Hey, Guys

852 36 21

Ummmmm, 1.1K votes? What?!?! Thank You guys so freaking much. That is absolutely insane!!!! You guys are all amazing and awesome and cute and perfect and OH MY GOD!!!!! I can't even wrap my head around that! Thank you all so much.

Really though, fangirling aside, thank you. This really means so much to me to the oint where i can't verbally express it. The more that people comment, vote, and even view, then more I feel overall happy in my everyday life. All because of you. I am addicted to you guys (And trying to be entertaining and making good chapters), to the point where, i finsished a VAntentine's Day chapter for you guys (That will be realeaded on the 24th), and i instantly thoyght to myself, "Ok, what's the next project." I think I'm a workaloic.

Tahnk you again, guys. I can't say that enough. And because you all are so awesome, i thought we could create a mini fandom. Basccally what i mena by thta is i want to give you guys a name. Like Danasours, Philions, and Phans. Something like that. I made some opetions for you all to chose from.

A) dildos


C) Phanny Packs 

and if you have any other ideas, please, I beg of you, please comment them. Comment soem other things too, like requests, ideas, quotes, and anything else you wnat.

I love you guys so much, and i'll see you soon


(P.S. Yes, i know there are tpos. I did this on my computer, and i type really fast, so sorry if everything looks a bit wrong or out of place, I'll edit it later.)

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