Christmas Eve

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Summary: It's Christmas eve, and It's Dan and Phil's anniversary, but Phil sort of forgets, and later remembers, but by then they're already at a restaurant with friends, and Dan does something very special...

Phil's POV
"Come on, let's go!" Dan shouted from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I yelled back, trotting down the stairs.
When I reached the bottom, Dan fiddled with something in his pocket before turning around and looking at me, a bit shocked and worried at the same time; his face went white. "What's that?" I asked referring to his pocket. "Oh, um, trash." He said, stuttering slightly. "Oh, don't you wanna throw it away before we go?" I asked in a bit of a 'duh' tone. "No, no. Uh, we should probably be going anyways." he replied, opening the door. Dan threw his big coat on and I wrapped my dark brown, red, plaid scarf around my neck and mouth.
We walked to the lift, and stepped in. Out of the corner I my eye, I could see Dan whip the trash from his pants' pocket into his coat's pocket, trying to keep it anonymous.
"Dan, that trash is really bothering you, want to give it to me?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "No, it'd probably just annoy you as well." he replied before the elevator opened and we stepped out.
Dan opened the lobby door for me, and a blast of cold air hit us. We quickly jumped outside and closed the door, not letting the cool air in the warm building. I smiled at the street which was lit with Christmas decorations and lights on trees that sparkled a bit. It was perfect.
"So, excited for Christmas?" Dan asked. "Of course I am! Christmas Day is tomorrow!" I replied, bouncing a bit "Remember what I got you for a Christmas Eve present five years ago?" he smiled. "Yeah, but to be fair it was." I widened my eyes in shock. "Oh my god, it's our five year anniversary today!" "Well, our anniversary of when I first kissed you as well." He added. "Yeah but, I just, ugh. Oh, I'm so sorry, Dan," I frowned, "I didn't get anything or plan anything, and now were going out with our friends on our special day!" "Phil, baby, it's fine. I've got a great Christmas present for the both of us to share." he pulled me into his side, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and kissing my head. "What? You can't get an anniversary gift for the both of us." "Oh, just you watch me." He smiled, and I could start to see the restaurant a block away.
We stepped in, and immediately saw Louise, Matt, and Darcy at a giant table, fit for ten people. "Danny, Philly!" Darcy screamed jumping off Louise and running to Dan and I. She ran into Dan, hugging his legs.
"Oof, oh hey, little one." he smiled, and picked her up. "Philly!" she smiled again, reaching for me. Dan stepped a bit closer to me, and Darcey gave me a hug. I hugged her small head back with one hand, taking my scarf off with the other.
She then started playing with my fingers, and Dan kissed her head. "Can you count to five?" I asked holding up my hand. "One, two, three, four, seven, eleventeen, nine!" she smiled, randomly hitting my fingers in no order. Dan and I laughed, "Aww."
"You two would be great parents." I heard someone behind us, in a teasing way. I turned around to see Alfie, Zoe, and Joe walking in. "Oh shut up." I blushed, sitting down at the table next to where Darcey would sit, and Dan sat on my opposite side. Zoe and Alfie sat next to Dan, and Joe sat beside Matt who was opposite side Louise, who sat next to Darcey. "Where's Caspar?" Matt asked. "Oh, he had to go to a meeting. He'll be here any minute." Joe shrugged.
We talked for only a few minutes, and Dan kept nervously squeezing my hand under the table, and I, of course, squeeze back. He didn't seem like himself, and I was scared. He still fiddled with the piece of trash, which was back in his front pants' pocket and it was worrying me.
"Hey!" Caspar appeared out of nowhere, jumping beside Joe. Joe jumped back and gasped, then coughed as we laughed at him. "That wasn't funny. You scared the absolute crap out of me." Joe complained. "No, Joe, it was hilarious!" Louise continued to laugh hysterically.
Once we all calmed down, our waiter arrived at our table, "Can I get you all something to drink?" she asked smiling brightly. I ordered a Coke-a-Cola, but I just couldn't seem to pay any attention to the others, as Dan became more nervous by the second. The burnet woman finally left, and our table grew quite.
I couldn't keep it in any longer, and it pained me to see Dan like that. I asked, "Dan, why are you so nervous?" Everyone turned to me, then Dan. Louise seemed to squeal a little, and then started digging in her bag, and so did Zoe. I thought they were maniacs, but I paid no attention.
"Well, Phil..." he looked around the table, and everyone seemed confused besides Louise and Zoe, who now had their cameras out, and were on the table. Again, I thought they were crazy, but I ignored it, and faced Dan once again.
He took a huff, then closed his eyes, and nodded, as if speaking to himself, then took my hands in his. He stood up, and pulled me with him. I looked him in the eyes with concern, confusion, and curiosity. He kept holding my hands, and everyone in the restaurant started looking at us.
"Dan, people are staring." I whispered feeling embarrassed. "Good." he smiled. Sweat started to build up on his forehead, and his palms became sweaty as well. "Phil, I've been meaning to ask you..." he let go of my hands, and dropped on one knee. Everyone gasped, besides Louise and Zoe who were now squealing. I put my hands on my face in shock, and then stared down at him.
"Philip Michael Lester, I've loved you for a long time, and I will never stop. No matter how many fights over Donkey Kong we have," everyone giggled a bit, "I will always love you, and nothing could ever change that." He pulled out the 'trash' and held it in his hands. It was a bear, silver ring, and it was perfect. "Phil, please, will you marry me?" I smiled and I was speechless. I felt tears weld up in my eyes as I covered my face and nodded, not able to move due to shock and just pure happiness. Everyone in the restaurant screamed and cheered as Dan shot up and hugged me tight.
"No, please don't cry," he whispered, "I don't wanna see my best friend hurt." I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into his shoulder, "Ok."
Everyone soon grew quiet, but I could still feel them watching us. "I love you." Dan whispered. "I love you too." I smiled looking up into his perfect brown eyes that will never get old.
"Come on boy, put the ring on!" I heard an old man yell from the back end of the restaurant. Dan laughed, "Oh yeah." I laughed at his silliness, "You're such an idiot." "Does that mean you don't love me?" he pretended to pout, but then let out a little smirk as he took my hand in his, and the ring in the other. "Uh, which finger does it go on?" he asked a bit panicked. I laughed, "You're so stupid. It's that one." I wiggled my left ring finger. Everyone cheered, and we sat back down.
Eventually, one rather eventful dinner later of 'congratulations' from random strangers, and Louise and Zoe fangirling over us, we walked home hand-in-hand.

We entered our flat, and I took all of our heavy clothing off until I was just in my green jumper and skinny jeans.
"Phil, I love you." Dan whispered as he hugged me on the sofa where we were looking at our Christmas tree and the presents beneath it. "I love you too." I smiled, snuggling into him and soon, falling asleep in his arms.

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