Ch: 5

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jin caressed jungkook as he groaned. his fever reached peak. i called my office that I won't be coming for some days. i cleaned his face with wet towel making him more groan. 

"noo...ooooo" I sighed as he whimpered in pain. 

"it's okay it's okay"

"i-" he opened his eyes slowly and opened his arms making grabbing hands, I was confused if he is asking for that what I mean. 

"what you want hM?" he made grabbing hands again and I leaned making him sit on bed. doctor already went out checking jungkook. he said it's because of stress and I know what stress. he crawled toward mme and clenched my jeans. i rubbed his arm to soothe him.

"you want something?" he nodded and pouted.

"what is it?"

"hold me..." it was hardly audible but I nodded and patted his back.i pulled him in my arms slowly trying my best not to hurt him. but next step shocked me. he whimpered sitting on my thighs.

"j-jun-" I was shocked but he held my shirt nuzzling my shirt. i was tensed for some minuted what was happening but I saw him pushing himself on me searching for warmth. i smiled and wrapped my arms around him.he look so small in my arms. 
"you cold ?" he nodded against my chest and hummed in satisfaction.

"baby let's get you medicine"

"noooo"  I chuckled and lifted his chin. 

"why hm? "

"it's bitter. and sour" I cooed and I couldn't hold myself pecking his nose. he giggled at my action.

"we will eat sweets after eat"

"me want milk" he mumbled cutely. 
"okay. you want noodles?"

"yup. chicken noodles soup"
"great let's get your temperature little down." he nodded and wrapped himself around me. i held his waist and moved to bed placing my back on bed rest and kissed his head feeding medicine. 


i think i am falling for you so much. jungkook was asleep and i was caressing him. his temperature was going down slowly making me happy. i  placed order on my favorite restaurant and i heard a ding.

i tried going away from hold but i didn't have heart to push him when he was clinging to me. 

"no goo."

"baby someone out at door." 

"no he. monshter. no goo. scared." i was confused i pulled him close and called the deliver man.

"yea. i am kim seokjin. you can leave the order at door. yeah thank you"  i disconnected call and patted him. 

"jungkook? jungkoook?" he opened his eyes slowly pouting at me. i took the chance rushing to the door and taking it in with milk and cups. i set the table sitting on bed. 

"here." he just stared at me not uttering a single word making me confuse. he just went inside blanket shivering slightly.

"hey you okay?"

"i-i-" he was nervous a lot. and i was confused. until i saw the trembling body of his. i sat straight pulling table to the side of bed i patted my thighs. and he blinked until i made grabby hands . he held my hand and crwled sitting on my thighs. he was acting just like a baby.. may be he is seeking attention and warmth. he placed his head on chest and sighed. i pushed soup to his mouth feeding slowly. he gulped it hardly and i handed him cup of warm milk. 

he smiled touching the warm cup. 

"i like it. thank you" i smiled back nodding and he drank the milk in small sip while i fed him. 

"me full." 
"okay.. " he stayed like that not saying any words just look at me eating. i pushed the table aside and fed him medicine and laid him on bed as he fell asleep. holding my shirt. 


"thank you jin you helped me so much in these days i am really thankful" 
"agh drop this jungkook" jungkook pouted and smiled at jin when he placed new attire for jungkook.  and came to sit on sofa jin was sitting holding warm cup of milk.

"but i am-" jin held his hand and jungkook stare at their hands. he looked at jin then back to their hands. he smiled at the size difference a different warm feeling filled his body. he intervened the hands and leaned his head on jin shoulder.

"i think i like you jin" jin smiled and tightened his hold on jungkook hands.

"i guess the feelings are mutual"


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