Chapter 20

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jungkook showed maturity but he really wished he could stay here and not go back to his brother house. he was so thankful when he moved in with jin. life started becoming so blissful and he couldn't be more thankful but he can't stop jin. it will cause a lot of damage to his business and he won't bear he is the reason. so he told jin it's okay while jin hugged him tightly saying he wull come back as soon he ship the cargo. 

jungkook smiled and kissed him with love and assurance. 

"love can you slip? i'll be worried if you slipped while in your brother house..." jungkook nodded happily. and jin and he went to his playroom. as soon he entered and wore his baby fluffy cat he started he is gonna slip any minute. he couldn't push when jin lifted him and give smochies talking in baby tone.

"daddy.." jin smiled whole heartedly and he lifted jungkook spinning in his play room.

"my little baby.. oh. my sweety come to daddy" jungkook ran and jin followed catching him and they returned to living room with jin giving rides and jungkook giggling. 

"baby want something?" jin asked his little who was sitting on his lap playing with his chin and shirt buttons.

"cookies and nuggets!" jungkook exclaimed making jin chuckle and nod. 

"okay then baby let's make it!"

they imersed in making and jungkook tried to help but little space wasn't helping either. he was layered with flour and choclates over his face and his plushie onesie he stole while making. jin placed the cookies in oven and grinned at jungkook who was looking so cute and kissable,.

"look at you baby.. come to daddy let's wash up"

"yesss! daddy. i want that deer you bought for me. "

"daddy cawy meee" jungkook made grabby hands and jin didn't wait he lifted jungkook giving smochies to his already chocolate layered face..
"daddy got durty" jungkook grinned while jin didn't stop walking while kissing his face.
"i love my little one.  Daaddy loves you" jin pushed the door to washroom and placed jungkook on counter opening his oniesie buttons.
"daddy you do tooo"
"of course i will baby" jungkook nodded while waiting for jin to pull the oniesie down and then started removing his own.. Jungkook was playing with jin face all the time.
"fly!!! "
"not in washroom little" jungkook flinch when the cold water touched his body he moved closer to jin but jin pushed him making him stand under shower.
" let daddy clean you. " jin held the wash clothe and pour generous amount of body wash started to scrub his body off. It was so hard for jin at start when he used to see jungkook naked but he have learned to control himself much better because he is little.
"daddy it feels weiiird" jin was scrubing his lower body and touched lighty his butt and cock.
"ahhh. Mph. Daddy"
"what happened baby? "
"daddy touch there again please? " jin eyes widen and he stood up washing his hair.
"why baby... " jungkook pouted holding jin hand placing on his cock
"daddy please" jin inhaled sharp breath and his body shaked. He was doing well until jungkook started wanting it.
"o.. Oka.. Okay baby"
"yes! Love you baby " jin pushed him to shower wall walking closer.
"kiss daddy " jin held him up by waist and held his cock started rubbing slowly.
"ahh.. Daddy. Please. Don't. Daddy" jungkook head was in jin crook and holding jin waist..
Jin closed his eyes listening to jungkook muffled moans. He promised himself he want fuck or take advantage of jungkook in little space. And he is doing only because he can't say no to jungkook.
"ahh" jungkook came in jin hand and panted hugging jin waist.
Jin smiled and washed themselves pulling him out of shower and closing it.
"it's okay.. Little.. Aww tired "
"milk " jin chuckled when jungkook started mumbling and asking for milk.
He dressed him in his baby dress and he cooed kissing his face.
"here your bottle baby" jin pushed the nipple of milk bottle and sat there running hands through jungkook hair with a smile on. He looked at time and it was 5 pm. He have time. He leaned down pecking his forehead. Throwing a shirt and night wear on going to closet to pack his suitcase.
In between he heard the oven bell rang he walked to kitchen getting cookies out of oven and placed them aside to get cold and put jungkook nuggets to defrost after removing from freezer.
When he was done with packing he went to jungkook laying beside him pulling in his arms hugging ao tightly.
"little wake up. Cookies ready" jungkook mumbled moving closer holding jin shirt tightly witb his small hands.
"what is it little? " jin chuckled moving away to listen
"milk... Hungy.. Milk"
"aww my baby wants more.?then wake up daddy will give you more"  jin patted his back gently and in that way jungkook opened his eyes slowly and pouted.
"aww don't pout. Cookies ready... Wants nuggets? "
"milk too. "
"of course milk too"
They did dinner together and jin found jungkook dozing off while hugging him on his lap. Jin was teaching him rules while he stay at his brother's house for some days.
Big jungkook is sensible and good in everything. But little can be a brat and sensitive when his daddy is not near.
"baby no fast food okay? Daddy will pack every thing "
"but me like kit kat and yumms"
"no. You will upset your stomach. Listen to daddy " jungkook grumpled and nodded.
He is scared with jin expressions so he accepted everything.
After a long lecture and scoldings jin stoped and pulled jungkook to kiss him. He slowly pulled himself up from couch taking jungkook to room.

Jungkook started crying in sleep while jin was changing. Jin rushed to him only in boxers hugging him.
"ah my god. Little... daddy is here. Shh shh daddy is here. "
Jungkook is sleeping screamed making jin held him tightly.
"shh shh daddy gonna kill every monster. Shh"
"daddy... He.. He.. Shed. Don't come back. Daddy scaaaared. Daady me.. Shcared" jin got so much worry. That time is not going from his memories.
Jin patted his back soothingly and he didn't mind when Jungkook started sucking his shoulders thinking of pacifier. Jin turned a little to look for his pacifier but when he didn't saw he ignored and let jungkook suck his shoulders that soon came to his chest.
"shh shhh. Daddy is here. I promise baby. Next time I'll take you with me. I'll apply for your visa too tomorrow as soon as i woke up. I promise "

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