Chapter No 9

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woah i updated this book on 26 feb.

"babe where are you?" jin  asked on call while finishing his work for today and settling his laptop bag in the car starting the car. he was craving for his boyfriend presence, his small cute voice. it was days since they met and jin wanted to hold his little boyfriend in his arms until all his frustration and stress vanish. 


"yes baby you. where are you?"

"at orphanage I am about to head home no-"

"stay right there I am coming" he disconnected the call driving straight to the orphanage. 

when he entered he met kids then started to find jungkook in orphanage. he found him playing with a new born baby and cooing with his fingers kissing his cheeks. he stood behind him wrapping his arms around his boyfriend waist putting his chin on his shoulder. jungkook yelped and a gasp left his lips but when he turned to see who is he? 

 jungkook yelped and a gasp left his lips but when he turned to see who is he? 

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he calmed down smiling at his boyfriend with a blush on his face. he turned looking at the baby. he sighed feeling sad for the baby who is here instead of being with his parents.but he was determined and wished that this baby will get great parents. 

"baby?" jungkook smiled at the position he boped baby nose with his placing him in his crib but stopped when hin didn't move. he placed his hands on jin hands. 


"how many babies you want?" jungkook blushed and jin lifted him of floor turning him staring in his eyes. he caressed the deep red shade that was shown on his boyfriend cheeks cuz of blushing. he smiled and was about to lean but saw some staff there. he chuckled taking jungkook wrist walking out of the orphanage. 

jungkook thought jin wanting him to take to car so he walked but as he was about to open the door he was pulled and collided with a well built chest that was none other than his lover. 

he smiled and let jin cage him between his car and well built chest. his breath hitched when jin held his wrist placing above his head moving closer to him. 

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" jungkook whispered and he was pulled closer to jin. 

jin heart felt giddy he hugged jungkook tightly placing his lips on his neck breathing in his sweet scent. he felt jungkook hugging him back. he lifted him up making jungkook tighten his hold. he opened the back door sitting on it taking jungkook on his lap. 

jungkook wrapped his arms around jin neck who wrapped his arms around his waist. they relaxed in each other embrace. 


"was you good there? you well?" jin asked pulling away rubbing jungkook back gently making him smile at kiss jin cheek. 

"I was

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"I was you doing? i am sorry I didn't contact you" jungkook placed his head on jin shoulder sighing looking up at jin who was looking back at him. 

"yea...i was... i am better now you are with me. i tried so many times but you didn't accept making me so worry. i contacted your brother. he said you oka-" jungkook nodded tapping jin chest slowly.

"my cellphone broke so it took some time to repair. I am sorry.." jin leaned down pecking jungkook forehead. 

"it's okay baby. but next time please inform me hm?" jin asked cupping his cheeks. jungkook smiled and nodded. 

"let's get dinner.. my treat" jungkook spoke wanting to talk and eat as they were sitting in back seat for so long. 

jin nodded and jungkook giggled going to front seat.

"but it's never your treat baby. mine. your boyfriend." jin spoke holding his hand in his making jungkook blush again. he didn't say anything more just smiled at the touch of jin thumb rubbing on his hand.

 he didn't say anything more just smiled at the touch of jin thumb rubbing on his hand

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they settled at the table jin smiled and placed his chin on his palm staring at jungkook with love. 

"jin... you making me blush all over again. i am right here."

 "so you accepting I make you blush hm?" jin took his left hand out and jungkook looked at the hand placing his left on jin's. 

"I knowyou are here my little mine. i just feel happy and want to save in memories." jungkook smiled shyly.

"baby blushing..."

"I know. i know." he turned his head and started eating when the waiter placed. jin started eating  but more than eating they stared at each other.

"eat your food jin. i am not going anywhere." jin smiled but didn't moved his eyes away.

"fine fine. i promise we will have a date tomorrow if you eat without all times your eyes on me" 

jin giggled.

"promise? all day tomorrow all mine?"

"all yours." 

"okay!" jungkook laughed when jin started eating . he shocked his head and started eating his own. 

'who will know who is little?' jungkook whispered to himself and sighed.
"all okay?" jungkook nodded standing up.

"I am done. let's go?" jin nodded paying with lot of winning from jungkook.

"baby. i will pay all the time and it's final" jin said kissing jungkook cheeks who pouted.


"baby..." jungkook snapped looking at the the surroundings. it was jungkook home. he sighed turning to jin then opened the door going out. jin sped up running after him and hugged him. 

"baby don't be mad. i love you."

"you what? " jin turned him and cupped his face kissing with love and affection.

"I love you."

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