Chapter 21

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A little rushed Chapter 

Jin don't know he kept awake for almost whole night worry was eating him out. He will talk with yoongi personally and take assurance if jungkook would be save for some days. He will try to come as soon as possible. He was in his deep thoughts when he felt jungkook stir in his sleep and started mumbling.

He looked at him amazed with a smile.

"my little hungry hm?" he moved jungkook adjusting to his nipple and rubbed his little back lovingly. In no time jungkook was sucking him wrapping his arms around jin waist. Jin held his face and run his hand his own hairs.

"I don't know... baby I don't want to leave you here. But not there either" he kept caressing jungkook back with worry until jungkook was asleep . he shifted jungkook on other side and put alarm closing his eyes sighing.


"jin..." jin stirred and smiled opening his eyes.

"come on... wake up" jin smiled more opening his eyes and finding jungkook staring down at him jin stretched his hand cupping jungkook face and pulling him down. He kissed jin forehead lovingly and smiled at him.

"baby..." jungkook blushed at he pecked jin lips.

"wake up. Let's do breakfast." Jin nodded and jungkook walked to washroom and jin could hear water rushing in the bathroom.

"I am in kitchen get ready" jin nodded sitting up . putting his cellphone on charge he walked to washroom.


"Oh you here?" jungkook was setting the table when jin came inside the dinning room. Jin nodded with a smile and sat on chair.

"baby please come here." Jungkook looked up and smiled setting the breakfast close and walked to his boyfriend. Jin patted his lap and jungkook happily sat on his lap. Jin wrapped his arm around jungkoook and they happily ate breakfast.

When they were done jin was not willing to let jungkook go.

"what it is? Are you okay?" jungkook asked turning in jin arms.

"i am okay.." jin nuzzled his shoulder.

"go in room. It's a lot of time until 4pm. Let's take a nap?" jungkook asked staring in jin tired eyes. Jin nodded pecking his lips.

"don't take long "

"I won't" when jungkook saw jin going to room he rushed doing all the dishes and hurried hugging jin. Jungkook placed his head on jin chest and patted lightly hugging him tightly.

After sometime he looked up and saw jin sleeping he smiled and turned to see the time they have 6 hours until 3pm. So he laid there and soon felt dozing off.


"jin you have everything right?" jin nodded and held his and jungkook's suit case putting in car.

"hi sir. Hi sir" jimin bowed to both and jungkook smiled bowing back.

"hi. How are you?" jimin was amazed how friendly personality jungkook have.

"I am good sir." Jungkook giggled and sat straight feeling an arm around his waist.

"I am good. Can you stop at some drive thru? Jin is not feeling much good"

"sure sir."


"two capaccino some cookies and nuggets want some thing jimin?" jimin looked back and smiled at jungkook but looking at jin so close to jungkook almost glued to each other he felt embarrassed and thanked himself jin his boss didn't see him or he would sure get yelled.

"no sir I am good."

"but I insist please order something for yourself."

"a-..any juice would be enough" jungkook smiled and nodded when they entered the drive thru jungkook ordered two capaccino some cookies and nuggets and any apple juice for jimin.

"thank you sir" jimin said when jungkook handed him the juice glass he tried to not see back to avoid something he shouldn't see.

"jin.. okay eat this. Common you ate only breakfast." Jimin smiled hearing jin whining voices and he is sure jin sir is so close to the man he is with.

"don't pout open up I'll feed you.aaah-" jimin controlled his laugh and focused on the road.

"sir we are ten minutes away..." jimin said in case jin will start eating.

"fine I am eating. Baby promise me you will be okay?" jungkook nodded and jin held the cookies box started munching.


"welcome" yoongi moved aside and let jinkook enter.

"baby I'll be there in minute go too your room ?" jungkook nodded and dragged his suit case to his room,.

"yoongi please I don't have much time.. please assure me jungkook would be okay here we have talked. If it won't be impact my whole cargo and jungkook didn't pressure me. I wouldn't go. " yoongi came patted his shoulder.

"don't worry he would be okay. I am his brother." Jin smiled.

"I'll meet jungkook"


Jin hurried and saw jungkook setting his suit case in dressing room.

Jin hugged him tightly making him yelp.

"I am going promise me love you would take care of yourself a lot. And will not eat fast food all around" jungkook turned in his arms and smiled hugging his neck.

"I promise I'll try my best. Go there and without any rest. Calmly work there I am okay here" jin moved connecting his lips with jungkook.


"I am gonna miss you so much!"

"I'll miss you too"

Minutes passed and jinkook kept hugging each other with jungkook caressing his head and back.

*knock knock*

"jin your secretary is outside..."

"shit-" jin pulled away but jungkook held his hand seeing he isn't moving outside. He walked jin to car and jin sat there.

"I am worried for you love.." jungkook leaned pecking his lips and smiled.

"I'll be okay.. jimin?"

"y-yes sir?"

"take care of my boyfriend please? I want him safe."

"yes sir"

Jungkook closed the door and waved to him turning to his brother who hugged him tightly.

"I missed you hyung"

"I missed my kookie too"


"sir you okay?" jin took a deep breathe. And looked at jimin while they were waiting for the jet to take off.

"I think I did a terrible mistake leaving my baby there. aghh" jimin didn't understand what was the meaning but he felt bad. He never saw his boss this conflicted and trouble.

"sir you can always text, call or video call... him..." jin nodded and sighed again.

"I know.. I just. I love him so much"

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