Chapter 58

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Seokjin laid beside jungkook not uttering anything, not wanting to be away he just sat beside him with blood shit eyes.
His mother rushed to them when she got the news and was devastated seeing his both son in miserable situation.

"joon. That's not good. What he was trying to do?? "

"he.. "

Namjoon stuttered   he shocked his head not able to say anything. Jisso, His wife looked at him shocking him.

"joon i need to know. What he was trying to do. What horrible thing he was going to do??? ! "

"he was going to take jungkook's womb out and implant in his own body to get pregnant "

Her eyes widened she looked like she got hot him a storm. Her senses got numb..
She turned and as she was about to take one more step. She fell.

"do seokjin know? "

"he doesn't know yet. Nor jungkook.. So let's wait for them to wake up and get jungkook checked... Doctor said he inject med just anesthesia. But still a check up would be better. "
She nodded while tears started felling down just by thinking what painful and disgusting thing could happen if it wasn't jimin's thinking and presence of mind.

4 hours later:


Jungkook moved and slowly opened his eyes finding jimin infront of him. His head was cloudy and his body felt so heavy.

"ji... Jimie"

Jimin who was just sighing looked up. His eyes widened and made a run to jungkook. Who was tapping seokjin to wake him up.

"don't wake him... He is exhausted. "

"let him... Lay down.. It will hurt"

Jungkook pleaded to jimin when he couldn't get up be his own. Jimin nodded trying to settle jin on the bed.

"you okay ? "

Jungkook nodded slowly.

"my body feels heavy. I want to sleep again. But i am scared"

Jungkook looked around holding his fiancée hand gripping it while tearing up..

"it's fine.. Doctor told me you was given anesthesia.. You feel your body numb until it get discharged from your body"

Jungkook gasped crying trying to word out..

"i am scared jimie. What happened to me? "

Jimin leaned kissing his forehead..

"nothing happened.. You are all safe.. We reached there on time.. You remember what happened? "

Jungkook nodded looking for some comfort.  But the way his sobbing increased making jimin pull him up in his arms.

"shhh you are okay. "

"hoseok wanted me to accompany him to hospital.. Thinking he might be pregnant and wanted to get check. I didn't want to go. But he started begging me. I.. When we reach there. I felt someone injected something on my neck. It hurts.. "

Jimin patted his back consoling him..

"relax.. Nothing  happened. What about you rest for a while. Then we will talk? "

"nothing happened right? "

Jimin leaned back smiling.

"trust your jimie hyung alright ? "

Jungkook nodded slowly letting jimin help him to lay down.

"i can't move my body. "

"hah? What you need? "

"seokjin.. Want him near. Please. Help me. I am so scared. "

Jimin sighed running hand through his hair..

"it's alright.. I'll help you"

Jimin slowly laid on bed lifting jungkook up and placed near seokjin.

"there you go. Rest is needed. I am right near you. Call me if you need anything "

Jungkook nodded when jimin placed seokjin's arm on his waist.

"thank you "

"no problem. Rest well "

Jungkook nodded turning to seokjin who was passed out. He stared at his face noticing the dried tear lines. He hardly lifted his hand and caressed his cheeks..

"i love you so much.. "

This time it was Jimin who woke seokjin up, he shocked him after hours Jin who was laying and sleeping with thoughts running around.
He sat up lookong around.. But he quickly pulled Jungkook in his arms protectively..

"what happened? "

Seokjin asked scared kissing jungkook forehead.. Jimin patted his arms..

"let him rest and let's go you need to eat something. "

"i am fine. I-"

Jimin sighed sitring beside him..

"seokjin he is fine. He woke up while you was sleeping. He was paranoid a lot. You need power for him... He will need you most when he wake up "

Seokjin looked down at his fiancée not sure what hw need to do.

"go eat something.. I'll be here. You parents are out as well"

Seokjin nodded laying jungkook down.

"don't leave him for even a second. "

Jimin smiled nodding.

"i won't. "
Seokjin slumped on the table. Jisso quickly hurried to her son patting his shoulder.

"we are here. "

Seokjin tured to his father and sighed blinking up at him. Namjoon quickly pulled him in his arms when his son broke down.

"i can't see... I can't see him in pain. Again. Dad.. I can't "

"hey.. " namjoon patted his back after minutes of crying.

"we are here with you alright? He is going to be fine. Let's eat something? "

Seokjin nodded leaning his head on his father's warm body who sat close patting his arm.

"jissoo. Serve our son. You want dumplings? "

Seokjin nodded when his father fed him. He was mentally exhausted.. Memories and thoughts of wjat could happen. And what even was going to happen was running through his mind.
"i am done. Thank you "

Seokjin smiled getting a kiss on his forehead.

"what about we go to living room and your dad hold you like old times ? "

Namjoon asked his son who laughed lightly.

"i am not a baby anymore dad".

"you will always be my baby.. Let's go.."

"i want to go to jungkook.. "

Namjoon nodded to his son. They went to his bedroom where jimin was sitting beside the sleeping boy

so they went to sofa and seokjin sat there in his father's arm who was rubbing his back.

"will jungkook be okay? "

Seokjin asked unsure.. They just started to be happy and suddenly why history is repeating?

"he will be. We will make him. "

Namjoom assure even though he doesn't know if jungkook okay.

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