Chapter 27

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Jin dialed his mother phone in worry while looking back at his boyfriend who was writhing in pain while low grunts coming out of his mouth.

It's been a month jin's mother became a regular visitor to them and jin felt so happy when he was thinking that someone is here at home to look after his boyfriend.

He was scared about how he is family would react about jungkook being little. He wasn't scared for jungkook as he won't let jungkook hurt but will his parents hate his boyfriend or say something hateful.

But one day his mother visited and jin was having jungkook in his playroom wearing onesie. Jin froze and hurried holding jungkook close to his chest and jungkook started crying while yelling daddy daddy.

"hey sweety. I am not gonna hurt you. I am sorry I am sorry."

Jungkook pulled away after minutes from jin's chest and looked up at his caregiver who smiled kissing his forehead and nodded while rubbing his back.

"I love. daddy"

yoona smiled whole heartedly and nodded while holding jungkook hand softly in his hand.

"I know sweety."

Jungkook blinked at her confusingly

"you dooon hate me??"

yoona quickly pulled jungkook close and started kissing his hands.

"no no I won't look at you. So cute. So lovely!"

jungkook giggled when yoona started peppering with soft kisses.


"you like kookie?"

yoona grinned looking up at jin who had a soft loving smile staring at his boyfriend.

"of course sweetie. Can you show me your toys?"

jungkook eyes widen with joy and looked up at his caregiver.

"can I daddy?"

jin nodded and kissed his little boyfriend and let go of his hold.

"love you want something?"

jungkook nodded looking at yoona who was having a whole heartly smile on her face.

"yesH.pie. and juice"

jin nodded with a giggle and stood up.

"mom I'll get you a drink"

"sure son"

yoona nodded at his son while he and jungkook started to play.

- -- -- --


"son you okay this time?"


yoona pulled the blanket off her body and looked at his husband then time it was 2 Am.

"yes son tell me.."

"mom jungkook is having heavy fever and saying he is having stomach pain. Can you tell me something what to do? His doctor is not accepting call.."

"calm down. You want me to come?"

"no no. it's late. "


"he haven't eaten since whole day.. I am worried"

yoona could sense her son about to cry.

"did he poop?"


"son listen he might be having constipation.. did he?"

jin thought about sometime and realized.

"he haven't..."

"oh.. okay. so we need to feed him stuff that made him feel less pain. And take it out.. okay. make him butter chicken you know how to do right?"

"yes I do.."

"okay . make it. make it with lot of butter. Massage his stomach and then give him milk with lot of fats and crème you know what I mean?"

"good. And if possible . give him yogurt all are good for stomach and make intestine soothe."

Jin sighed and nodded in relief although his mother couldn't see.

"thanks mom. I'll call you later."

Yoona put cellphone aside with sigh praying he and jin would be good. and made her mind to visit them tomorrow.

Jin started making butter chicken and put in oven then made a soft snack with milk and yogurt with fruits and took medicine going to jungkook who crawled to his lap and whimpered.


"I know love. Shh. I get it."

jungkook groaned when jin started unbuttoning his shirt and cleaned his body with damp towel then started to feed him slowly.

"please little more"

"I can't"

"baby please. A little more then I'll give you medicine."

Jungkook nodded eating yogurt and laid on bed breathing heavily. Jin fed him medicine and caressed his burning forhead leaning down to give him a peck softly.

"I'll massage you baby okay? bear It a little"

jungkook closed his eyes shut feeling in bearable pain as jin massage his stomach. After some un bearable pain jin pecked his sweaty forehead cleaning with towel when he heard a ding from kitchen.

"baby that will soothe your stomach. Butter will make your intestine soft"

"but I can't. it's.. I wanna sleep only"

jin felt bad he measured the tempreture it was 103. So ofcourse jungkook would feel like this.

"I'll feed you in bits.. just smallest love."

"ok... just small.."

jin nodded and started feeding him for some time with intentially feeding jungkook more butter. Then stopped placing it aside and cleaned jungkook body with towel and then cold water.

What felt like 5 am jin took all dishes from room to kitchen while jungkook was sleeping he cleaned the kitchen as he was engrossed in kitchen he heard a door bell and rushed to door. Here he found his mother with a doctor beside her.

"hey son. Why you awake?"

jin sighed with a smile after as he welcomed the doctor and his mother.

"mom this time?"

"yeah soon I woke up I rushed and called our family doctor and came here. where is jungkook?"

jin nodded to all feeling thankful.

"he just fell asleep."

"oh. So MR. chang what about you go and see the grocery. Jin can you show what jungkook usually eat?"

"he mostly eat cookies made of shapes..."

"oh.. can you show me the package?"

jin nodded and held the box from kitchen and then took to the doctor who started reading ingrediants. While jin started telling the doctor what jungkook have been feeling or recent illness.

"see here mr. jin. I think he got food poisoning as you telling and the cookies.. It have so many preservatives. That is making his stomach ache I guess. I think that's the issue. All later will be known after he wakes up"

jin nodded and gave him and his mother juice.

"I'll check on jungkook mom. He wakes up when he doesn't feel me near"

yoona nodded understanding and started reading ingredients herself.

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