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Third person POV

Phil was back home from visiting PJ for a bit. "Phil!" Dan ran up to his boyfriend and hugged him tight. "Hey, look what PJ got me" Phil held up a blue chair/pillow." "Cool" Dan replied. "I need to go edit, ok" Phil kissed his boyfriend's cheek, and went to his bedroom. Dan frowned, he hadn't seen Phil all day, and now he was probrably going to bed. "Ok, um, goodnight" Dan yelled, but Phil couldn't hear him. Phil put his new pillow against his headboard and laid against it, pulling out his laptop, and logging onto YouTube to watch some videos.

Dan's POV

Phil's been in his room for about an hour, and I can hear him watching YouTube videos, but I couldn't hear who he was watching. I walked out of my bedroom, and slowly opened his door. He was watching PJ's videos, and had his arms wrapped around the blue pillow. He was facing away from the door, so didn't hear me come in. I just leaned against the door frame, and watched him. He laughed and chuckled a couple times, and every time he did, he'd squeeze the pillow just a little bit more. I unconsciously bit my lip, and balled my hands into fists, wig my arms crossed, as I watched him click another video of PJ's.

A couple more videos rolled by, and I just kept looking at his arms tightly around that pillow. He spent the whole day with PJ, PJ got the pillow for him, Phil's watching his videos... does he hate me? What have I done wrong?! Is he breaking up with me?!

I darted down the hallway and into the lounge where I sat with my head in my knees, not thinking straight. So many thoughts dashed through my head, worry and fear was taking over. I sat there for what felt like minutes, but when I looked up, it had been a whole hour. "Maybe he's asleep." I whispered to no one in particular, and forced myself off the couch and back to Phil's room.

The door was still opened, and he was in the same position I left him in, but his feet were wrapped around each other, and swaying back and fourth. I felt my face redden again as I saw him hugging the pillow even tighter with every second, and he was still watching 'reruns', of PJ's videos.

He finally finished watching the video, and closed his laptop. He carefully and quietly got off his bed, most likely to turn the lights off.

"Ah!" he cried, and flinched back slightly once he saw me, "Hey, wait, are you ok." He stepped closer so he was right I from of me. I didn't answer the question, but instead jumped to, "Do you still love me?" His eyes widened, and he hugged me with all his might, "Of course, how could I not." I hugged him back with relief and rested my chin on his head, seeing as he was the perfect height to do so. "What made you think I didn't?" he mumbled into my shirt. "You've been talking to PJ a lot recently, you hung out for the whole day today, you've been watching his videos, and he bought you a present. You were all cuddled up with it too". "Dan" he laughed, and let go, "Are you jealous of PJ?" "Yeah, but not as much as that pillow." I jokingly gave the object a death stare. Phil laughed loudly, "Come on." He threw the pillow off the bed, and climbed under the covers, "If you're so jealous, I'm giving you the chance to take it's place." With no hesitation I jumped in bed and under the covers with him. He hugged me as he did the pillow, and rested his head on my rising and lowering chest.
"I love you, Phil" I whispered tiredly, after nearly an hour of cuddling. "I love you too, no one can replace you, especially not a pillow" he giggled, and tightened his arms around me. I kissed his forehead, and fell asleep.

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