Chapter 59

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Seokjin stared at his fiance while his father patted his arm trying to relax him. But seokjin smiled at him getting up and walked to jungkook..

Seeing this jimin got up letting seokjin get in the duvet and laid closer to jungkook..
Namjoon also got up and walked out of the room. Seokjin didn't said a single word he sighed lowly and closed his eyes letting his eyes stare at jungkook again.

"jin... Jin..."

Seokjin moved and slowly opened his eyes until he realize it was jungkook. He sat up holding jungkook's face.

"love you alright?. Feeling alright? "

"i am fine. Seokjin. You okay? "

Jungkook stared at him slowly leaning into his touch.


Jungkook smiled nodding letting seokjin hold him in his arms.

"i got so scared.. I-"

"i am fine. I am safe.. Relax"

"you hurt somewhere? You feeling what? "

Seokjin asked again helping jungkook to sit who leaned to his chest.

"feeling a little dizzy but i am not hurting anywhere.. I am a little hungry... "

Seokjin chuckled at his fiance pout. He nodded and called jimin who rushed in along seokjin's parent.
Jungkook got emotional after seeing jisoo he hugged her Feeling his little space kicking in.

"i mished you. Momm. You left me here "

"i am so sorry.. I won't do it again. I am sorry"

Jungkook moved away after calming down and stared at his soon to be father in law. He bowed and felt a slight pain in his back.
He promised seokjin he won't hide. And going through something so horrific. He felt scared, he quickly held seokjin close thinking to tell seokjin after they eat something or he won't eat worrying about him.

"what you want to eat? "

"jimie hyung told me.. Eat lots of watery food so... Anesthesia get out of me. Right jimie hyung "

Jimin smiled already knowing jungkook is going to phase. He pinched his cheeks and nodded.

"of course.. I made you porridge with lots of nuts. You want it? "

"yesshhh! "

Jungkook exclamed and suddenly felt conscious of all. He moved to seokjin looking for warmth who quickly held him kissing his forehead.

"ahh my little. I love you so much "

"i love daddy more"

Namjoon stuttered at his words and observing that his wife dragged him out.

"what was that??? "

"I'll tell you... Let them be"

Jimin entered with a tray and placed on side table..

"seokjin... You need something? "

Seokjin peaked out of the washroom while he was jungkook a little quick bath..

"a minute jimin .. "

Seokjin looked at jungkook with a smile he gave him his toys.

"baby. Stay here. I'll go talk to jimin okay? "

Jungkook nodded sitting there not playing like he used to

"jimin. Thank you so much.. I am really indebted in you.. And yes.. I would like if you accompany us to hospital tomorrow.. I booked an appointment in the morning... "

"seokjin.. I told you. He is my little brother. Of course i don't need to be asked to protect him and yes of course i would go.. I'll come at 9.. That's fine? "

"yes.. We have appointment at 10.. So. Yeah"

"alright.. I prepared your dinner too.. Your parents are in other room. So. I gave all stuff they might need so don't worry. Stay safe"

Seokjin smiled. Nodding.

"thank you. And we will "

Jimin patted his arms walking out.

"daddy. Baby doneee"

Seokjin ran inside helping jungkook out and putting his favorite comfy dress on..

"sit on this chair. I'll change too "

Jungkook nodded like a big biy staring at his fiancée who was changing after taking quick shower.
Seokjin slowly fed jungkook his porridge and ate his dinner of fresh bread sandwiches and juice. Looking over jungkook who pouted at him...

"you want to say something baby? "

Jungkook nodded slowly.

"daddy.. Me was waiting for you to phinish.. I hurt my back. It hurt when i bent"

"when baby? "

Seokjin quickly lifted his shirt starting to check it.

"i don't know.. When i wake up. It hurted back"

"alright baby. I'll massage you right away. We are going to get you checked so doctor will tell you what's wrong "

Jungkook nodded and winced when seokjin sprayed ointment and slowly massage him.

"better? "

Jungkook nodded looking tired.

"you wanna go to washroom? "

Jungkook hummed.

"later daddy"

Seokjin hummed taking the dirty dishes out and preparing jungkook's feeder with a smile... But his heart was filled with worries and fear.

"baby. I told you not to remove clothes when you are not alone. "

Jungkook pouted at him still removing shirt.

"but we alone "

"mom and dad are staying "

"they staying with us.? In our room. Daddy. Noooo. You my daddy. You don't go. You hug me only nooo"

Seokjin quickly hugged him.

"oh no baby. They staying in other room. But they can enter anytime... "

"you said me.. No go in without per.. Permi-bission"

Seokjin grinned at his tries.

"that's permission baby. Yes you are right. Let's just lock the door "

"good daddy "

"how old is my baby today??? "

"i do not know. I am your baby. That's it. Daddy musht know. How old his baby is!! "


Seokjin but his lips staring at jungkook who was playing sitting half naked.. Observing his actions he concluded jungkook is 6 years old today.

"alright baby boy. Come to. Daddy"

"daddy me a big boy... "

"of course. You are. But if you don't know.. You are going to be my always baby boy. Come let daddy hold you.. "

Jungkook wrinkled his nose still moved to seokjin
"i am sleepy "

Seokjin remarked laying down and taking the boy with him.

"but i am sleepy too"

"then let's sleep"

"dadddyyy. I lovw you"

"i love my baby more. Come. Let's-"

Seokjin stopped feeling jungkook already asleep he smiled closing his eyes after removing his shirt mimicking jungkook's actions.

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