Chapter 45

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It pained watching him like that . he stayed with him until he fell asleep because of exhaustion . Jin wanted him to eat something but let it aside as  he didn’t wanted to force him . he came out of the room kissing one more time on Jungkook head and before a tear could come from his eyes.

Jimin  saw how Jin hurried out and held the knob taking deep breaths to stop the tears. Jin patted his shoulder and took him to kitchen when he handed a glass of water to Jin.

“thank you Jimin  I owe you so much”

“don’t mention it. I am not doing this for you anyway.”

Jin nodded . he tried to smile but it didn’t came.

“Jin please take it out . I know this is hard. But if you keep it in you will slowly break down. ”

“it’s paining to see him like that . I didn’t know . it’s so hard. I thought taking him and living with me will make him  away from all pains and sufferings. I-if I knew I wouldn’t be like tha-”

Jin placed the palms on his face to stop the sob. Jimin  was taken back at hearing Jin confession. He never saw Jin responsible . he was not at mistake . it was something written in fate. He saw how Jungkook  smile and leaned toward him when they sit together or when they saw movie together, how Jin comforted him . how Jin was placing himself aside for his baby.

“Jin you are not at mistake . stop blaming yourself . he will be more hurt looking you blaming and hurting yourself. He need you . he just got to know he lost someone who was in him . more he didn’t got to know froom you . it’s more painful knowing from other when you was supposed to be telling him . I am not saying you did wrong I know you was scared how he will react . but what was suppose to happen . happened already , you both have your life left . held yourself take rest . he need you so much  ”

Jin nodded weakly .

“did you get any sleep?”

he got silence . he sighed and went to Jin room where he knew Jin placed everything . he carassed Jungkook  hair before coming out of room. He handed Jin pain killers and a glass of milk .

“take some sleep he is sleeping I’ll be here. ”

“okay ”

Jin walked to his room laying on bed.

“no Jin go to other room you look like you going to cry again”

Jin didn’t want to but when Jimin  assured he went out . he went to his baby room hugging his baby favorite plushy . he closed his eyes after shedding tears.

Jimin walked inside feeling his heart clench.. Jungkook was always so kind. Make everything better just by smiling and existing. Now he is in pain and he really doesn't knows how to make it better.

"our beanie" 

Jimin mumbled sighing.. He can't imagine jungkook and seokjin going through such a hard and painful period of their lives. But he is wishing this incident don't leave a mark or dent in their relationship.  He have already witnessed that seokjin is blaming himself for their loss.

"i know it's hard but let it go. If your angel loves you. It will come back i am sure"

Jimin  whispered praying to have power in their love to go through this tough situation.

Jimin was sitting beaide jungkook making sure he is okay but he ended up sleeping in the same position while caressing jungkook hair.

He jolted awake when jungkook started whimpering in his sleep. He tried to hold and calm him but when it got more. He didn't waste a second and ran to seokjin shocking him up.

"jin... Jin"

Jin jolted up and saw jimin breathing heavily.

"what happened?"

"just go. Jungkook. He-"

jin didn't wait and ran to jungkook who was crying hard in his sleep with gasping and trembling body.

"ahhh. Baby. My baby....."

jin ran to his baby who was crying hard and held his face in his palm and jungkook came out of his dazed dream.

"baby look at me. Baby here... I am here. Look at me! "

"my baby. My baby!"

jungkook screamed holding his stomach. Jin pulled him up and hugged him tight as he couldn't control himself anymore and started crying with him.

"i am so sorry. I was such irresponsible. I am so sorry"

Jungkook just cried harder holding jin.
When he broke the hug and wiped the tears from jungkook face that just kept falling. He know it is hard for him. For both of them.

"baby... "

Jungkook started after minutes of his breakdown.

" was here..."

jungkook started crying again he was being taken on seokjin's lap and stared at his baby.

"my baby was here. Baby was here. I felt right. I felt it. I felt it JIN!!!"

he hugged himself but suddenly broke it and hugged jin.

"i am so sorry my baby. If i didn't gotten into my ego and anger and acted like that. Our baby would be here. I am so sorry. Ahhh. I am so sorry"

jungkook yelled while crying hard and jin  held him. He waited until jungkook take it out all..

"baby.. Nothing is your fault. Nothing is. Okay? It's my fault that i didn't acted responsible toward you. I should held you. I am sorry. Can u forgive me? Please?"

Jungkook shocked his head saying he is at fault but jin held his face kissing it all over.

" shh. Baby no more okay?. You know i hate to see tears in your eyes. Please... Please "

Jungkook nodded and placed his face on jin chest. Jin laid on bed as they both cried silently. Jin let him. And soon they were asleep in each other arms.

Last update of the week
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