Chapter 22

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JIN pov:

I rushed to do the things as at last all shipment went to their desired places. I collected all things as I just want to see my baby. It’s been two days I didn’t heard any things..

I sat in the car I was so tired so I called my driver to drive. I think I should get a nap before I spend all  my time with my baby. I’ll play a lot with him, give him rides, do everything he wants. Whenever I called he was sleeping. These two days were so bad.

“sir we are here”

I woke up when driver opened the door.

“stay here I’ll just get b- jungkook”

he nodded and I went to the Yoongi door. I knocked it.

“hey ”

I said but his reaction was not as happy to see me. I shrugged and went inside.

“want something to eat or drink?”

yoongi asked me when I entered the living room.

“no I just want to see my baby”

I started walking to his room but yoongi stopped me .

“he is sleeping”

i frowned at him. He is weird.

“so what? ”

I pushed him aside and went in.
He was sleeping I smiled. He is looking so cute. I sat on bed and went to get his hand.

“baby daddy is here”


he was burning. What the hell?


I turned to find yoongi in doorway.

“he have fever?”

he nodded.

“do he have only fever?”

his eyes widened.
I pulled the blanket away. I held his wrist he winced. I pulled his sleeve his palm was swollen.

”What The Hell Yoongi!”


“since when?”

“he was  crying so much and a day after I found him sick. I took him to do-”

“no need”

I went to take jungkook in my arms he winced again. I turned to glare at yoongi. I pulled his shirt up to see marks on his ribs. I took him up carefully and went outside.I saw his partner. Who seemed to panic.

“is this how u took care of him?”

he couldn’t answer.

“come tomorrow morning I need explanation. I really think he was beaten. And if It is true I won’t hesitate to bring that in jail”

“i am sorry I didn’t know”

“i don’t need your sorry. I know why he wanted to move out .”

I felt some movement in my arms. I saw down. Jungkook opened his eyes he smiled but had question in eyes.


he is in his little space okay I can’t ask anything. I kissed his head.

”yes daddy Is here ”

he nodded and closed eyes again.
I went inside the car and called my doctor.

I waited until he checked him. He gave me prescription that I gave to my maid to get it. I went inside it and laid on bed while massaging his scalp. He tried to turn to me but winced soon tears came out of hi eyes. I took the tube out doctor gave me. And pulled his shirt up enough to rub on his swelling.


he held my wrist that was on his ribs.

“yes baby?”

“daddy hurt”

I rubbed his scalp.

“shh baby it will be okay.”


he cried out harder as I rubbed it.

“just a minute baby”

he nodded and closed his eyes tight.
I rubbed a little and placed shirt down. I kissed his temple.

“daddy love you baby.”

i covered him and went to other side of bed to hug him.

“me hungy”

I woke up from the voice of him. I turned to him and caressed his cheek.

“what my baby want?”


he exclaimed. I placed black palm on his temple he is still burning . I need all equipment on care now. I should know his tempreture every time. I run my hand through his hair smiling at him.

“what about milk first hmm? Then sandwich?”

he pouted. I know he want cookies.

“how about when you get okay I’ll make you special I learned there?”

he nodded quickly.
I went outside taking him with me.

“daddy hug”

he opened his arms suddenly I placed him down on couch.

“baby let’s eat okay?”

“then kishh!”

he moved forward I kissed his cheek and went to make him food.

“i want eat!”

he exclaimed from living room. I cracked a laugh. Even in fever he have stamina that much. I hurried with food and took him to dining room. When I paced him down he clinged to me and shocked his head. I placed him on my lap as we started eating.

“Daddy help big bit”

I saw when he couldn’t handle the sandwich in hand.

“baby no that’s for daddy your is that”

I pulled my plate to him. And continued to eat. I hear him humphing. I saw him down pouting hard. I questioned him.

“why daddy have big size sandwich and I have so small sized?”

he made sign with his finger tips. I laughed.

“daddy not fair!”

and with that he hugged me but pushed when he winced and held his ribs.

“baby is small so he need small size. Daddy is big so he need big.”

“i am a big baby too ”

he mumbled but I heard it.

“baby eat it”

he nodded angrily and eat all then drink milk.
i made him took his medicine then he laid down. I went to his left side and laid down. He took my hand and placed on his ribs.
He hummed when I kissed his head.

“goo nigh daddy”

“goodnight my chocopie"

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