Chapter 16

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Jungkook was in his and jin's shared room. He pouted grumbling turning sides on bed groaning.
"I didn't know I'll start missing him that much" jungkook huffed and stood up going out. All maids were gone after their work. Jungkook made himself busy and helped the maids in cleaning and setting the house to distract himself from missing his boyfriend.

"hello sir would you like lunch?"

"no.. I am okay. And wasn't your time already finished?" jungkook questioned politely while finding his cellphone that he found in kitchen.

"missing you baby?" jungkook smiled reading the message from jin.

"if ypu missing me then come fast. Your baby is missing you too." Jungkook blushed and jumped in shyness.

"sir you okay?" jungkook flinched and turned to see the same maid he smiled embarrassed forgetting her presence.

"no. yes I am okay. You may go. "

"sir bu-"

"I'll be okay. Your sir is coming in some minutes." Jungkook smiled as she bowed and walked out bowing again.

Jungkook sat on coach and started using his cellphone spending the time.

"I am a bit hungry. Let's drink some juice. I wonder when jin coming?"

Jungkook walked to kitchen making himself and jin a glass of juice and started drinking from his..

*Ring Ring*

"hello babe"

"jin.. where are you?" jin sulked on cellphone and pouted.

"aww babe missing me?"

"you.. come fast...I want you close." Jungkook sat on coach not noticing that when the maid was going out she didn't bowed to jungkook but jin who failed to find him as jin was hiding behind the door. Jin signaled to maid to be silent. Jin chuckled watching jungkook so he called him after hiding behind staircase.

"hmm is that?"

"yes. Where are you?"

"okay if you want me close.....hmm...., then close your eyes and say my name."

"it's not a-"

"try once believe me." He smiled watching jungkook closing his eyes so he tiptoed and stood behind jungkook.

"jin. Missing you-" jin leaned and pecked his forehead making jungkook flinch and turn. Jin grinned when the cellphone was abandoned and jungkook jump on him.

"you was here? From when?"

Jin ignored his questions and carried him to sofa sitting on it taking jungkook with him.

"babe" jin smiled softly kissing his cheeks and stared in his eyes.

"I missed you so much!" jungkook leaned up wrapping his arms arounf jin neck hugging him.

"aww I missed you too." Jungkook stayed there for some minutes and then started kissing his nape and jin smiled.

"did you miss me that much hm?"jungkook moved back a little and pouted nodding with him.

"but you know work is important"

"so I am not?" jin grinned pulling him for a kiss.

"what about you go to your hyung for help in his kindergarten" jungkook placed his head on his chest and nodding after a while.

"won't you come like you used to as before?"jungkook asked jin after a while.

"hmm I adore babies and little kids so.. I usd to go there to spend time with babies now I won't"

"why not?" jin pulled him close and kissed his lips softly tasting the juice jungkook was having.

"I was thinking of adoption a cute little but now I have one. In my arms. Every time I come. He would be here. My little" jin cooed kissing his nose making jungkook blush and punch his chest.

"what? I am telling truth!"


"what yaa! Aww my babe is blushing! Should I make him more hm? HM?" JUNGKOOK GLARED at him and pushed him back standing up. But no no that's not what is going to happen.

Jin pulled his wrist pushing him to backrest of sofa and move back a little.
"no no that's can't happen my little" jin hovered him smirking making jungkook gulp. He moved back but there was no space. Jin legs on both sides of his legs and move down close to him.

"I liked the flavor babe"

"wh-which flavor?"

"the juice you drank-" jin uttered running his hungry tongue on jungkook bottom lip.
"o-h..oh I made for you too.. lemme get fo- for you" jin held him in place when jungkook tried to stand up

"no later. First I wanna suck your pretty lips. " jungkook inhaled a sharp breath knowing he gonna need it. When he saw jin moving toward him. He closed his eyes wanting to have it.

"so desperate huh?" jungkook opened his eyes and saw jin is moving back. His eyes widened and he pulled jin back who fell on him making him smirk.

"come on now. You can't go after making your little excited."


jin was smiling whole heartedly playing and enjoying time with his jungkook. jungkook was running to and from the living room with jin following him. 

jungkook was screaming and laughing while trying to be in full speed.

"nnnnnooooo hahaha. you can't catch me!!" but he was wrong jin sped up holding his waist making jungkook laugh more laudly.

"caught you baby." jin lifted him up and started circling him in speed making jungkook scream.

"ahh noooo. daddy no!" 

jin eyes widen he was waiting for whole two weeks for his little. he stopped turning jungkook in his arms and stared at him who had his head low.

"what do you say baby?"

jungkook pouted.

"sorry dad-" jin pulled him in tight hug and pulled away kissing jungkook face.

"awww my little baby. daddy isn't mad. daddy is happy " 


"yes my little?"

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