Chapter 33

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"mom i am feeling fine. Can you send jungkook here.? He is in his little space he would panic please? "

Jisoo stood there glaring at his son to make him eat breakfast and medicine. He haven't seen  jungkook since he woke up make his heart beat increase.

"bot before yo-"

jisoo eyes widen when he heard a cry. She ran telling jin to stay there.

"oh my god sweetie what happened? "

"there.. His daddy left him! "

Jisoo quickly changed the channel after finding out he saw a sad drama.

"is my daddy gonna leave me too? "

Jisoo quickly wiped his tears.

"no he isn't. Let's go to him hm? "

Jungkook wasn't needed to stop. He ran and jisoo smiled and a chuckleescaped her lips when he saw jungkook bounced on seokjin. Seokjin kissed jungkook all over his face.

"little why yiu cried? You okay? Come to daddy. You are all safe "

"daddy you not going to leave me okay? "

Seokjin nodded hugging him tight.

"i won't. I won't. "

"alright. So you eat. Or you want me to feed you? I don't want to be third wheeler by the way"

jisoo said not wanting to disrupt the duo

Seokjin rolled his eyes and started eating quickly feeling some weird sensation in hus body feeling jungkook almost dozing off.
He gulped the medicines and jisoo finally walked out of the room.Seokjin removed the shirt to find jungkook fingers on his chest holding his nipples.

"little you hungry? "

Jungkook just pouted but didn't said anything.

"aww my little come here. "

Seokjin lifted his shirt but jungkook looked away

"you shick daddy"

"i was just tired. And i want to feed you. I know you hungry. Come little or daddy won't talk to you. "

Jungkook pouted when seokjin looked away.

"daddy don't get mad pleashee"

"okay then come. Look at this. You hungryyy"

seokjin said placing his palm on Jungkook stomach that his palm sank in.Seokjin laid down and pulled him close.

"alright alright if you not hungry. But if you are. You can okay? "

Jungkook nodded quickly going to sleep.


"I am feeling much better mom. "

Jisoo smiled after she checked seokjin temperature but for more her assurance she gave another dose to him.

She walked out after making them many side dishes and dinner with lots of jungkook cooked shaped cookies. That he liked so much and even kissed her cheeks.

"wooah feeling so fresh "

seokjin exclaimed after his long shower feeling dirt and sweat coming off.He laid on bed after his dinner looking at jungkook playing with his toys on coffee table..

He turned the TV on finding a show and got mesmerized at the characters and plot.
Soon he felt jungkook coming to him he quickly got in the blanket and went down to what seokjin didn't showed any reaction soon he felt jungkook coming between he legs and he yelped feeling weight on his crotch.

He moaned feeling jungkook coming up lifting his shirt and soon appeared from the blanket . Seokjin couldn't helo but kiss his lips.

Jungkook laid on his chest while seokjin patted his back. Jungkook was playing with seokjin abs but after few minutes he moved and took seokjin nipple  in his mouth sucking slowly while looking at the show.

That was shocking, that was so hot that it made seokjin feel tight in his pants.He looked down at jungkook so engrossed in show not knowing what he is doing to seokjin.

"ahh little do it hard!"

jungkook couldn't understand and thought seokjin want him to pull his nipples. He bit and sucked hard making seokjin chock on his moan
"ahh yes. Little. "

Seokjin hands went inside jungkook short holding his butt.

"love you daddy"

"love. You. More. Love you all"

Seokjin sighed when he released right in his pants. That was intense he came un-touch and that was so so hot.

Jungkook was on other side eyes almost close with his nipple in his mouth sucking like he is normal and didn't realize what he is feeling

"daddy can i get milk while you work? "

Jungkook asked while ssokjin eyes widen.

"ahh sure."

"thank you daddy. I was sleepy. Did you eat dinner? "

After what seokjin felt jungkook is going to be a big baby tomorrow by the words right pronunciations.

"yes. Love. I ate. Sure come. Drink as much you want "

Jungkook sat on his thighs . Seokjin adjusted the back moving it little leaned and jungkook latched on his nipples.

Seokjin is feeling so much sextually needy but he knows how to control himself.

Seokjin was feeling many things that finding jungkook laying his head on his chest while sucking him instead of pecifier with his tablet in his hands.

"little you know you have pecifier? "

seokjin pulled him letting his nipple breathe. And jungkook pouted at him hugging his waist.

"i don't like. I like it "

Jungkook went back but seokjin pulled him again.

"i know my sweetheart. But you know right? Yiu will get habit. You can't do anything like this when someone is home or we go somewhere? "

"yesh promise "

seokjin sighed.

"you won't let it go right? "

Jungkook giggled shocking his head making seokjin groan. He pulped jungkook away little hard.

"you wanna suck? "

"i am hungry daddy... "

jungkook pouted more making seokjin eyes wide.

"you are latching since morning. You are not getting any. You are going to eat your food then your bottle. After that you gonna shower and change. If you stayed like a good boy then I'll think about giving it to you"

"dadddy. Pleajeee "

"no means no!  Go to your playroom. I am coming. "

Jungkook looked down but seokjin pulled him back not able to bear the sad pout.

"you are becoming a brat"

Jungkook hugged him and laid there feeling sad.

"he is becoming like a whining brat that isn't good"

seokjin thought looking at the sad little boy in his arms.

Is something coming? 🤔

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