Chapter 44

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Jin panicked was just a word he held the unconcious body in his arms rodking and patting the cheeks as he was hell watching his baby like this . it was far he imagined will happen when he tell him about the baby.

"uh, Jin I forg- what happened to baby??!"

Jimin who forgot to take his bag with him that had his assignments . He had tell the driver to take a u-turn . he didn't expected Jin trembling while crying trying to wake his lover who was unconcious in his hold. He held his shoulder making him come back to senses.

"Jin held yourself. "

Jin quickly nodded like he got his power. He held his baby in his hold and ran to his room placing the baby on bad . rubbing and calling him again and again but all was going in vain .

Jimin called the doctor who was going to come any minute . Jimin sat on bed rubbing the palms while calling Jungkook like a baby that made Jin stop for a second but got back when Jimin starting calling him his hyungie . his baby was more important and he started kissing his face till doctor came and checked on him ;

Thankfully nothing was that bad as he lost conciousness cuz of sudden stress and shock . the doctor assured Jin that there is no need to go to hospital . Jungkook will wake up soon just take care of him and don't stress him out.

Looking at Jin. Jimin decided to stay . no matter how much Jin is efficient and just as a ceo should be but in case of his baby he is the most vulnorable and mess. He saw with smile looking at Jin who was cleaning his baby face and hands . he turned his head toward him and furrowned .

"Jimin what are you looking at ??"

Jin being possessive covered his baby even there was nothing to be hidden . Jimin smiled and walked in with a tray of things Jin might need . looking at the tray Jin expession changed and smiled back when Jimin patted his shoulder.

"he will be okay . my little beanie is so strong."

Jin smiled with a nod. He changed Jungkook clothes hugging him for dear life while appologizing and crying silently.

"baby I am so sorry "

"i am such a bad dad"

"so bad"

"i f I wa-'

Jin stopped talking when he felt Jungkook stirring in his arms . he backed away a little from the hug only to be held again; he connected his bud to his baby mouth as he didn't wanted his baby to wake up and remember . he want him to sleep peacefully.

He looked in proud smile when Jungkook just kept sucking and being fed. He rubbed his back and went to other side, he came to know how to stop his baby sucking from the bud. Even after being done and finished Jin hoped Jungkook woud be full but It was not .

he turned his head to the side of bed to find a milk bottle I the tray Jimin made . he put in Jungkook mouth . In middle of bottle Jungkook stopped sucking showing he fell asleep .

Jin placed the bottle aside kissing his baby and hugging while they both drifted to sleep . he prayed Jungkook wouldn't be like this in morning


"No !"

"Jimin your classes are impor-"

"and what you said? What you just did? You saying my beanie is not important compare to studies??"

Jimin roared at Jin when he got to know he took holidays. Jin sighed at Jimin stopped .

"i am sorry Jin . he is so muh important to me too. I am his hyungie . and he is my beaine. He is just like a baby . you can say he is just like my brother or my child."

Jin couldn't help to smile at Jimin words . he felt right offering Jimin . he excuse himself and went to Jungkook who was staring in the space. Jin held him in his arms and went to bath .

Jungkook didn't said anything and let what Jin wanted . Jin sat with him in bath cleaning boh of them andd junkook just leaned his head on the latter chest in the bath tub and closed his eyes sighing when Jin in circled his arms around him. They stayed there for a while and Jin then took both of them out tugging him in blanket and going inside himself .

Jin held him between his body not bothering to wear anything . After a while jungook took Jin hand and placed his palm on his bare tummy and a pained sob came from his mouth . Jin tightened his hold when Jungkook started tearing up holding his palm tightly.
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