Chapter 24

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jin was on his laptop working from home as it wasn't necessary to go because he already delivered the ship and the work load wasn't much to be handles in office. 

he was typing the schedule he often do it and make notes on days he wants to be home so his assistant don't call or disturb him making schedule accordingly.  his cellphone rang he ignored it first time and leaned a little back glancing at jungkook in his baby room playing with toys.

it took three days to get jungkook out of swelling and fever jungkook got out of space forcefully a day after but jin knows how to put him to little space. he knows how much jungkook was in pain and once out of space he won't be careful and get into formalities. jin smiled and turned back to laptop then his cellphone rang he stood up getting cellphone from his office and sighed looking at the caller. 

"hi mom" 

"hey son i thought you forgot me. i went to your office but you wasn't there"

"i just came back some days ago from abroad and wanted to be home. and it's not like that mom you know that whenever i texted you-."

"i know i am sorry but you will get- wait you mentioned someone remember?"

jin sat on the couch holding laptop on his lap again knowing that would be long talk.

"yes i di-"


jin quickly turned to his little voice almost forgetting and panicking what will his mother make drama. 

"mom a minute please!"

he went into panick and clicked on mute and disconnect turning to jungkook who was yawning and walking toward him. but little did he knows the call was still connected and yoona was listen with widen eyes and jaw gaped.

"yes my baby are you tired?"

"yes. me hugy. and sweepy and want daddy"

jungkook stood in front of jin and pouted. 

"aww my little baby missed me? come to daddy!"

jin picked him up placing between his legs and jungkook placed his head on jin chest. 

"so muchhh. daddy want huggy!"

jin grinned pecking jungkook forehead. and he pulled him close. 

"sure baby what baby wants to eat hm?"

"milk lot of!"

jungkook eyes shined at the mention.

"which one?"

jin thought jungkook will mention his but jungkook said other and it made him shocked.

"banana milk  and cookies!!"

jin chuckled none the less at the cuteness and nodded pecking his cheeks. 



yoona screamed running to her husband and held his arm.

"we need to go to jin!"

"what what happened?"

namjoon was shocked and got worried something might happened to his son.

"he is with a man. he was calling our son daddy and jin was calling him my little baby. come quick!"

namjoon facepalmed and sat on his study chair.

"ahh yoona you made me scared i thought something happened to him. isn't it good he have someone?"

"but he said he like someone???"

"it can be the one jin is with is the person he told us and plus it wouldn't be appropriate to go it's literally dawn and they might be doing something-"

yoonna sat beside her husband and started thinking while namjoon shocked his head returning to read the book.

"done this mean i am finally getting grandson??" 

"yoona slow down. let's go meet them or jin if he isn't living with our son and please don't ask right away you know that because of your this he get annoy and don't talk to us like before."

"but i jost want-"

"your wishes make him suffocate. stop that!"


"i am feeling gooood thank you"

jungkook said sleepily and hugged jin tightly who smiled patting his back. jin turned off his laptop after sending the file to his assistant picking jungkook up and fed him his food afterward medicine placing on the bd. 

After a whole he stood up tugging him in blanket and stripped in way to washroom dumping clothes in basket and turned to shower on. placing his hands on shower wall he sighed relaxing but soon he felt two arms hugging him from back and he smiled. 

"baby why not sleeping?"

"you here for more than hours. i started to get worried."

jin smiled lifting his chin after turning. 

"jin you okay?"

jungkook asked and jin sighed nodding. 

"yeah.. just had so much in mind..."

he pulled jungkook to hug who gladly returned.

"what's that please share with me. i won't judge you. you know that"

jin chuckled pecking his lips. 

"i know love i know. my lit-"

"jin i am not in little space please!"

"okay okay."

jungkook sighed and then hugge jin tiht under showed and started to kiss his shoulder blades feeling jn's hands roaming on his body.

"turn off the shower. jin let me take care of you"

jin like a good boy turned the shower tap off and they both stared at each other for a minute until jungkook tip toed kissing his lips feeling the struggle jin slowly held jungkoook waist living him up and lips connected. 

"um jin i love you so much. "

"i love you too."

jin hands wrapped around jungkook's buttsheeks making him moan..

"baby so hot-"

jungkook nodded between kisses while they walked out from washroom and jungkook placed him on bed hovering him . 

"no no . let me take care of you first"

"but i am okay!"

jungkook cupped his cheeks caressing them lovingly. 


jin nodded under jungkok soft touch he never know he wanted suck thing and jungkook slowly pushed him straddling him. 

"relax. "

jin soon relaxed and jungkook stood up vanishing in washroom again returning with an oil bottle.

"wait a bit"

before jin could stip or utter a word jungkook ran out of room naked.

" you so good at this"

jungkook massaged his stoff and tired muscles making them relax. jungkook smiled he was literally doing nothing much just saw hoseok giving to yoongi once.


jin moved down and held his cock.

"i guess it needs massage too"

jin groaned feeling jungkook hands around his harden cock.

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