Out Past Curfew

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I left my friend, PJ's, house silently, seeing as he was asleep on the couch that was right beside the door. At the age of sixteen, I started worrying about the curfew (which was eleven o' clock). There were cops that lived on this road for gods sake, and if they saw me out, I'd surely get in trouble.

I checked my phone and saw I had one minute until curfew. My house was a mile's walk away. I'd never make it.

I practically sprinted down the street, hoping nobody (especially a police officer) would see me sprinting for my life.

I ran, and ran, and ran, until it became physically impossible to keep moving at that same pace. I stopped, and began panting as I walked. I still couldn't see my house as I turned another corner, and that scared me. But what scared me even more was the police car that was around the corner.

My face went white, and all the blood in my body flooded to my legs. I saw the cop instantly jump out of his car, as soon as he saw me and he screamed, "Stop. Come here right now!" I turned around and bolted into the nearest house. The door to the house, luckily, was unlocked, and I dove inside. I locked the door behind me, and leaned my back against it, breathing heavily.
I thought I was safe until I noticed a man in a plaid shirt and skinny jeans with un-matching socks was standing right in front of me with a mug of tea in his hand. He was pale, paler then I've ever seen someone, and his dark black hair swept to the side (like mine), against his white skin. The only color on him were his big blue eyes, that were now wide in shock.

"Um, I-I stayed out past c-curfew and I had t-to run. I won't hurt you, if you would please just let me stay until the cop leaves I'll-" he interrupted me, "It's fine." but he didn't seem fine. He seemed scared. "Oh my god, thank you so much." I smiled, jumping up and down a bit. "Y-Yeah, of course." he stuttered, and stitched up at smile.

After a few awkward seconds of silence, I spoke up and held out my hand, "I'm Dan." "I'm Phil." he replied, taking my hand in his, seeming more comfortable.

After a little bit of talking, there was a knock on the door. Phil hopped down from the counter of his kitchen that we were sat on (eating crisps), and said, "I'll get it."

I listened to see if I could hear the conversation, and when I heard who was at the door, I froze. "Hey, I'm officer Charlie. Have you seen a boy with brown hair running around, and looks about sixteen?" I heard someone with a deep voice ask. "Oh, yeah. Um, he's my... little brother. He's staying the night at my house." Phil replied shakily. My eyes wen wide as my heart sped up. "Little brother, eh? Can I see this 'little brother' of yours?" The officer asked mockingly. "O-Of course. Dan! Come here, a police officer wants to talk to you!" Phil called me over. I replied, being as non-shaky sounding as I could be, "Be right there."

I hopped off the counter and took a few deep breaths before I started my way to the door.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to act like I wasn't freaking out on the inside. "So, this your big brother?" He asked trying to sound all smarty-pants. "Yeah, why?" "Let me ask you a question. Why were you out past curfew by three minutes?" Charlie leaned down and spat the words at me. "Phil told me to take out the trash, and I heard a car around the corner. I got curious and peaked around the corner of the street. I didn't realize it was a police officer, and ran back home." I lied smoothly. "Is this true?" He asked Phil, and Phil nodded. "Fine you're free, just don't do it again." he turned around and left.

Phil closed the door silently, and as soon as he did he nervously chuckled. "Brother? Was that the first thing that came to your mind?" "No, actually..." he said, scratching the back of his neck. "W-What was it?" I asked, hoping for one, stupid answer. "Um, I thought... I thought...'boyfriend'." he chuckled, still scratching his neck, and looked away.
I stepped closer to him, and looked him in the eyes. "You look really hot when you do that, you know?" He looked at me shocked, "W-What are you saying?" "I'm saying I wouldn't mind if you said 'boyfriend'. I think I'd prefer that, actually."

He looked down at me before grabbing my waist and pulled me close. I giggled, "You're stronger then I thought." "Yeah, you'll see how strong I am tonight." he flirted. "Oh will I?" I leaned up and kissed him. "Yep. You're lucky too. Not many people get to see all of me." "Already excited."

He laughed once more before cupping my face and grabbing my head to pull me even closer him.

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