Chapter No 15

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Jin opened his eyes and his heart felt warm looking at jungkook sleeping peacefully and lovely clenching his shirt while laying his head on jin chest.
Jin ran his hand on his back and ruffled his bed hair.
"wake up... "
Jungkook yawned eyes closed and opened his eyes slowly while jin was staring at him with a smile.
"good morning "
"it sure is the good morning. " jin spoke caressing his chin making jungkook blush.
"so? We need to unpack your stuff a little. " jungkook nodded and sat on bed and after pecking jin cheek he rushed outside making jin grin and follw him who was opening his suit case.
"you need my help? "
"nope.. I am done.. " jungkook smiled ans stood up turning but yelped when jin pulled him and their chest colided.
"umm.. You want something? "
"w-what is? "
"there is so much in my bucket list but for now. Let's get ready and do a blissful breakfast. " jungkook nodded and tried to move from jin arms wgo tightened more.
"umm. Let-"
"i didn't hold you to let go. Baby "
"let's shower together " jungkook face was red and jin laughed losing his grip. Seeing this jungkook ran from their.
"ahh. My hearteu will explode. "
Jin got ready for the day and walked to kitchen to make some breakfast but he smiled looking at jungkook rummaging the drawers.
"want something? "
"pancakes mix"
"oh the left from stove"
"wnat any help? "
"jin i know how to make somethings. Don't worry " jin chuckled and sat at stool in chair admiring his boyfriend.
"here" jungkook sat on other stool placing breakfast on table.
"try and tell me. " he stared at jin who bit and his eyes widen
"you sure you put sugar jungkook? " jungkook eyes widen and he was about to stand up but jin pilulled him on his lap connecting their lips.
"mmm. I loved the flavor. "
"ya! " jungkook punched his chest and started eating after knowing jin was just teasing him
"what? I want something sweet on the top"
Jungkook made faces.
"we got some ice-cream? "
"no i prefer coffee in morning. So you eat it if you want.. I am done. " jungkook nodded and looked at jin who stood up taking dishes to sink.
"don't bother washing. We have maid for that.  And... "
"and? "
Jin smiled and leaned down pecking jungkook lips licking some cream away.
"thanks for the breakfast. I'll be in my room. Then we will go to shopping. And we need to set your baby space room. I didn't do because i wanted you to have everything you like. "
Jungkook nodded and smiled.
"blush suits you"
Jin yelled from his room.
"what do i do? I think I'll get attack aghh! "
"jin-" jungkook held jin arm when he was about to. Go to child care floor.
"hm what happened? "
"no no. Not today! " jin got confuse and he took jungkook a little away.
"what happened? "
"i just went in my little space coming here. I want to be conscious please. I want to get to know you. Let's do it later. What if i slipped in little space right here? I don't wanna disappoint you-"
"hey hey. My baby. How you thought like that hm?  Okay i understand you want to get to know me. I want to get to know you as well. But why you thinking that? Little jungkook is also you. Why i would be disappointed? " jungkook sighed and jin pulled him close.
"it's okay it's okay.. "  jungkook wrapped his arms around his neck and let jin calm him down.
"i am sorry "
"don't  ever say this again i know it's hard. But don't be embarrassed or think anything with me. "  jungkook nodded slowly and jin patted his back.
"okay let's go to shop clothes for now. Can we? "
"yeah...let's do that "

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