Chapter 53

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for the next month hoseok was the regular guest to jungkook..he felt weird but didn't want to assume negative stuff.

'maybe hoseok realized his mistakes.' jungkook thought and saw hoseok on a call. when their eyes met jungkook smiled at him.. he wasn't comfortable enough to slip into his little while hoseok was there. he was squirming and was waiting for seokjin to come or atleast hoseok to go.

"hoseok when you going?" jungkook didn't meant to say that sternly but he couldn't help it.

"why ?you want me to go? " jungkook shocked his head sitting on floor.

"i might phase into little and am not comfortable now"

"i have seen you in little .. i am fi-"

"i am not.. i am sorry hoseok. we will go hangout when i slip out i promise." hoseok expression changed to happiness 


"i promise. please send jimin on your way out"

hoseok smirked walking out and flinched when he found jimin.

"oh .. jungkook was calling for you" jimin nodded while staring at hoseok

"what you have in your hands?" jimin asked but hoseok quickly glared at him.

"it's none of your business"

"jimmie.." jimin attention went to jungkook whimper. and hoseok took this chance running out. jimin choose to ignore and ran inside.

"oh my baby."

"daddy. i want daddy" 

jungkook started tearing up. jimin pulled the little junkook and called seokjin.

"seokjin. jungkook is little and i think he slipped more than a small boy"


seokjin cooed at the whine.

"let me talk to my little jimin." jimin connected cellphone to jungkook ear.

"my baby. daddy is coming right away. be a good boy"

"i want...lolli pop. daddy. jelly toi"

"anything my baby want.."

seokjin winded his work up and ran to grocerry stores. he quickly bought what his little asked and got into car.


"my little"

 when jungkook heard seokjin he quickly opened his arms and seokjin lifted him kissing his face. 

jimin took the shopping bag and office bag while seokjin carried him totheir bedroom.

"i missed my little.. you missed daddy?" jungkook nodded kissing seokjin's cheeks and giggled at the saliva licking seokjin's cheeks.

"my little happy?" jungkook nodded grinning while licking his sour jelly and made a 'yukh ' gesture but still eating his snacks.


"how was jungkook all day?" seokjin asked jimin who was in kitchen with maids.

"hoseok came and i really don't feel good...he took something from your bedroom. i saw him hiding it in the bag. "

"oh i'll ask jungkook.. Maybe he gave it himself.. thank you .. please keep an eye on him. i can't trust him " 

jimin nodded looking at jungkook who was drinking his milk from milk bottle while playing with seokjin shirt buttons not knowing what's going on around him.

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