Chapter 19

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Jin pov:
Life has been so beautiful. Me and my little life.
I turned to see jungkook pouting at his tablet. I know he gonna slip in his little space but as usual he is trying to not slip in.
Whether little or big jungkook i don't judge him. I love him a lot no matter what.. I chuckled going to him sitting on carpet wrapping my arms around his petite waist and pulled him close.
"yes baby?" i answered sniffing his scent. I like it so much. As i closed my eyes. I felt him taking my hand in his and hugging tight. I smiled and pecked his hair.
"something wrong?"
"no.. I just love you so much"
"i love you too.." he slowly turned in my arms making me lean back. He smiled at me and connected our forehead.
"i wanna do again.... Can we?"
I smirked knowing what he meant. Just remembering is making me feel weird in whole body more down.
He gulped and looked around.
"i wanna feel you..." he uttered after a while making me grin.
"you are in my lap. Aren't you able to feel me?"
He huffed in sadness.
"you always get me easily why can't you just get me??" i grinned and smiled softly lifting him and myself up he quickly held my shoulders wrapping his body around me. I held his waist with one hand gripping his cheeks. He inhaled when i man handled him pushing my right hand in his shorts. I love him in shorts.
"you mean this?"
"yes yes... Touch me.."  i pushed him to the wall and he hummed when i discarded his shorts. He is hard.
"love what was you watching on tablet? You are hard" i teased it running circles making him push his head back.
"tell me" i held it between my thumb and index finger.
"how to ask boyfriend to... Ahm.."
"boyfriend what?"
"jin aghh fuck me!"  i smiled and held his chin making him look at me.
"you sure baby?"  he nodded and pulled me.
"make me feel like you are in me. Make me scream in your arms again and again" i groaned pulling his neck and kissed him. He didn't waste a second kissing me back.
I held his thigh and taking signal he wrapped his leg around me making me easy to rub my hand on his legs to cheeks.
"ahh jin" i pinched and started sucking his tongue i felt him panted but he isn't going to be free that soon.
I pulled him up giving him a second and pushed my fingers in.
"ahhh-mpph" i gulped his screams lifting him oof the floor making my fingers sink deep. He is so tight. I can't wait to see him screaming and sweating.
I placed him couch. But he moved.
"coach. Will... Have... Marks.. Maids.." i laughed at his panting nodding and lifting him up hurrying to our bedroom. The moon light making him look like a fairy.
"jin.. Ah.. Th.-" i ripped his shirt and pushed in all over again. He held my shoulder.
I looked at him under me moaning.
"just do.."
"what's the rush for?" i started giving him kisses from nose to neck painting him with beautiful art and he didn't disappoint me with his sinful moans. I waited until u felt he is ready. I pulled out grabbing baby lotion applying on his rim.
" no.. Jin.. It's daddy"
"i can't!"
I furrowed
"i can't stop going to little space. I want to be big.. This moment. I want-"  i didn't pushed him to call me that.
I quickly got undressed and smirked watching his expression.
"you will get to taste all. Wait" i said to make him snap out of his thoughts and he rubbed his hand on his lips wiping droll.
"ready?" he nodded and i don't like to be told twice.
"shhh bab-"
"oooh yes. Don't stop!"
Woah that's new. But who is complaining. I started moving and making him loose his senses.
"baby wanna ride me?"
"ahhh yes.. Yes."
I sat taking him on my lap. Pushing deep.
"jin i love you!"

I placed jungkook after bath and his care i did so he would not be in pain. I smiled at him laying under duvet pulling him to me.
"my love. I love you so much.." he hummed making me grin.
"why u not sleeping. Sleep i am tired." he spoke in sleep making me laugh but i controlled it and hugged him tight.
*ring. Ring*
Jungkook and i was on coach after breakfast i didn't let him move. I lifted and carried him wherever he wanted to.
He moved from my chest and looked at me as i disconnected the call.
"who is that?"
"nothing love. Calling me on day off." i placed aside but it rang again making me frustrated.
"it's okay take it maybe emergency."
"what the f-"
"boss.. Sorry . I am sorry for disturbing. It's emergency. The delivery package cargo is stuck in  the sea. It's so bad. Report is  oil  might be  leaking or cargo is having  technical problems... We need to get there sir!!!"
My eyes widen and i looked at jungkook who seem worried.
It was such a big cargo and the process will make us loss millions of dollars if products get expired.
" I'll be there. Arrange everything. "
" yes. Sir"
I disconnected the call and sighed.
"what happened jin?"
"love. Our cargo shipment. It is stuck in between the sea. And sea food might expire if the cargo is not working." jungkook started patting my hands and chest.
"what will happen?"
"i need to go there and get the shipment as promised."
"when you going?"
My  cellphone vibrated and i unlocked to see flight information.
"in 4pm today."

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