Chapter No 11

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Jungkook smiled hugging himself and opened the door opposite to his closet that he had for his little space. He felt good that he controlled himself. He sighed. He can go to little space now so he won't feel difficult to control in front of jin.

"lesh showiee,little gookie" jungkook went in his little space holding his plushie placing on bed and ran to shower giggling.


Jin knocked on the door and waited for a while for the door to be opened. After some minutes of waiting he knocked and rang again.

"oh jin?" jin was welcomed by tired looking yoongi who smiled at him that jin returned.
"jin at this time?"

"oh yeah jungkook left these in my car" jin lifted and yoongi nodded opening the door wide for jin to enter.

"sit here jin" jin sat on sofa and waited for his boyfriend to come.

Yoongi came back with a glass of juice making jin take it and yoongi sat beside him staring at him.

"he is in shower I guess" yoongi said to which jin nodded drinking juicee.

"how is your date life going?"
"didn't jungkook told you anything?"

"he did. I want to know your thinking" jin nodded and placed the glass on table in front of him and turned to yoongi.

"it's going so good. I want to take next step. As we are dating for quite a lot. But I think something is stopping jungkook. Can you tell me what is that?" jin spoke and gulped hard.

"jin..." jin washed over worry when yoongi hesitated.

"yes there is sure a thing. It's not a thing it's so big..... It's not my place to tell you. I think jungkook is taking his time...." jin held yoongi hand quickly.

"is jungkook sick? Is something wrong? Tell me I'll take him to-"

A cute baby voice stopped jin talk further. He turned to have his eyes widen watching jungkook in baby clothes. Holding a plushie walking playing with plushie.

"hyungie. Me can't sweep" jungkook pouted and jin swore he wanna slap himself watching this much cuteness.

As he walked closer to where yoonjin was standing he looked up only to froze. He blinked some times and then as he stared at his brother his tears started to fell . he ran to his room . jin was frozen and when he was about to ran after jungkook yoongi stopped him.

"as you know sit. I wanna talk to you." jin was conflicted of what to do but he sat and yoongi started to tell him as fast and in easy way.

He was glad when jin knew what a little person is.

"after our dad died . jungkook was so small to handle all this grieve and space in his life. He was closest to dad. He was 10 years old ...we had two dad I know what that means. My dad who gave birth to us got an accident when jungkook was 3. it was so difficult for him to handle us but he did so well. Jungkook was always with him. He was home schooled because dad didn't want him to get hurt until I got in school and took him with him. I was so young then getting into business at the age of 17 was so much for me. Jungkook was left alone. I tried to be with him. But nothing was working. He went into depression. I tried taking hi to psychologists but what they told me was so hard for me to handle, I thought I lost my brother with my dad. Jungkook have a state where he will behave as a kid. He haven't came out of the space where he would with dad. He just go into little space. . when jungkook got to know why he act like that he started to push himself to limits." jin pulled him in huug soothing yoogi back.

"shh yoongi . it's okay shh. I am here. Don't worry" yoongi pulled away.

"wait! You not gonna breakup.-"

"silly yoongi why would I? I love him so much. So what he is little my love for him didn't lessen. But got multiplied. I always wanted a little cute as my partner." jin smiled patting his arm.

"i would go to my baby now. I am sure he is crying" yoongi chuckled.

"yeah go. Take these too. When he will get to know you don't dis;ike him for that . he will be so happy" jin smiled taking the flowers and package going inside the room. He saw jungkook hugging the plushie crying in baby way talking with plushie.

"he musht.h-hate me. I bad.I won-"

"how can I hate my baby?" jin kneeled infront of jungkook opening his arms taking plushie slowly from the shocked jungkook. He slowly cupped jungkook cheeks wiping his tears.

"aw baby not crying hm? Daddy doesn't like it" jin smiled at the shocked jungkook. He placed his back to the bed taking jungkook on his lap.

"you? My? My? D-d-daddy?"

"yes baby? Will you accept me as your caregiver and daddy?" jungkook lips wobbled making jin felt a pang that jungkook doesn't want him but jungkook surprised him by kissing his cheeks and hugging him.

"my daddy?" jin smiled and sighed hugging jungkook back kissing his forehead.

"yes your daddy. I am glad you accepted me. You made me so happy" jungkook goggled at the ssmoches.

"if. Me made daddy. Happy? Will daddy gime me cupcake?" jungkook asked innocently and jin pulled him to kiss.

He pulled away with a kiss.

"of course. Here baby" jin pulled the package and placed a cupcake on jungkook palms. Jungkook eyes lit up at the treat.

"thak you daddy. Me lub you" jin chuckled and cooed at jungkook eating like a baby.
"love you too my little baby "

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