Chapter 41

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Few days later...

Jinkook went to yoongi house as he invited them to lunch and to apologize for the event when jungkook got sick.

Jin didn't spare a look at him and not on the   explanation yoongi gave, jin was not satisfied with it

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Jin didn't spare a look at him and not on the   explanation yoongi gave, jin was not satisfied with it. He was making sure his baby was doing okay who was playing with games and toys he bought for him in the way as his baby went in to little space because he was in stress going to his brother house.

"he didn't want to come here"

jin said in anger. Yoongi stopped and turned toward jin to hear anything but jin just glare at him.

"he said to bring you in my house but didn't want to come here and u know the reason"

Yoongi went silent and stare at his brother.

"jungkookah come let's watch cartoons"

yoongi said jungkook turned and looked at jin smiling he got up from sofa and walked toward them. He pecked Jin cheek and walked toward his brother but stopped suddenly when jhope stood beside yoongi.

Yoongi looked back and he understood what is the sudden change of jungkook behavior.
Yoongi walked toward jungkook but he walked back. His heart pang watching the fear on his little brother face. He looked at jin who was staring at him.

Jin sighed at him and turned toward his baby. And opened his arms.

"baby come to daddy "

He didn't wasted time climbing on jin lap and laid his head on jin's shoulder . Jin turned the tv off and stood up taking jungkook to dinning room amd started to feed him food.

As jhope disappeared in his room jungkook became normal. He played with yoongi and gave him his favorite rides. He felt great listening to his little brother giggling and laughing all around the room.

He tackled his brother on floor and started tickling him and jungkook started laughing hard.  Meanwhile jin was recording all laughing along seeing his baby all happy.

"daddy help... Help. Hy.. Ung. Bad"

jungkook called jin and he quickly put cellphone down helping his baby away.
Jungkook was quick to hug his daddy and turned to glare at yoongi.

"daddy he hurt me"

"daddy will hurt you bad pershon!"

he shouted making both laugh.
Jin made him fresh and change then taking him back to living room where yoongi was packing all his toys and continuely sighing hard.

"jungkook wanted to sleep with you. He once said he missed his Hyung. When he put him to sleep and hold him, comforting him..... "

jin said after placing jungkook on sofa.
Yoongi turned and looked at his brother who was playing with jin jacket. By the look jin understand and nodded walking toward him and patted his shoulder.

"he miss you. Try to stop by and spend some time with him. You was his safest place. His home. Where he feel traumatized now" 

he got a nod. Yoongi walked to his brother and hugged his brother and kissed his face.

"is your daddy good with you?"

he asked him when jin went to place his bags in car as it was night now.

"yesh daddy is good. He never yell at me. Eben when he ij tired he let me sleep on hij bap."

jungkook told him in baby voice and tried to wear Jin's jacket.Yoongi smiled and made him wear the jacket. The sleeves was long hiding him in it.

"daddy where?"

jungkook asked him turning around again and again.

"baby he i-"

"bring daddy here!"

jungkook yelled and his eyes watered. Yoongi froze at his place he tried to held him but jungkook started to cry harder.

"i want... M-m-my d-da-daddy"

"i mm m- shcared"


"daddy is here baby"

jin said lightly smiling at the door. When jungkook turned Jin's expression changed abd hurried to jungkook who was crying harder. He wiped his face kissing it again and again.

"daddy. Where....u.. Go"

Jin hugged him while asking yoongi by his eyes he shoked his head in no. And sighed.

"daddy went to car."

jungkook held him tight.

"me shcared"

jungkook hiccuped and looked up at jin who carassed his face kissing his nose.

"your hyung was here and-"

"don't beave me here .. I thought. You. Left. Mee. Bad guy is shcary. Hyung can't cont-Rol shcary guy"

"okay baby. I am here now stop crying"

He patted his back and held him tight. Yoongi run his fingers through his hair. jungkook sniffled and fell asleep on jin chest. Jin wrapped his arms around him and settled on sofa.

"c-can you tell me what happened when jungkook was sick and you went for work
I want to know the truth please ? "

Yoongi questioned jin and looked at jungkook looking guilty how much he is scared but he wanna reason.

"i asked jungkook about it. He said his cellphone wasn't working.. He was coming to you but jhope said you was gone and will call jungkook when he is home.  So jungkook went to his room. After some time near lunch time jhope called jungkook that his Hyung is home.. Jungkook hurried and while he was coming down the stairs he slipped. "

Yoongi gasped at that.

" jungkook said he was sure something was on the stairs. Because it had a scent.. A sweet. He shirt was drenched with that.. He screamed but no one came to him. He wasn't feeling that much pain as his body went numb. He went back to his room but when he woke up his body's every part was paining. He called many times for help but no one came.. Do you think if jhope called him to come downstairs then why he couldn't hear jungkook's scream? Why he couldn't come? "

'that was argon oil i am sure. But who spread it on stairs And jhope didn't go to anyplace while jungkook was home. Then why he didn't heard jungkook.?'

Many questions raised in yoongi head. He knows the answers to all. But his heart isn't letting him to accept any. Both are in a war

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