Chapter 32

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Jungkook was crying loudly holding his head tightly totally able ro understand that he is crying for a while and now he is having worst headache.

"hey hey sweetie. Your daddy is okay. I promise. Let's go to him. "

jisso patted his back and saw jungkook running, crying to seokjin getting on bed.

She saw seokjin sweating and breathing slowly. She touched his forehead and sighed in relief that it's seems just a  normal temperature. But she still called the doctor.

"daddy is okay. He just got fever. "

Jungkook looked at her but still he leaned laying his head on seokjin chest hugging him tightly not stopping his cries.

"daddy. Me. Scared. Daddy"

jisso felt so bad at the little who only wants his caregiver to tell him that he is okay.
She went to kitchen and took a bowl with a towel. She got onto bed not pulling the boy away knowing he would cry more.

While waiting for doctor she cleaned his son with damp wet towel sighing but feeling so happy that jungkook loves him so much.
After her cellphone rang she smiled.

"look doctor is here! "

she held jungkook hand and took doctor in. Jungkook clinged to seokjin arm.

Jisso was thankful jungkook didn't spoke a word. She doesn't care about what the doctor will think about jungkook but she doesn't have time to arrange another doctor for now.

"he just got mild fever. Probably from hard work and stress. He would be okay after one dose medicine and some rest "

Jissoo thanked the doctor and took the medicines from him.She went back on to saw jungkook hugging him crying silently.

"sweetie did you eat?"

her eyes widen when jungkook shocked his head.

"oh my god. Since when you are up? "

jungkook pouted at her.

"me. Was awake for so. So long. I tried to wake daddy up. He didn't. I. Went to. Eat. Nothing there. I. Tried to wake. I got scared. I. "

jisoo hugged him feeling so bad for the boy not knowing for how long he was in that situation.

"okay let's go make breakfast for you little and your daddy so he can get strong? "

Jungkook nodded but before getting up he kisses seokjin cheeks and covered him with blanket so cutely making Jisso almost tear up
Jungkook wasn't much help he just kept talking about what jin normally make for dinner and what toy he recently got.

Jennie was soon done and he gave jungkook his breakfast who pouted angrily at her.

"what happened? "

"daddy alwaje make me. Baby bites!!!. How me can eat it????!"

Jisso controlled her laugh at the cuteness she quickly made him small bites of fruits and sandwich and stared at jungkook eating cutely while the soup was being cooked.

"okay so I'll carry the soup you go wake seokjin okay? Doctor said not any animal bit him. He got fever because he was tired. "

Jungkook nodded running to room getting on to almost seokjin but remember what his daddy taught him. He can't be childish in front of others.

"daddy. Wake up. Daddy. "

when jungkook kept moving him but seokjin didn't move his lips wobbled.

"daddy. Me needs you. Jusht wake up. I am sorry. I am a bad boy. Sorry. Daddy. I won't yell. Daddy"

Jungkook held his face in his hands and started crying loudly and badly that his body strated shaking. Jisoo was panicking too. She didn't know how to handle jungkook. She got onto bed and shocked jin hardly making him grunt and move.

"he.. Y"

jin said looking at jungkook lifting his hand he pulled his hand.

"love.! My little why you crying? "

jungkook sniffled while seoljin was so confused.

"DAddy. I am sorry. I am bad boy"

Seokjin hugged him looking around and found his mother. He sat up hardly and took jungkook in his arms who wrapped his arms around his neck.

"little why you crying? You are not a bad boy. You are my sweetheart. You are  making me worried "

seokjin said kissing his cheeks.

"you are passed out since last night. Jungkook when he woke up. You wasn't waking up. He got so scared. He kept trying to wake you up but he got more scared. Luckily i called you and he accepted. I can't imagine what this little soul go through. He is being crying since hours!"

Seokjin eyes widened he hugged jungkook tightly ignoring his bady in pain.

"what happened to me.? I don't know.  I am sorry little. Daddy is sorry. My little got so scared hm? "

Jungkook crying slowed he nodded against seokjin neck. Jisoo sat beside the both caressing jungkook head.

"i made you soup. And apparently you got fever because of hard work. take care of yourself a lot. Not for yourself but him. look at him The thought of jungkook being alone and panic isn't leaving my head. "

Seokjin sighed kissing his head nodding at his mother.

"here your medicines. I am not going home for now.. Going to make lunch and dinner for you both "

Seokjin nodded and jisoo walked out kissing his forehead.
After jisoo walked out closing the door seokjin pulled away cupping jungkook face looking at the swollen and red face.

"my little love. I am sorry "

"it's okay daddy. I got scared. You wasn't waking up. I. I thought. Animal bit you. You wajnt moving "

"i am okay love.. I was just tired. I'll be okay"

jungkook nodded hugging him.

"daddy eat your souppp. And that tooo"

jungkook said pointing at try and seokjin quickly held the try placing on his lap. While holding jungkook waist rubbing his back.

"my daddyy"

jungkook said kissing his cheeks.. Seokjin smiled brightly he took his medicine after freshening up with some difficulty. He walked back and saw jungkook holding glass of warm milk.
He gulped it down to make jungkook smile. He laid and took his arm out.

"sweetheart come. You are tired"

"me not tired! I am a good baby I'll take care of dadddy"

Seokjin chuckled.

"you are taking care of daddy already. Come here. Daddy need you"

Seokjin pulled him down hugging him tightly sniffing his hair with sweet smell. Jungkook alose closed his eyes after feeling warmness spreading over him.

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