Car Crash (A)

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Phil's POV

As soon as I had heard Dan had gotten hit, I don't think I've ever run that fast to a bus station, and I don't think a bus has ever been that slow. Damn, if I just didn't ask for him to go get bread, he wouldn't have gotten hit by that fucking alcoholic! If I freaking went myself, neither of us would be hurt most likely! And for fucks sake if that man didn't drink, we'd all be perfectly fucking fine! I usually don't curse but...does it sound like I'm fired up? Yeah, cause I'm fired up! I just can't believe that my boyfriend may be in the same building as me, dead, and I wouldn't even know.

I practically ripped all of my hair out in the waiting room. My knee bounced nervously, and I got a lot of sympathetic looks from boys, girls, young, and old, everybody seemed so calm, while I was just a mess in the corner of the room, heating up, sweating, and every now and then I'd let a tear or two fall.

Two hours. Two damn hours it look them before a nurse opened the double doors and said, "Phillip Lester?" I shot up like a bullet from my seat, and everyone gave me a 'sympathetic' smile mixed with a 'good luck' smile.

The corridors seemed endless. God, twists and turns every where, only to get to a room he said was "Not to far". He tried to tell me what happened with the car crash, but I couldn't help but block him out with all the memories of Dan and I from the past. The fun parties, boring meetings, the sweet, and sometimes lustful, kisses, the videos, the Philisnotonfires, all possibly gone. Gone from the future, at least, and lord did that scare that crap out of me. I couldn't live without Dan. Not that he was dead necessarily, but that he wouldn't, and couldn't, be in my life anymore.

But finally, room 216, he said he was in that room. "He's unconscious," the brown haired and blue eyed male nurse told me. "He'll wake up in either an hour, to forty eight hours, we won't know 'till then." he frowned slightly. "B-But he's gonna live?" I asked, and my eyes lit up with relief and joy. He smiled back, "Yeah, he will. But for a month or so he won't be able to walk on his own. But you do live with him, so he should be fine." I wrapped my arms around the nurse, which he was quite taken a back by at first, but then gently hugged back. I stuttered, "Th-Thank you. Thank you s-so much f-for s-saving him." "Hey, I didn't save him," he smiled again once I let go. "Tell that to Dr. Sean. He saved your boyfriend, and he'll be here in about a minute or two." "Thank you." I said again before he left, and I turned to the door.

I slowly turned the knob, and walked in. As horrible as it sounds, I looked at the ground, instead of him, and closed the door. I knew he was okay, but in that second I just couldn't get myself to see him. But then I did. And I wish I didn't.

His face and arms were scratched in many different places, some blood was even stuck to his face, and his right calf was in a cast, and he was hooked up to many different machines and only a few fluid pumpers.

"Dan." I whispered, slowly walking over to him, and stood at the side of his elevated bed. Elevated so high that his head met the top of my waist. "Dan, I'm so sorry." I stroked his hair and stared at him helplessly. I just stared, and honestly, I would have given my left ear in that moment for him to stare back at me with his chocolate/caramel brown eyes, and telling me that he was ok and felt fine.

"Mr. Lester." I heard a loud and deep voice from behind me. I whipped around to see a chubby, tall, bald doctor behind me with a clipboard. "I know what state our boyfriend is in, and he will live, don't worry. Have a seat." I sat down beside Dan, and took his limp hand in mine.

He asked me a few question for about ten minutes before standing up, "Ok, that's it. Just press that button if you need anything. There are some blankets and a pillow in that cabinet, you can sleep on the padded bench by his bed, and the bathroom is just down the hallway." "Thank you again, for saving him." I smiled, squeezed Dan's hand, an Dr.Sean smiled, "I'm just doing my duty." I chuckled before he left, and that left me, Dan, and the deafening silence alone.

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