Chapter 7

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Jin stretched his arms then he remembered someone is sleeping with him. he smiled and wrapped his arm around the petite waist back and pulled him close kissing his forehead. he ran his hand on his forehead to check tempreture and was relieved it was  not that high. 


"mm" jungkook moved in his arms more snuggling close.

"baby wake up. you need to eat something-" 

"mm milk.. i wan milk." jin furrowed and chuckled hearing baby talk. 

"I'll get you  a lot milk baby. you need to eat medicine." jungkook nodded and opened his eyes slowly and he was smiling ear to ear looking at jin.

"good morning boyfie" jin chuckled and pecked jungkook lips.

"good morning my little baby" jin sat and carried jungkook to washroom. he washed and saw jungkook brushing his teeth slowly while smiling at him. 

"so which milk flavor baby. I'll go buy it."

"no you gant wo" jin was amused at jungkook. 

"what baby?" jungkook washed his mouth and graggled turning his back to jin. 

"you can't go. it's okay.. we have all maybe.. we can order too" jin hummed as he placed jungkook on feet letting him fresh up while he walked out.

he was welcomed by yoongi at door. 

"hi jin good morning. "

"yeah hi good morning " yoongi sighed when jin didn't responded like he usually do.

"will you drop your att-"

"it's not fucking attitude. it's a disappointment. i thought whatever happen at least you won't doubt or yell at your little brother!" yoongi sighed and walked closer to jin. 

"I am sorry. but how can you realize what you are saying...... when you were happy a day ago that after 4 years of relationship and trying one day you got to know you are going to be a father and the next day see your boyfriend in a pool of blood." jin eyes soften when he saw tears welling up in yoongi eyes. he moved to pull yoongi in his arms. 

" I am sorry I am really sorry. I was just considering how you talked and yelled at jungkook. he is so precious to me. i-"

"I know I know. I am really happy to know that you care for him so much. it's such a relief he has someone close to him." jin pulled away and smiled at him.

"jinnnn my head hurting again" yoongi quickly cleaned his eyes and smiled at his little brother who was walking out of the washroom. he smiled ear to ear when he saw jin rushing to jungkook and he was giggling when jin pulled him in his arms starting to scold. he walked out sensing there can be something he shouldn't watch. 

"hob-ah I am making breakfast what do you need?"

"I am fine. I'll be going out in a minute I need to go somewhere" yoongi turned to voice in shock

"you just got an abortion some days ago-"

"I am fine. oh, the uber is here. I am going " he was beyond shock when j hope walked out through the door carrying his back, he huffed loudly wiping his tears. 

"I know now hobi. I know now."


"head hurting ha? you are walking bare feet why?" jin scolded jungkook who sat on his lap pouting and placed his head on jin shoulder. 

"I am sorry. I didn't see it. " jin sighed pulling him close. 

"baby... please don't be careless. it makes me worry a lot." jungkook pouted kissing jin cheek and kept doing it until they heard someone clear his throat.

"umm I'll come later-"

"no yoongi come jungkook was hungry anyway."  jungkook pouted and whined a little when he was  placed on the bed and sat straight when yoongi came in with the tray. 

"thank you yoongi. it's a lot"

"it's nothing baby" jin smiled when yoongi kissed jungkook head walking out.

"thank you hyungie." 

"jin. let's eat. I am good now.. " jin shocked his head and they started eating. then he fed jungkook his medicine and jungkook sat on his thighs while jin did some of his office work. 

"because of me, you left your work unattended-" 

"'s not. I won't. you can't say anything like that.. okay?" jungkook stared at jin for some minutes then nodded going back to his position. he hugged jin as he went to work. 


"baby?" jungkook hummed wanting jin to continue.

"let's go on a date when you get well"

"I am well already. let's go-"

"No! that is the reason your fever not going down. " jungkook pouted and was about to go away but jin was fast to hold on jungkook wrist. 

"come here. not going anywhere little baby" jungkook was pulled back on jin lap as he covered him well patting his back. 

"you need a lot of rest. dating can wait because I am not going anywhere." jungkook smiled and wrapped his body around jin who was welcoming him in his warmth. 

"my little baby." 

"stop it jin!. finish your work you are sitting for too long. not good," 

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