Chapter 38

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Jin pov:

"u come here when i go to work.. And be with him until i come from work and u go to university?"

he thought for a second and smiled nodding.

"but sir-"

"he is really a good boy. He won't trouble you. He is just moody when he is sick or in too much little space.. U can stay here and study until he play then u can play with him too."

"yes sir it's good"

I smiled but stopped in mid way.

"but jimin don't make him shower or anything like that."

i have to make sure everything is okay. He nodded quickly.

"don't worry sorry. Only u can do that. But what if he make himself dirty during his playing?"

"call me then I'll come right away. And he have school too so he is mostly not in his little space. So don't worry"

he nodded understanding.
He bid his good bye and went to his university.
I went to my baby. Feeding him with my milk. I fed myself up and going back to my room taking the medication that doctor gave me for my chest growth.

I freshen up and went back to my baby. He quickly drifted toward me. He didn't eat anything today unless that fast food. I attached my nipple to him while pumping myself. Rolling my eyes back at how he can pleasure me. I hugged him tight. At after i felt the one is empty. I connected him to other before pulling it to other side. When i was sure he is full i drifted to sleep.


The next day jimin came before i got up. I went to the living room in my night dress. I greeted him before going back to my baby room. I wake him up but he snuggled closer to me.

"baby get up daddy will give you shower"

he nodded sleeply hugging me while nuzzling my neck. I placed him bathtub and started cleaning him. He winced a little when i rubbed soap on his stomach.

"baby u won't eat any bad food okay?"

he nod with sad pout.

"sowrry. I didn't bant too"

I put shampoo on his head and rubbed it. When he was done i added his water toys in the bath tub then i went into shower to wash myself.

After i was done i covered myself in bath rob and walked toward him. I took his toys cleaning after. I took him in my arms and going into room.


he snuggled closer to me i put a blanket on him and went to take clothes out. I dressed him up in black and white jeans and hoodie.

I sat with him after getting ready. He looked up at me and giggled when i pulled him on my lap.

"baby listen to me."

he nodded cutely.

"baby u met that nice guy yesterday right?"


"he will be with you until i come back or i will give you whatever you want ok?"

"any-anyding? "


"baby if anything happens and anyone touch you. U will tell me hmm?"

he nodded. I kissed his face and took him out in my arms. I placed him on his chair but he got over my lap eating my food.

It's good i made them make healthy breakfast. He giggled eating my breakfast And leaving his own.

He snuggled closer to me but i made him go to his toys. Soon he saw his toys He started playing.

I turned to see jimin smiling at me and working on his assignments. I offered him coffee as i sat on sofa with him.

"i made him shower. I told him about you and I'll introduce you before i go to work."

he nodded and i looked at my watch. I still had some time. We finished our coffee and i took jimin to jungkook. Jungkook and jimin waved to each other.

"is he that nice guy from ye-ye-"

"yes i am the one from yesterday. I am jimin. And u r?"

"i am ju-jung-kook"

he stuttered a little. I went to me baby kissing his head.

"baby daddy is going u know how to call me right?"

he nodded showing me speed dial on his tablet. I gave him a peck before standing up. He pouted not wanting me to go i kneeled down taking my baby in my arms. He hugged me tightly.

"daddy don't go... I'll be good. Buy"

I pulled away caressing his cheeks and looked at jimin who was looking away. I moved pecking jungkook who huffed after i pull away. I moved again peckiny his lips again and again and he soon chuckled pecking my cheeks.

"don't give jimin hard time ok?"

He made 👌🏻 sign with a pout and went to play with his toys. I nodded to jimin before going to work. I hope they get along each other well.


I called jimin during lunch time and he showed jungkook drinking his milk bottle while watching cartoons and dozing off. I slid my fingers at the screen.

"jimin if he sleep you should study and i have a meeting. I'll come home after that."

"sure sir. he didn't disturbed me. He is so good boy. And i was studying while he was watching cartoons. He asked me food so i gave him fruits in small pieces amd then asked for milk so i made him one."

I smiled he was a good boy.

"okay jimin thank you. I have to go now"

I disconnected the call before going to meeting.
It went well. And i looked at watch. It's 5pm.
I drove home and jungkook was awake while jimin was packing his bag.

I looked at him.


he came to hug me amd gave me a peck.
He spaced out from his space.

I gave him a peck again held him close by waist.
Me jimin and jungkook did dinner chatting little. Until jimin phone rang he bowed to us taking his bag saying his uber came. We bid goodbye to jimin.


I turned to him in my bed. We were cuddling on bed. I hovered him. He slid his fingertip on my face tracing lines. I smiled at him down.

"so u was good boy hmm? ."

he smiled. Locking his arms around my neck pulling me down connecting our lips together.
We made out until we were out of breath.

We laid down staring at the stary sky above us. When he fell sleep i pushed the button to covered the ceiling with automated covers so the light don't disturb our sleep.

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