Chapter 43

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Jungkook pov :

" i am so so sorry. I-"

he shushed me by holding me tight. I shocked my head as i felt nothing bit guilt whenever i try to make memories i end up givung him pain and trouble to handle and pamper me.

"shhh it's okay hmm."

i held him as he hugged me tight. He rubbed my back as i just laid there feeling guilty.

"it's okay baby. It's really okay? Are u hungry?. You want more?"


i whined as he chuckled. He pulled away to stare in my eyes. I saw love. Pure love.
A smile came on his face that made my heart swell he held my chin rubbing it adoringly.

"i love u"

"i love u too."

i pouted when my stomach growled and jin chuckled holding me in his arms again.

"i guess yoongi is still awake. So... What about late night snacks?"

i smiled with a nod. We laid there in each other arms holding close.I kept kissing his nape and jaw.

"baby if u keep doing it something big will be coming for u"

I hid myself in his nape with fast heart beat and he took his cellphone and started typing.

"food is here and yoongi is awake too."

I nodded and sat up. Before jin could close tge buttons i held his hand. I applied the vaseline on the bruise i made. He held my wrist and we went to my brother room who was waiting for us with food.We started talking and eating.

It felt so good jin was right. He is my brother i should spend some time with him.When we were about to go to car. He hugged me tight i could feel he was sad and guilty.

"u will come to meet me right?"

I asked when yoongi looked at me sadly.

"i will"

i hugged him again ane sat in car and my brother hugged jin. They talked about something i don't know. I waited for jin to sit in driving seat. I smiled and leaned toward his shoulder.

He drove us home. I giggled when he held me in his arms. We showered together and was doing fun during it.

"baby. Came here"

I ran in to his arms i liked so much how big was our washroom after i got away from my clothes pushing in clothes dustbin. I giggled when he held me up in his arms and we stood under shower i stare at him.

"baby u soooo beautiful i loooove you so much"

The water running down us. I held him as we just stood there. Then we laid on bed not worrying about the clothes.

"i love u too jin."

i stared at him. I don't know i just love to stare at him so much. I can just stare at him forever.
I held his cheek in my palm. And he held my cheek. We cuddled whole night talking about random things. Until the morning came and we found ourself sleeping in each other arms.

Next morning.

Jin and jungkook went to  doctor  appointment it was said to be last as the doctors was full satisfied with the health . jungkook was nervous so he sat with jimin who wanted to accompany.
He gave a sweet smile to jungkook who returned the smile.

In the room:

Jin was looking at doctor who was busy looking at the reports that came out an hour ago . he was humming and numbering things . jin looked hopeful at the doctor.

“is everything okay right?”

the doctor adjusted his glasses and flashed  a smile.

“yes everything okay . here look ”

he passed the xrays. And jin stare at those x-ray reports .

“see no white parts . no infection ”

jin started smiling and looked up at doctor.

“jungkook is okay  now right?”

“yes mr.jin he is . your partner is completly okay now . and hopefully there will be no problem in concieving .”

jin smiled and nodded but got sad his baby doesn’t know about this yet but he can’t bear t see his baby cry .and sad. But he have right to know. But how can he tell him this pain.

“but mr. Jin care is really important . if he concieve in future . first pregnancy will be hard and he can lost baby again .”

“yes doctor I’ll not let anything happen. not this time. Our bean will see us. ”

  jin stood up holding reports and turned only to be stop on steps.

Jungkook had most messed up expressions holding his stomach. Jimin was more confused holding him. Jin rushed to his baby who cried silently . no sob came, keep rubbing his stomach smiling in between and breaking in tears again that made jin more worried . jimin took all things from jin hands and rushed t6 the car and started driving it waiting for the couple. He knew this is messed up a lot.

Jin was holding jungkook who continued to do what he was doing for a while now. Jin tried to make him eat or even feed him milk but jungkook didn’t respond . jimin stayed until 9pm . he didn’t want to leave them but had no option when seokjin asked him to.

“baby please talk to me .”


jin need to act up. He know how jungkook lock himself up inside . Jin hugged him tight as he himself started to tear up . he rubbed his baby back soothingly .

After 1 hour:

Jungkook broke the hug as he stood up making jin think he wants to go to washroom but jungkook went to other direction . he quickly followed  him and in a few seconds he understood jungkook was going to the room they said that will be baby room . he held his palm to his mouth to stop his sob.

Jungkook slowly turned his head toward jin and held his hand up to point at the room but that hand couldn’t be pointed toward the room as he fell on floor.

🇴 🇵 🇵 🇸 

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