Chapter 30

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Jin pov:

Another day of mine with my little one. Two weeks spent too quickly i don't know. We went to many dates. His brother syopped by too but i didn't acknowledged his presence.

I came from my shower watching my baby emerged in the animation series. I ruffled his hair sitting on couch near him grabbed a magazine and started reading it.

"what's the matter baby? "

  I asked when jungkook pouted Hugging my waist. I smiled runnjng my hand on his back.

"i want daddy. Daddy didn't hug me"

he nuzzled my stomach and i grinned holding him up placing on my lap.

"aww my baby. Daddy just went for shower"

He grumbled looking away.

"look daddy is here. What you want from daddy? You wanna play? "

"i am twired"

i cupped his face kissing his cheeks.

"aw. You want something? "

"i want cookies "

i smiled and took him up placing on couch.

"stay here I'll take it. "

i rushed opening the drawer making a plate of cookies i baked last night with some snacks. Taking juice i walked to him who clapped his hands.

"here you go little"

He started eating right away while making cute voices. And i smiled laying my back to the couch.

"daddy dowe! "

"very good "

i praised him ignoring the mess he made of the shirt he was wearing.

"come let's give you bath baby"

i lifted him up after removing his shirt so other rooms doesn't get dirty from cookies rust and juice dripping.

"don't make mess. I am coming right away"

I instructed going out to his room grabbing pajamas with shorts since it's summer now. I found my little yawning. I cleaned him putting a bathrob until i clean the bath tub.

"daddy.. "

i turned to him whinning. I put his soft pajamas on carrying to our room sitting besode him.
He placed his head on my chest mumbling and yawning.

"daddy.. I want. Milk too. "

"you want? "

"you not giben me hungy"

"baby you drank milk in morning. "

"but.. But.. That's banana milk"

jin controlled his laugh and opened his shirt.

"i am sorry... Ah"

when i opened my shirt jungkook didn't wasted a second sitting between my legs and latched on my nipple. I settled back smiling running hand through his hair..

Jungkook fingers trailed to my second nipple playing until he started to get wild making me inhale when he started squeezing my nipple hard. I had to pat his back. He didn't pulled away after he stopped sucking me.

I sighed in relief when he stopped his torture. I settled on back rest holding my lover who had passed out. Not wanting to disturb his nap i clpsed my eyes too.

"umm.. Mmm "

Jungkook mumbled moving in sleep. Feeling hungry. Finding out he was already having the milk source in his mouth. He started sucking jin nipple while jin was sleeping soundly.

"mm. Daddy.. "

Jungkook pouted getting no response from his dad but jin was tired so jungkook pouted more latching towards other nipple when he felt he was full he laid there waiting for jin to wake up.

"why not waking up? "

Jungkook mumbled movkng out of his hold going out to kitchen in baby steps. He held biscuits from biscuit jar and his rj bear. He moved back to bed laying between his daddy legs he let jin sleep and started to play while eating.

"ohh love you woke up? "

jin smiled opening his eyes and found jungkook playing with his rj. Jungkook turned kissing his cheek


"you hungry baby? "

"noo daddy"

"ooh okay. You didn't wake daddy up? "

"you was sleeping. So i let you"

jin smiled kissing his forehead. He lifted jungkook placing on his thigh as they both played for a while.

"so love let's go make dinner ? "

"but i am not hungry... "

Jin chuckled and carried him out placing on couch.

"but by the time it will be finish you will be hungry. "

Jin turned the tv on playing animation while he walked to kitchen after freshing up. And started making it. While he was almost finished with salad and kuice. He chuckled hearing the yelling he knew would be coming anytime soon.

"daddy i am hungryyy"

"baby almost done"

That's how the day they spent full of joy with each other playing and watching animated movies and they both passed out after theor dinner.
Week later :

Jin walked inside the tv lounge and found jungkook vibing with a music show gesturing he is playing piano making jin lean on the wall smiling at happy jungkook.

He then furrowed when he saw jungkook sigh when performance on some tv show ended. He walked toward him going infront of jungkook.


"my love "

jin. Smiled leaning down pecking his forehead.

"how was your day? "

jungkook asked after giving him a glass of guava juice.

"it was fine. How was you baby? "

"it was fine too. Got bored so i helped maids and i made lunch and dinnerr"

"really? "

"yes.. You go fresh up I'll put on table.. "

"now place it here i am coming in a bit "

jungkook nodded and jin pecked his lips walking to room for change.

"baby that's so awesome "

jin complimented him making him smile.

"why you turned off tv.? Let it on"

jin want to ask him if jungkook react same to the show that was currently playing.

Jin pulled him closer to his body wrapping his left arm around his waist running his thumb on his thigh.


Jungkook exclaimed at the guitarist.

"you liked it? "

"i love it. I almost become that.... "

Jungkook sighed going in jin arms making jin squeeze his thigh.

"you can become now love. "

Little Mine 🔞 - Jinkook Where stories live. Discover now