Chapter 28

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Jin walked inside the room and patted his boyfriend cheeks laying beside him as he pulled him to himself.

He knows his mother won't enter or barge in as he just informed jungkook is sleeping and doctor showed understanding saying he would return in an hour. And lisa went to kitchen making porridge for jungkook and breakfast for his son and her..

Jin opened his buttons and guided jungkook slowly to his nipple..

"jungkook baby open up. You need to drink it"

Jin sighed feeling bad when jungkook didn't made any movement so he had to shock him a little and due to that jungkook snapped out and latched on jin's nipple making him sigh.

"my love"

jin smiled when jungkook started sucking his nipple jin started stroking himself as he started milking up. He patted jungkook burning body with a sigh.

"slowly baby. "

jin stopped him and turned to other side making jungkook lay on top of him.

"it's okay. My love gonna be fine "

Jin placed jungkook back on bed and saw some drops of milk coming out of his mouth making him feel bad inside. Jungkook was in bad condition. He cleaned his face with wipes covering and laid down again not covering his body just incase jungkook get hungry again.

*knock knock *

jin moved little away pulling the shirt down and looked back mumbling a little 'come in'

"how is he? "

lisa asked eyeing jungkook who was in jin's arms.

"fever is still same. "

jin replied to his mom caressing jungkook arms.

"oh.. Let me with him. Go do breakfast.. "

"no mom i know you didn't eat too. Let's eat here. I'll help you. "

Jin got their breakfast and the duo did silently not wanting to wake up.

"jin.. Son..? "

"yes mom? "

"i know some recipes of cookies and cakes. It's easy. I saw the box all ingredients are same. I was thinking if we make the cookies jungkook like home. It would be better. As it would be
fresh and free from preservatives. "

"that's good mom.. Thank you "

"i did nothing. After doctor go checking jungkook. I'll go to mart and buy all shapes that package have. "

"that's would be awesome.. Buy every shape you see okay. Jungkook would love it. "

Lisa giggled when jin ran to jungkook who moved seem like waking up.

"love how you feeling? "

"so much pain here"

jin placed his hand when jungkook was signaling and jungkook whimpered.


"jin massage him there. I'll call the doctor. "

lisa patted jungkook head and walked out.

"love it's okay. First let's massage you. Then I'll feed you with my milk "

Jungkook didn't respond much as he was in pain and feeling dizzy to even blink and chewy the food.

He was feeling numb. His all body was in pain. He wasn't able to understand what's going on. His stomach was throbbing and was hard like rock.

"ahh. Stop. I wanna sleep only. "

"no baby. You need to eat so you can get better. "
jungkook nodded when jin kissed his face and hugged him. He loosely hugged back and was about to close his eyes but jin patted his cheeks waking him up.

"i know you said you can't swallow anything. Come one that's milk. You like it right? "

jin smiled but jungkook sighed.

"i am not little right now. Please. I wanna"

"both are you. "

jin laid making jungkook face him and he kissed his nose and pecked his nose.

"here. "

jungkook saw jin pulling his shirt up showing his chest. Jungkook was indeed hungry but didn't had power so he moved closer and took jin's nipple in his mouth.

"it's okay. Try slowly "

he tried to do but after a few sucks he gave up and just held jin.

"it's okay. I'll get straw and juice . "

"no give me time.. "

jin smiled and laid there slowly after some minutes jungkook started sucking him getting milk.

As he finished from one side door was knocked.

"doctor is here. "

"okay love. Doctor will check you "

Jungkook nodded holding jin's hand laying his head on his chest as doctor entered the room.
He started questioning and asking about what jungkook ate when he started feeling pain.

"so mr. Jin. Your boyfriend started feeling it two days ago. Whatever he ate had become poison in his stomach. Whether we need to remove it by natural or un natural way. "

"what are both? "

jin asked and doctor smiled answering.

"un natural is getting his stomach cleaned byt we should try natural first. I'll inject him medicine. Ut will soothe his intestine so he discharge it. And give medication that will cure his fever and pain. "

"i am feeling. Dizzy. "

jungkook mumbled closing his eyes.

"oh.. Then let's add a IV drip in the treatment as well. You ate something mr. Jeon? "

Jungkook nodded and doctor injected him in his arms jin qyuickly starred rubbing it.

"feed him something soft then guve medicine. For 2 days until pain is here. And his hunger is back "

"sure doctor thank you. "

Doctor smiled standing up. And gave the prescription to lisa.

"mom give this to my secretary he is coming in some minutes.. "

Lisa nodded and walked the doctor out.

"jin... "

"yes love.. "

"i love you. "

Jin smiled at Sudden confession.

"i love you more baby "

"i am feeling stinky.. Can you give me bath? "

junfkook asked kissing jin's hand.

"sure love. Let's get you something to eat.. Oh mom. "

Lisa placed the tray aside and put the bowl in jin's hands.

"that's good. Look my love getting better. "

Jinkook laid there for some hours because jungkook fell asleep right after his medicine.

"okay. Love. You up? Let's give you bath. "

Jungkook smiled when jin held him like he is the most precious human in the world and cared for him. He felt lucky to have jin like person and kissed his lips after brushing his teeth.

"i love you. Jin. I love you so much "

jin chuckled nodding and soon he was holding jungkook wrist as he screamed he doesn't want needle in his hand.

Jin was feeling jungkook gonna slip into little space..

But that didn't happen
..... 😕

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