Chapter 49

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"it's so beautiful.... "

Jungkook awed at the glass walls running here and there while seokjin sat on the bed with smile.
For the time alone. From the stress, anxiety and business it was a very good option to do.

"you like it? "

Jungkook nodded running to seokjin and jumped on his lap. Seokjin smiled holding his back.

"i love it. We will watch snow falling while i lay in your arms. You did it. I love you "

Jungkook said smiling and seokjin pulled him closer staring in his eyes. Feeling the closeness jungkook moved closing his eyes and seokjin licked his lips ready to devour his Jungkook lips.

"you are so beautiful "

Seokjin said pulling away. Jungkook was holding onto his shoulders Panting..

"i love you too "

Seokjin mumbled taking jungkook lips on his again. There moment started to get hotter by each second and jungkook was laying topless.
Seokjin smirked until he looked up and realized it's glass walls. Anyone can see them. He pulled jungkook up who was confused until seokjin hugged him.

"let's continue it in the house.. "

Jungkook was still confused until seokjin pulled him on feet and he looked around a blush came on his face realizing it's glass wall house.
Every beauty have some disadvantage.
They walked through frozen snow road and seokjin pushed him onto the bed walking to the boiler.

"baby.. Don't move... "

Jungkook stayed still watching seokjin start the boiler and stand in front of him. Jungkook could see what damage he have made and that made him happy but gulp too.

"liking it huh? You missed me? "

Seokjin said throwing his shirt away and unbuckled his jeans making it fall on the floor.


Jungkook moaned by the scene..

"now your turn. "

Jungkook nodded standing in front of seokjin slowly removing his layers of attire.

"come make my junior ready. The damage you do with your lips. Show it here"

Jungkook wasn't needed to tell again. He kneeled and started bobbing and holding seokjin thighs gagging it.

Remembering the memories and he sped up.
Seokjin who was growing inside his mouth fell on bed as he released all his seeds in his mouth. Jungkook didn't stop there. He kept sicking it making seokjin get hard in seconds.
Seokjin after coming down his high looked up at his jungkook.

"i want to fill you up so bad"

Jungkook smiled and stopped it pulling away with a pop sound.

"who is stopping you? Fill me up that i can't even breathe.. "

Saying that jungkook lapped his thighs caressing his chest.. Seokjin smirked flipping him.

"won't give you that soon. You needs to earn it baby "

Jungkook moaned when seokjin attacked his neck. He instinctively wrapped his legs around seokjin waist.. Making his hole rub along seokjin cock.

"love.. "

Seokjin whispered running thumb on his hole making jungkook body shock.

"you so desperate huh? "

"so desperate for daddy"

Jungkook said blushing opening his legs showing his clenching hole to seokjin who growled and stared at him.

"you won't be able to stop me "

Jungkook smiled nodding.

"i trust you.. I don't want you to stop either. "

"i didn't bought any condoms .. "

"but i bought lube. Many many"

Seokjin smiled. Caressing his thighs holding his waist.

"you want to carry my baby again.? "

Seokjin asked sadly.

"i always wanted to.. I know.. What happened. Earlier.. But i want to carry baby. I know so much now. And i have you, mom and jimie hyung too. I won't hide anything from you i promise. Let's have baby. I am ready. I know i can be unpredictable when i am little. But-"

Seokjin stopped him by hugging him and Jungkook sighed when he realized seokjin is crying. He knows seokjin is blaming himself more that they lost their bay because of him..
He kept blaming because he promised himself.. That jungkook would be fine, healthy and happy and he hurted jungkook to the core.

"love.. I trust you... It's okay.. I love you "
"i love you too much"

Seokjin mumbled wetting his shoulders.
Jungkook smiled but didn't pulled away. He wants seokjin to open and they have a healthy relationship. They are good to talk about the problems.


Jungkook patted his head feeling seokjin passed out because of exhaustion and breakdown. He pulled away placing him on bed and covered the both of them with blanket to the shoulders staring at the window watching snow falling..

Jungkook was deep in thoughts mesmerized by the beauty until he felt some sneaky touch...

"i am hard.. "

Jungkook grinned when seokjin quickly threw the blanket away and started to kiss him all over down the body making the grin turn to gasps and moans.


Jungkook toes curled when seokjin pushed inside his three fingers.. Second lube bottle was empty but seokjin keep testing his fingering abilities.

"ahh. For got sake. Aghhh. Kim seokjin.. If. Agh. You.. Didn't put. Aghhhhhh"

Seokjin smirked as jungkook screamed while he pushed deep inside.

"you was saying something love? "

Jungkook moaned and held the blanket.

"you sure? "

Seokjin said pushing half way in making jungkook eyes roll..

"ahh. Seokjin.. I love.. You!. GOd. It feels so good. After. So long.. "

Seokjin started to push deeper but jungkook limits crossed and he came hard..

"so heavenly.. "

Jungkook panted as the room was just echoed with skin slapping, moans and seokjin growls.


Seokjin spooned jungkook still in him. He didn't wanted to pull out and acted jungkook wanted that. He caressed jungkook body while kissing his lips.

He wanted to continue but after seokjin came in him jungkook passed out and seokjin didn't had the heart to be selfish.

He wants to cherish each moment not force himself for his own pleasure. He won't do anything mindlessly

"i love you baby. With baby or not. You are my love. "

"but i want your baby.. "

Jungkook said sleepily making seokjin stop his thinking..


Early update...
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