Chapter No 14

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Jin pov:

Talking with his brother was not a problem that much. Like when his partner wanted jungkook to go. Yoongi opposed at first but jhope stepped in saying 'he is his caretaker and are dating so it's great as many times we couldn't handle him in his little space'
I went to think about the day when i got a call from yoongi at 3 am. I got worried.
"hi. Jin i am sorry to disturb but-"
"i don't want. I want daddy. Baby bant (want) hij (his) daddy" i heard my baby cry i quickly run to my car before  yoongi say something i ended the call and went to drive toward yoongi house.
I got raged when i got to know that jhope mocked him saying 'look he ended the call. - pst he deserve better'
I didn't look at both and ran to my baby. He jumped in my arms crying loud.
"shh. My baby. Daddy is here"
"a monshter (monster) *sniffle*".

That day i realised he must be with me especially when he is little

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That day i realised he must be with me especially when he is little. I rubbed his back slowly as his cry subside.
"daddy is here. he will kill all monsters"
He nodded before pulling his head up and kissing my cheek. He held my hand and placed on his head. I took a hint massaging his scalp while he was on my lap. I slowly laid on his bed with him on top of me. "daddy deam (dream)" he hugged me quickly. I turned to place him on bed and hugged him.
"sleep baby. monster will not come as daddy is here"
"hungy (hungry)" he mumbled sleeply. What do i do? I texted yoongi and he came in instant saying there is no baby milk or anything.
I felt inraged and was about to punch him for being irresponsible even i have all baby food in my house.
I held jungkook in my arms again as he started to cry i can't panic he is crying so hard cuz of hunger. I held him up walking out and driving my apartment.
I placed him on counter holding him close and started making his milk bottle. when i was done i fed him. He leaned to my shoulder when he was done and fell sleep.I made another bottle and taking him in my room. I placed bottle on bedside before drifting to sleep.
I stirred when i felt him moving i took the bottle connecting to his mouth patting his back in my sleep he held my shirt while drinking milk. I held him closer until i felt him sucking my shirt showing his bottle is done..

"jungkook u ready?" he nodded as we stood in front of our house and we have taken his all things.
He held my hand tight we walked in and his eyes widened. I knew he will like it. I showed him all rooms and he was too excited to see it.
"jin why do we have so many rooms. Your apartment was great" jungkook said looking all the room.
"i wanted a house where we can grow old with our babies" i hugged him and kissed his ear that turned red.
"the most important one now" i announced as he was stiff in my arms. He somehow nodded and i took him to the room. He gasped and looked over the room.

"like it?""i love it"I took him to lay down on bed

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"like it?"
"i love it"
I took him to lay down on bed. He turned to see the sky

soflty inhaling while i looked toward him.
" u love to look at sky and i love to look at you" he turned toward me and i slid my finger on his while he started turning pink to red and i slid my finger to his forehead to lips to his chest. He closed his eyes.
I stopped at his stomach circling it. I noticed his breath hitched.
"i can't wait to feel kick from here" i said to which he turned hot and leaned his body closer wanting me to continue it. I slowly slid my fingers inside his shirt sliding my fingers up and  down. His body reacted and i pulled him closer too close. He leaned closer. Closing any gap i pulled him by his waist.
He sucked my tongue as i started chewing his bottom lips he moaned when i slid my hand in his jeans grabbing his cheeks..
I slid my tongue in and he became a mess holding ny hair tightly when i parted his cheeks circling my fingers on his hole.
"ahh jin. Please" he moaned hard.
"what my baby want?"
"want more... " he panted and pushed his hip toward my palm that was inside his jeans. I pulled him for kiss as it got heated more than before. I went to his neck. to his shoulders. I licked nicely after kissing it again and again.
He held me down as i was hovering him connecting himself with me.
We laid down on bed after long making out.
He placed his head on my shoulder as i stared at him. "thank you for moving in with me"
"thank you for everything"
He gave me a last kiss before drifting away.

 "thank you for moving in with me""thank you for everything"He gave me a last kiss before drifting away

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