Chapter 8

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i can't stay at jungkook place for so long and jungkook was becoming sad because my neglegancy toward my work. 

he took me to door but was pouting when I turned to wave. i ruushed hugging him. 

"take care of yourself okay? no stress and eating well" he nodded and poked my chest. 

"I'll miss you. be sure to call me in night..." he mumbled pulling away. i boped his nose. 

"I'll call every hour to hour. " he giggled kissing my cheek . 

"will you be a good baby to daddy?" I teased him but his eyes widened. he gulped and nodded slowly. 

"now go inside and in room baby. " I sat in car caressing his head. he smiled waving me like a baby. i chuckled driving to my apartment. 


yoongi pov: 

I saw jungkook walking inside in small steps, i knew what it is . he always lock himself when he phase. he is scared all will hate him. 

"gookie baby?" he just walked and tried to go to his room until i ran to him holding his shoulders and he glanced up with his tears threating to fall. 

"what happened?"

"s-scared. don't wanna be little. it's hitting me. i don't want to. little one want daddy. want daddy." he sobbed and i pulled him in my arms. he clenched my shirt. i lifted him and walked to his room. 

"don't wanna little. hyungie" 

"shh baby. see hyungie is here." he screamed pushing me,

"you are not . hobie will come. go he will yell i am trying to separate you both. go. "

i sighed and caressed his back. 

"baby you can phase. i am your brother. you have right to be with me"

"i don't want any more blame.i want dad.." he sobbed on my shoulder and slowly after some minute it was just stifling and him mumbling. 

"want daddy

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"want daddy.. want jin. jin. jin" i sighed. i hope jin love you enough to accept your this side. i hope he don't leave you. 

i pecked his forehead going out of room. watching jhope entering house with his dance suit. 

i sighed and went to my studio not having any power to argue and make any commotion. 

"i am sorry jungkook i couldn't become a brother to you."


jin pov: 

i entered the office and all workers stood us in respect i smiled and nodded back motioning them to continue their works. as i just sat jimin came in my office with bundle of files . 

'poor him i put all work in him' i smiled at him as he bowed and settled the files in sequence. i like his woking way. he is always have his way and he had labeled the files with different colors.

"hello jimin how are you?"

"i am good sir. but there is a lot of work for you. you see the file having number 2 is the project we have been working for 3 months. and he needs his first bath of delivery in next month earlier than the due date." i nodded as jimin panted. 

"hey jimin. sit down,"  he nodded and sat on chair in front of me. 

"sir he was calling and wanted your replay i couldn't figure out what to do. i got traumatized. "

"ahh jiminah i really appreciate you handled all the works in my absence. for now tell me you did breakfast? looking at your it looks like you didn't go home for days."

"i did sir. I'll take your supper here. and should i arrange a meeting with him? he called just now to fix it." i nodded and opened the file to see report. 

"yeah sure. do . and don't get overwhelm it's normal in our business chain" he nodded with a smiled going out.while i worked on the meeting. 

in some minutes he entered with a tray and my morning coffee.

"sir they will be here in an hour."

"good. jimin here. i want the marketing team to convert it in ppt and i took some mistake. make sure the marketing team solve it" he nodded and walked out holding the file while i opened the second working sending a message to my boyfriend to check on him. when he didn't texted back i sat for some minutes.

"maybe he is resting"


"sir they are here." jimin announced and i stood up handing him the file while he handed the tablet having our project ppt. i entered the room and soon i started to present the idea and reminded them the contract that they can't out of the blue ask for delivery. and delivery will be on the due date . 

jimin was in awe at me and praised me while i shocked my head. jimin no matter is superb and well fitted for this job but he is new to all this tactics. he need time to learn this. and if he do he will be the golden asset of our company. 


yoongi Pov; 

jungkook is pushing himself to peak that's not good. it will affect himself. i must push him to get in little space. 


okay the requested book is updated.  as per her request 

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