Chapter 36

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Jin pov:

I went in the room when they were changing jungkook beddings i waited in the corner for a while as i couldn't held myself to see him in that condition..


i took a deep breath in and held his hand trembling.Doctor came in after a while.

"he is okay he is in pain as he got-"

he stopped when jungkook moved and i stood up holding his hand softly. He opened his eyes and tears welled up in his eyes.


Doctor quickly rushed toward him.

"mr. Kim we will inject to reduce pain ok?"

He looked over me and i nodded caressing his head. He closed his eyes tight and  let the doctor do his work

"baby it will be ok"

he nodded tiringly.
And held his hand up toward me and i kept it in my hands.

"baby daddy will make it ok... sleep"

i patted his chest sitting closer to himand lull him to sleep.

I'll not leave him. I'll make it okay.


"daddy by my sh-sh shtomach hurt?"

i sat with him on bed holding his hand. He held my hand tightly.

"u didn't eat that's why"

he didn't respond just laid down.


He opened his eyes only to close his eyes again.
The doctor came checking him up. Showing he is going to Phase into big jungkook soon. How he slowly reacted to me.


"can i take him home?"

I asked doctor when he came to check jungkook. The doctor looked at me then the sleeping jungkook and then again diverted his eyes to the file.

"his pain is less now i think tomorrow morning will be okay"

i nodded and covering my baby before going to sofa opening my laptop and calling jimin. I can really relly on him. We discussed until i yawned and closed my laptop going to my baby hugging him and then going to sofa drifting to sleep.

I'll make everything better.


i opened my eyes to find he is still sleeping. I went  to doctor did  after freshen up to discuss discharge procedures. After i was done i found him sniffing lowly. I held his face he looked up before pulling himself away from me and turning away.

I sighed i went to make him ready but he pushed me and started walking holding walls. I tightly held his waist but softly and took him to car.

He leaned to window when i placed him in car. I drove us home and he quickly pulled himself out of the car. Only to cry out in pain. I hurried to his side holding him in my arms. He tried to push me but i held him firmly and took us to room. He didn't respond. I held his hands in mine.


he didn't respond again.


I asked again when i placed him on our bed and he kept his head down.

"jungkook? My love?"

he looked up and i can see sadness.

"baby i am sorry i was not considerate about it. I was in conflict and tired i am so sorry. I was not a good person. I was n-not a good daddy. I pushed you. It's all my fault. Please let me make up. Please forgive me. Please forgive daddy"

i didn't looked up or i didn't had courage but his crying voice made me look up.


he cried out and i held his face. My baby was in pain. He held himself. Because of me we lost our little bean.

"daddy no cry"

i smiled at when he wiped my face Sniffing and shocking his head.

I hugged him.

"sorry baby"

"it. It's wokay. Don't hurt be again"

i nodded kissing his head multiple times and then his face making him giggle.

I laid with him until he fell sleep. I went to make him food and clean the house..

I sighed in relief looking at the house at what i like. I made some changes so it would look good and comfortable for jungkook.

I went in when i heard '


. I huried there.

"what is it baby?"


he mumbled amd i made grabby hands to my baby and he took it in instant.. I pulled him up

                                  (imagine this)

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                                  (imagine this)

And he  hugged my neck i closed my eyes hugging him back and taking him out. I placed him on my lap feeding him up. He snuggled closer to my chest amd closed his eyes.

I patted his back while i ate my food. After finishing i tugged him in blanket and went out to do dishes. I called the maids that they can come cleaning from tomorrow.

When i came back he was sleeping because of medicines given to him. He is so pale. His cheekbones are showing.

I took deep breath trying to control my emotions. Of course everything is my fault.  My fault!

I went to my baby hugging him rubbing my hand on his stomach. A wave of guilt formed in me.

'if i was careful and responsible my little bean would be here. And my baby couldn't be in pain'

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