Chapter 51

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Days of happiness and spending time with each other came to end. But not their love. They spent a looong time talking about the time, emotions and feelings about regrets, anger and future.

Jungkook promised himself that he won't loose his mind over stuff and will try to figure it out.. He can't bear to loose his seokjin he loves so much.

And seokjin also he promised to not just focus on work. He have someone else now who waits for him and needs his attention and love.

They came back after a week and found the house neat and clean. Seokjin smiled at the organized house. Jimin was taking good care of their house.

"love go freshen up I'll put the bags in room"

Jungkook smiled shocking his head.

"let's do together"

Seokjin chuckled at that and they put all the bags in.. Seokjin lifted his jungkook and they smiled undressing..

Jungkook hands reached seokjin's cheeks kissing him while the older lifted him up turning the shower and standing under it.


"i love you seokjin"

"i love you too"

Seokjin leaned again kissing him, pulling him closer.. And after the goodnight kiss they fell asleep while staring at the starry sky.

At exact 9 am there was knock on the door making seokjin wake up he looked around and sighed but that sigh changed into smile when he saw jungkook in his arms.

Seokjin kissed his haie and moved out of the bed and opened the door.

"ohhh jimiin"

Seokjin flashed a smile to jimin who smiled back.

"ah.. I am sorry to wake you up that early but your cellphone was outside and it keep ringing.. I thought it might be important."

Seokjin sighed looking at his cellphone.

"i want to have some time off.."

Seokjin groaned looking at calls and walked out to receive the call.  Jimin who was standing there smiled at jungkook who was sleeping so he walked away after closing door.

He instructed maids to make breakfast for them and may take leave after that.. Jimin also went to the guest room to study for his assignment.


Jimin looked up and sat straight.

"yes seokjin.?"

"uhh.. I need to go visit the site.." seokjin informed him.

"oh.. Okay.. I'll set your breakfast.. Go get ready then"

"no no.. Just take care of jungkook for me"

Jimin shocked his head.

"of course i will.. He is my little brother"

Seokjin smiled thanking him and walked to his room where his frustration changed to smiled and peace. He sat on bed and pulled the boy in his arms nuzzling his neck.


Jungkook hummed clenching his shirt.

Seokjin eyes widened at that and now the urge to stay home increased he pulled Jungkook more close to his body kissing his face.

"baby.. Open your eyes for me"

Jungkook yawned opening his eyes.

"baby. I have to go to work.. I'll be back soon"
Jungkook eyes widened but he shocked his head badly slip out of little state. And soon he smiled nodding.

"it's okay seokjin i understand. Should I get your dress ready?"

Seokjin smiled pecking his lips.

"okay go shower my love"

Seokjin smiled again..

"join me?"

Jungkook grinned shocking his head.

"you won't be able to go to work if i join seokjin. Go shower"


Jungkook helped him wear his coat after he had breakfast and shower. Seokjin pulled him closer kissing his lips.

"we just came back and now i am going to work straight"

Jungkook shocked his head letting seokjin hold his waist.

"i am fine. I'll have you once you are back. All attention on me. No?"

Seokjin smiled nodding staring at his face wanting to devour him but his cellphone rang again.

"aish... Okay baby. Go back to sleep okay? You had jetlag"

Jungkook nodded pecking his lips and waved him goodbye. After tha he stretched his arms feeling tired and of course sore to walk so he laid on bed and closed his eyes again letting his body to relax.



Jungkook called but there was no one in the house so he pouted and walked to kitchen and heated up the breakfast.. He nodded to himself and walked back to his rooma nd started to unpack the bags. Putting dirty clothes in loundry room and new to different basket.

After when he was done with two bags and finished washing clothes  a pair of arms lifted him up taking him out of the laundry room.

"how is my love?"

Jungkook smiled turning in his arms.

"i am good"

Seokjin looked around the room and sighed.
"why you doing all alone.. You was already tired don't tell you ar-"

"seokjin i fell asleep and no i am not tired. I wanted to wash the clothes and unpack them"

Seokjin didn't replied he kissed his head and hugged him. Jungkook let him caressing his hair.

"what about you take a nap?"

"no i can't sleep while you are working.. Let's do together"

"no we will do that later. You ate something?"

"i did. Maids made breakfast. I asked them to make yours.  You ate?"

Jungkook hummed walking out and saw jimin already packing bag. J8min hurried hugging jungkook.
"how are you jungkook?"
"i am goood."

"i came to meet you but you was sleeping so. I walked out"

Jungkook smiled nodding and turned to seokjin.

"you had fun?"

"i had a looot of fun"

Jimin nodded happily.

"okay that's soo cool. Okay. I told them what ingredients to be bought so tell them what you want to eat you both. I have class. Jungkook. Let's talk a lot tomorrow. I am in hurry"

"it's okay hyung be safe"

"be happy jungkook"


"you gave jimin his gift we bought?"

"noo.. I forgot."

"it's okay. What about we plan a family get together.. That way our both families will meet each other?"

"i am not sure... What if jhope messed it up?. It's all awkward.. He is really unpredictable..what if.."

Seokjin pulled Jungkook hand in his.

"hey babe.. Let's have lunch with your brother and my family separate.. And give them gifts we bought. How is that?"

"that's better... It's scares me how he ruin a happy environment"

"that's okay. Baby. I am here. I'll be your happy mood no?"

Jungkook grinned when seokjin kissed his neck.

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