost touch my bum. After playing two rounds it's a draw and the next round will decide who is the ultimate winner.

"Why don't we make this more interesting," Jenifer says slurring her words a bit "the team that loses has to jump in the pool".

We all start laughing and then I say "okay" feeling convinced about Tom's skills. The rest agree as well and we start the game. After five minutes we both only have one cup left and people around us were watching us and cheering on. I didn't feel like being watched by all these people but I feel like I'm a part of them which gives me a lot of energy.

It's my turn and I concentrate and take the shot and it goes in!

Everyone cheers and shouts, Tom's screaming and he picks me up and spins me around "you did it!" He laughs. I laugh with him and when I turn to Selena and Jenifer I see that Niall is standing behind them. The girl isn't with him and I look around to see if I see her but she is nowhere to be seen. When we make eye contact he gives me a small smile and I want to walk to him and ask him about the girl but Tom distracts me.

"Jenifer and Selena are going to jump," he says and I turn around to see Jenifer and Selena at the edge of the pool holding hands. Everyone counts down and then they both jump in the water. Everyone is cheering and when they come out two people held a towel in front of them so they can dry off. Niall walks up to Selena and they talk but I can't hear what they talk about. The rest of the people go back to what they were doing before the game and Niall and Selena come up to us.

"I didn't know that you know Niall" Selena says smiling to me and I feel myself blush not knowing what to answer.

"Yes, we met a few weeks ago," I say and look at Niall who is looking at Tom. Tom is still standing next to me and Tom greats Niall with a handshake and I see Niall's face soften.

Niall looks at me "shall we go? We have to get up early tomorrow" he says not mentioning the photoshoot.

"Yes let's go" I agree and have mixed feelings about tonight. I hug Tom, Selena, and Jenifer goodbye even though the girls are wet. We exchange our Instagram accounts so that we can follow each other, even though I was already following them.

When we're back in the car no one says a thing not even Logan. I feel the tension between us and I want him to ask about the girl but I want to ask him when we're alone. We're back at the hotel and I wish Logan a nice evening. When we're in the hallway and I'm about to open the door when I turn around and can contain myself any longer

"Who was the girl?" I ask and I can the hurt on his face.

"Lauren let me explain," he says his voice raspy and for a second I think he's about to cry.

"Come in," I say and we walk into my room.

Author's note: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! 2500 reads already, you guys are amazing! How do you like the story so far? What do you hope will happen? Let me know and don't forget to vote :)

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