Chapter 50

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The next few days were such a bliss for the couple. They managed to go out and visit all markets, play in the garden..making snowman.. Tackling each other with snow balls.

But both were so happy that they was spending such a quality time. While enjoying they worked on their relationship.. Making conversations about topics to know thinking of each other.

Like right now jinkook was cuddling beside the fire in the room wrapped in blanket. The fire was now slowing down showing they needs to put more wood but they didn't as they saw fire starting to get settle and only coal left.

Jungkook sighed to seokjin who stood up turing the room heater to little warm and walked back to jungkook.

"come baby. Let's sleep"

Jungkook nodded and stood up placing the blanket nicely on cushion.
They both got on the bed after changing into pajamas.

Jungkook was thinking stuff and seokjin feeling jungkook spacing out. He rubbed his back.

"what you thinking love? "

Jungkook looked up and smiled sitting up making seokjin sit up as well.

"if someone is suffering.. Should he leave it how it is or fight for himself? "

Seokjin thought and took jungkook hand in his.

"love. We are given life once. If we let everyone hurt us. It doesn't mean they are hurting him. It means. He let them hurt again and again.. "

Jungkook hummed and took deep breath.

"why you asked? "

"nothing.. Just thought came.. "

Seokjin felt his heart beat fasten.. Does jungkook thinking that about himself?

"baby. Tell me something honestly? "

"yes.. Jin? "

Seokjin pulled him close caressing his back.

"you are happy with me? "

Jungkook smiled realizing that his previous question made seokjin wonder.
He nodded leaning in planting a sweet peck.

"i am so much happy. So much. I hope you are too.. The question was about hyung.. Don't think. I am considering. Our relation.. I am in so much love to think about anything like that".

Seokjin smiled...

"i talked with your hyung... He is in so much love with jhope. He believes his love can change jhope. "

Jungkook hummed and laid down when seokjin pulled him down.

"i just wish hyung is happy "

"he will"

Seokjin whispered lick8ng jungkook ear making him giggle.

"jinn.. "

"baby. "

Jungkook stopped feeling deep whisper, hands caressing his abdomen. He remember they did three days ago..
His chest heaved up when seokjin snaked his hand in kissing his nape.

"seokjin.. "

"yes my love? "

"i want baby.. "

Seokjin stopped looking at jungkook.. His movements also stopped. Jungkook turned cupping his cheeks.

"I'll be very careful.. Please. I am responsible as big jungkook.. Little jungkook is a worry... But jimin hyung is always with me and now mom will be. Please "

Seokjin sighed staring at him.

"baby. It's not easy. Your womb is weak as well as your stomach. It might healed.. But doctor said you will have complications.. Baby. I am just scared. I can't do that.. I can't go. Through the pain again. It's painful.. I am scared. I am so scared. What if something happens to you again. I can't loosed you"

"seokjin I'll be fine. Trust me. Trust our love. "

Seokjin stopped as jungkook wiped his cheeks.

"i can't loose you"

"you won't my seokjin.. "

Seokjin sighed taking deep breaths turning jungkook and pulling his pajamas down.

"let me calm.. Until then warm up my junior. "

Jungkook nodded feeling a bottle being opened and he gasped when seokjin parted his legs slowly pushing his fat cock in.

"relax.. "

Jungkook nodded as he tried to relax and seokjin wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him back making jungkook scream out..

"feel. Me? "

Seokjin asked nuzzling his back.

Jungkook opened his eyes and felt his eye lids heavy but he couldn't sleep because of the light coming from the windows. He turned clicking on the buttons and the curtain starting to cover the window..jungkook closed his eyes only to open after hours.

Feeling seokjin still in him. The room reeked sex. He looked at his boody all dried cum making him sigh. He slowly pulled himself away only to feel stream of cum coming out. He clenched his hole turning with grunt.
He smiled feeling seokjin's peaceful sleeping face.

"wake up.. "

Seokjin smiled with closed eyes. He held jungkook opemed his eyes.. He gave jungkook a kiss on his forehead.

"i love you "

"i love you more "

Seokjin smiled at him staring at him

"you feeling okay? "

Jungkook pouted at that.

"everything feels so sore. So need your help"

Seokjin chuckled at him nodding.

"can you stand? "

"nahh. Can't even feel my thighs"

Seokjin kissed his pout taking him to washroom getting in the bath after starting the taps.

"it feels so good"

Seokjin smiled nodding.

"we should come on vacations more often "

Jungkook hummed and hugged him.

"i am getting sleepy.. You take control "

"alright love. "

Seokjin placed sleeping jungkook om the bed after changing cheets and blankets. He turned the temperature to little higher..
He ordered breakfast and got onto bed until servive come.

"hmm.. Jin. "

Seokjin looked down when jungkook turned waking up.

"how you feeling baby? "

"great to take you again"

Jungkook exclaimed happily placing his head on seokjin's stomach.

"i am hungry though "

"for me or food? "

"for now the foood. Then I'll let you take me as you want"

Seokjin smirked and held the cellphone to place order for their lunch. He couldn't have his hands to himself and also jungkook didn't stop him..

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