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it's been four months since I have been going to the orphanage. and meeting jungkook. i try my best not to seem pervert in the first month he was so less talkative with me. slowly by slowly he responded to my questions that were more how is he? or how is he doing? 

now I smiled walking inside the entry door just to start looking at him. all kids at the orphanage know I like him. kids this age are so fast. they signaled jungkook is in the garden I chuckled and walked through the halls going to the garden I saw his back facing me. 

I slowly walked but frowned all feelings rushed through my veins finding him crying. 

"hey jungkook?" I acted like I was walking to him and saw him wiping his eyes. 

he turned his head and smiled. i sighed sitting with him while I gave him a bar of chocolate he chuckled and said thank you to me. 

"tell me how is it?"

"it's delicious thank you.."

"I am glad it is. now here" I offered him my hand and he hesitated and finally placed his hand on mine. I was a little shocked when he placed his head on my shoulder watching the sunset.  i stayed with him for some time then as the darkness grew.  I rubbed his hand and he sighed loudly.

"you can tell me what is bothering you...."

"it's...I don't want to go home today... I'll..."  his eyes became teary and I rubbed his arms. he quickly wiped his eyes smiling at me. 

"jungkook I know a place let's go there.. shall we?"

he nodded smiling. I held his hand as we walked to the car. 


we went to a mountain restaurant and he was so mesmerized by the beauty and thanked me again and again. i smiled as his mood cheered up a bit. we then went on a walk for digestion and he placed his head on my shoulder sighing. 

"jungkook you can tell me now"

"I know I'll.. can I stay at your place for the night please?" I smiled nodding. 


"thank you"

 we drove to my apartment and I offered him to sit on couch while I prepare guest room and some spare clothes.

"jungkook here change. that one is the room and then we will talk and watch movies"

"okay....." he slowly walked out making me sigh. sadness doesn't suit him. 

"seokjin ......"


"umm....i know I am asking so much... can I have something.... umm I am feeling cold. so much..."

"hey it's nothing. let me get a jacket" he nodded as I rushed to my room getting a fleece jacket giving him .  he looked so cute in that.. 

we ate some snacks and he just sighed continually and finally broke in tears. i held his hand rubbing slowly. 

"hoseok had an abortion today-" his voice cracked as he choked. 

"shh- it's okay. tell me slowly."

"no..... he....Hyung fiance. Hyung was so happy. and suddenly. i swear I didn't do anything. my room is on second floor. when i heard a scream i ran and saw Hyung laying on pool of blood. he screamed that i pushed him from stairs. I swear I didn't. Hyung said to go away. " my heart clenched and i hugged him tightly rubbing his back. 

"shh, it's nothing your fault. take it out.... slowly. good. shhh it's okay. the truth will come out no matter what okay?"  he nodded and slowly hugged me back. I continued to comfort him until I heard sniffling and he broke the hug. i wiped his eyes and he said thank you sadly.. 

"hey stop this thank you. and come let's get you something for your eyes." he chuckled as i gave him eye mask and then he went to room and i went to mine. 

i hope  you sleep jungkook. it hurts to find you sad...


words. [666]

HOW IS IT??????

tell me 

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