Chapter thirty one

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I take a final look in the mirror and put on my heels. Niall wanted a stylist to do my hair and makeup but I turned down his offer. I did a brown smokey eye and put my hair up in a bun. As a finishing touch, I put some perfume on my collarbone making it shine a little. I take my purse and go to Niall's room, he gave me the key so that I wouldn't have to knock. When I enter the room he's wearing his black  on  black suit and he looks very sexy. He was talking to his stylist and didn't notice me coming in. Then he looks up and he stops mid-sentence and looks at me. A smile comes on his face and he walks up to me. I smile shyly at him and feel a warm feeling going through my whole body.

"You look so beautiful Lauren," he says softly and I look down getting shy. He puts his hand on my chin and makes me look at him. His eyes lit up when I look at him and he gives a soft kiss on my lips.

"We should go," he says taking my hand. He looks at his stylist and says goodbye to him.

"Have a great night" he says and we leave. In the elevator mirror, I look at us and how our outfits look good together and it makes us look like a couple. My mind wanders around and I think about a future with Niall. I feel butterflies in my stomach and smile at my reflection.

"What are you thinking about?" Niall asks making me look up at him and I look in his beautiful blue eyes, the suits really make his eyes pop even more than usual.

"Just that we look like a couple," I say, I just can't lie to him.

"We do and I don't mind," he says a bit shyly. He makes me blush and I get that warm feeling in my body again. He strokes the inside of my arm and he leaves a trace of fire on my body. I follow his stroke with my eyes and look up to meet his eyes, which are looking at me already. His pupils are wide and I can see the lust on his face. I get closer to him and rest my hands on his shoulders. His face comes closer to me and we breathe in each other scent. He smells like his perfume and aftershave, it's making me light-headed and I take a deep breath before kissing him. His hands go up and down my back and he takes a step forward pushing me gently against the wall. I sigh and our tongues touch, he tastes like mint and toothpaste.

There's a ping and we know that we are on the ground level. Niall groans and I laugh at him when the doors open. How many times have we kissed on this elevator? This elevator does some crazy things to us.

We walk to the car where the driver is already waiting as usual. I feel sorry for him, driving us around and standing by for 24/7. When we get in the car I make small talk with him and try and get to know him a little bit more. He really seems to appreciate my attempt and we have a nice conversation.

"We've arrived," the driver named Logan says. I look outside and see a huge white mansion, my jaw drops and I hear Niall giggle. I turn to him with shock on my face "that's Jake's house?" I say and my voice is an octave higher than normal.

"Yes, it is," Niall says still giggling and I give him a little shove.

"Why didn't you tell me he lives in this fucking big mansion," I say and get nervous in an instant. I knew it was going to be an A-list party but this is just crazy.

"Lauren, look at me," he says and I automatically look in his eyes, they always make me calm.

"Breath, you're going to be fine" he reassures me and I take a deep breath. "Are there going to be paparazzi?" I ask and look around to see if I see any photographers but I don't see any.

"No, Jake always had the best security so don't worry about that," he says giving me a kiss on my knuckles.

I take in another deep breath and nod my head, Niall opens the door and we walk to the huge-ass mansion.

When we get inside I have to make sure that my mouth is closed. This mansion is huge and so beautiful. Every room is spacious and the interior is very modern which I really like. Niall leads us through the mansion and his hand is on my back which makes me more comfortable in this situation. He introduces me to all these important people and I try to remember their names but there are so many people here.

"Let me get us some drinks," Niall says and I get a little panic attack. I don't want to be here all alone. He sees the worry on my face and kisses my forehead "it will only take a minute" he says and I'm still not convinced but I don't want to be the girl that only just hangs around a guy, I know how judge people can be.

Niall leaves to get the drinks and I walk outside. When I get outside I stand still and look around, this mansion is just amazing. From the garden, you can see the "Hollywood" sign all lit up. There's an infinite pool and some people were swimming in it. When I get closer to the pool I can see that there are couples making out and I instantly look away.

On the other side of the garden some people were playing beer pong and I walk up to them. I look at the game and then a girl comes up to me "do you want to join?" She asks and I look closely at the girl. Holy shit it's Jenifer Lawrence and I freeze for a second. Okay Lauren you need to act normal and try to look as if you belong here.

"No thanks," I say and go back inside to look for Niall. I need him by myself otherwise I think I'm going to embarrass myself in front of all these people.

I look around for five minutes but I can't find Niall in this huge mansion. Then I walk around the corner and I feel my stomach drop. Niall's standing with a brown-haired girl and they look very close. Her hands are around his neck and his hands are around her waist. I feel a pang of jealousy go through my body and I get angry with myself for getting too attached to him. She kisses him in the neck and I just stand there looking at them. He doesn't stop her but doesn't kiss her back. I feel empty and I don't know what to do, Logan won't take me home alone because he works for Niall and not me. I feel my sight getting blurry and I realize I'm crying. I take a deep breath and I turn around because I can look at it any longer. My breathing I rapid but it doesn't feel like I can breathe. I feel my hands finding a wall so I can lean against it while I try to catch my breath. When someone's talking to me I realize I'm outside again."Come do a shot with us" a woman's voice says and after a second I realize it's Jenifer. She gives me a shot glass and I don't know what it is but at this moment I don't care and drink it up. I feel my throat burn but I don't mind the feeling. After a few shots, I need to go to the bathroom so I go back inside. I feel a little woozy and I try to find a bathroom in this insanely big mansion. I turn around the corner and I almost bump into someone. I hear myself giggle and look up to see who I almost bumped into. It's Tom Holland.

Author's note: Hey guys! How are you all doing? I hope you enjoy the story. We've passed 2000 reads! That's insane! Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to vote :)

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