Chapter 31

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"mom please stop i am going to jungkook. You go home as well"

seokjin pushed his mother and blew a kiss closing the door. She was nagging and making jungkook tell him ask seokjin to fuck him while he is in little space that seokjin is definitely not going to do.

He is never going to take jungkook in any way or harm him that his little self starts to get scared of him while he is little. He walked to jungkook who was playing with toys. He smiled kissing his forehead.

"my little you want something? "

Jungkook grinned shocking his head.

"nope daddy "

"alright daddy is feeling gross he is going to take shower. Don't try to be naughty okay? "

"okie. Daddy. Butt. What. If. I get shcared? "

jungkook asked blinking and seokjin kissed his nose.

"okay so daddy isn't closing the door okay? If my little get scared come to daddy okay? You sit in tub while i shower? "

Jungkook nodded happily. Seokjin grabbed his stuff and walked to washroom undressing himself. He shaved his private parts and got into shower sighing in relief feeling everything coming off.

While he was under shower he heard whimperings and he turned when he saw jungkook running inside the washroom

"daddy. That. Animal so. Scary!!! "

seokjin quickly opened his arms holding jungkook to his body patting his head and back.

"it's okay. It's okay. Daddy got you"

jungkook sniffled and looked up then got back to nuzzling his chest tightly holding him Seokjin looked around and then jungkook feeling something going down his legs.

"love did you pee in your shorts? "

Seokjin asked worriedly and felt jungkook trembling in his hold.

"it's okay bub. It's okay. Nothing to be embarrassed. "

Seokjin kneeled taking jungkook shorts down throwing away. He pulled jungkook under the shower with him and removed his blazer.

Because of embarrassment jungkook wasn't looking up so seokjin lifted his face kissing all over and bopped his nose. He held him tightly.

"love don't be embarrassed of me hm? I am your daddy. It's okay. It can happen "

Jungkook nodded placing his head on seokjin chest.

"what animal you saw little?"

"the red one. Small. But scaryyy"

"okay let's shower together!!! You wanna shampoo? "

"the birdie one! "

jungkook said excitedly and seokjin quickly took baby shampoo in bird shaped bottle.

"daddy daddy"

seokjin turned around when jungkook called him who was sitting on counter.

"baby wait let me dress you. And i checked the animal is gone. Daddy killed it "

"no! I don't want to. It's hot. I don't like it!!! "

Seokjin eyes widened when jungkook screamed.

"little where you got to know you can yell at daddy? "

Jungkook instantly looked down with sad pout. Seokjin sighed grabbing shorts pulling on him who made faces but seokjin didn't care he put on soft fabric top on Jungkook lifting him up he took him to their bedroom who haven't utter a single word yet.

"come here bub "

jungkook slowly looked up at seokjin who was laying on bed crawled towards him and seokjin pulled him in his arms.

"you know i love you so much. But you yelling at me. It hurts daddy you know? "

"i am sorry daddy"

seokjin smiled and wiped jungkook face who have been tearing up now.

"ooh my little. Come on sweetheart. "

seokjin hugged him comforting his little who was sobbing in his arms. Seokjin lifted the blanket turning on the air conditioner.

"come here bub. Your milk "

"i am sorry daddy"

"it's okay little. Come here daddy wants to feed you"

Seokjin aligned his nipple to Jungkook lips.

"come on. You would be grumpy if you sleep empty stomach "

Seokjin patted him while pushing his nipple into his lips and Jungkook started drinking after some minutes. Feeling this seokjin smiled closing his eyes.

Feeling that something is up with jungkook but ignored as the instinct jungkook was scared before.


"daddy i am hunnngggyyy"

jungkook mumbled to seokjin who was laying on his stomach. Jungkook pouting shocking him who turned to him.

"did i sleep that heavily? "

seokjin asked in deep sleep and moved his arms to find jungkook. He undid his shirt and opened it wide.

"here little take as much you need. Daddy is so tired today"

Jungkook quickly got on top of him and latched on him.

"goodnight daddy"

jungkook kissed his cheeks making seokjin smile even in deep sleep. He covered the both while jungkook was sucking his nipples. He let him do if he can sleep.

"is daddy okay? He is not waking up.. "

jungkook shocked him while sucking his nipple like he do with his pacifier. He was awake for last three hours and it was 1 the afternoon. Jungkook got up freshen up like seokjin taught him. He went to kitchen but pouted finding nothing to eat he went back and laid on seokjin who grunted but didn't stop him when he sucked his nipples.

"is daddy shick? Did that animal bit daddy? "

jungkook was about to cry but right then seokjin cellphone rang. Jungkook got off the bed taking cellphone to his ear.

"daddy not waking up. I am scared. Me scared. Animal bit. Daddy. Daddy"

Thankfully on the call was seokjin mother who missed jungkook and wanted to have a talk with him so she called.

"oh my god. That's alright sweetheart. I am coming. I am coming. Can you be a good boy please? "

Jungkook nodded with cries.

"okay when I call you again go out and see if there is any maid? "

jungkook walked out and found out he was alone.

"no. No. One"

"alright that's okay. I am coming okay. Did you saw animal bit daddy? "

"no. "

"then how you think animal bit daddy sweetheart? "

"because. I saw. Last. Night. A big. Animal. Daddy said. It's gone. But it came back!! "

"okay okay. I am outside sweetheart. Open the door"

Jungkook was sobbing all the way he somehow made it to the door and hugged his mother sobbing.

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