Ch: 6

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"jin you ? what you doing here?" jin moved a little holding jungkook making him walk in the house. he didn't know how but he was in a possessive and protective mood.

"jungkook come. you still not better right now." yoongi furrowed as he sighed that jungkook was with someone he can trust.

"huh? so you was the guy jungkook was staying with?"

jhope rushed and his eyes widen and spoke in mocking tone" so he is that guy jungkook was-"

"I am not just that guy. i am his boyfriend! and talking mindly , I won't bear jungkook getting sick again."

Jin held jungkook waist as he helped him to walk. He sat jungkook on sofa and placed his coat on. Yoongi rushed sitting with him holding gis hands just to get his lips wobbling.
" hyung i am okay. Please don't doubt me again " jungkook whispered ans yoongi nodded.
"i promise i won't. I am sorry. I was so worried"

Jungkook smiled at his brother.
"i know you was worrued for me. I wanted to call you but... Jin didn't let me-" he turned and smiled at jin who smiled back.
"his health was on peak. His fever was so high. I didn't want him to vome back but he insisted. So. This is his medicines i hope you will take care of him" jin placed the pouch that had jungkook medication and was about to walk away but stopped when jungkook held his hand.
".. I... Jin...." jungkook gulped pouting.
Yoongi looked at them and smiled.
"jin you can stay for the night.. Jungkook might need you"
Jungkook eagerly waited for jin.
His eyes were becoming crystally having tears forming up.
Jin quickly sat with jungkook and squeezed his hand.
"oh my baby your fever is getting high again!" he pulled jungkook in his arms as he frlt jungkook becoming wobbly panting.
Yoongi panicked and started asking questions from them.
"yoongi for god sake. Stop it. Which one is jungkook room?"
Jin nodded and carried jungkook to the room yoongi pointed.
It was simple having nothing exciting. He went to closet and found blankets. He hurried tugging jungkook in.
"you was fine this morning what happened baby?" jin caressed his face but jungkook groaned moving in jin eyes.
"my heart hurt"
Jin kissed his head as he started massaging his forehead and pecked his nose
"it's okay baby. You will be all right"
Jungkook pouted and opened his eyes to start cry.
"i don't like being sick. It makes me lose control."
Jin wiped his eyes and hug him.
"it's okay baby look i am here with you. You are gonna be fine.. Shh.."
Jungkook leaned back and pouted at him.
"you won't leave me  right? Please?"
Jin smiled and kissed his nose.
"i promise you baby. I won't leave you. You are my little baby." he moved to kiss jungkook but he moved away.
"aw.. Bab-"
"no. Don't take bad idea. I don't want you to get sick. Please.." he pouted at jin. Who moved laying on bed taking jungkook in his arms.
"nothing will happen okay?" he leaned but jungkook just let him peck.
" let me get better I'll let you kiss me. For now just peck. I'll be so sad if you get sick." jin sighed and fed jungkook his medicines.
"agh. Come here."
"you know i like you right?"
"i know i like you too."
"i want to protect you. And hold you and keep you beside me always." jin smiled when jungkook moved closer laying his head on his chest.

"my little mine"
Jungkook giggled and kissed jin cheeks.

When they confessed jungkook turned to him. He knew jin care for him but didn't know that they felt the same. He smiled when Jin pulled him for hug. Jungkook tightened his hold as much as he could.
" i like you so much jungkook. I wanna be the person that you can trust, lean, care, and stay beside with ."
Jungkook smiled and nodded. He sat there feeling loved.
"thank you."
"for what baby?" jungkook blushed and pouted when jin cupped his cheeks.
"aww you blushing? Baby?"
"aaa jiiinn. Don't do that!" jin chuckled pulling jungkook to face him.
"don't do what? My little mine. Aww baby"
Jungkook blushed more. He nodded to jin words shyly.

"so my boyfriend. Let's get you change and then eat till doctor come. Your tempreture is still so high"
"i. I can do myself. Just help me to bed" jin chuckled carrying jungkook to bedroom. He walked out making soup ready for them. He prepared snacks for them. he walked in and smiled finding jungkook groaning while trying to sit straight after change.
"aigoo my baby"
"jinn" jungkook whined and opened his arms for jin. Jin hurried placing tray on bed and settled jungkook on bed then went to laundry room pushing jungkook attire in bin.
"i am feeling much better. I think i should go home"
" no Atleast for two days no talking about this."
"ugh fine at least let me call my brother."
"no. Your fever is cuz of stress now stop all this and open up." jungkook groaned and opened his mouth letting jin feed him.

HOW IS IT?? !!!??

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