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Phil' POV

I heard the rain tapping on the window at a extremely quick pace. There was no way I could sleep with that annoying thumping on the window, and especially not with the bright lightning and deafening thunder.

With another crack of thunder and lighting, matching together, sounding like a whip, I got out of bed. If I couldn't sleep, I should at least do something productive.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some tea before going out into the lounge. God, haven't had this large of a storm in... forever. Its more a annoying than scary, really. Well, to some people.

I leaned back on the sofa, when a bolt of lightning struck, and I could faintly hear a small cry for help, or something rather, from down the hallway. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up, listening past the rain. A clash of thunder hit, but I couldn't hear anything over its deafening noise. Soon, again lightning struck, and I was nearly one hundred percent sure I heard someone crying and whimpering.

I grasped my, not even close to empty, tea mug, and stood up. I listened as I walked, and noticed it was coming from Dan's room.

I gently knocked on the door, "D-Dan?" I heard a sniffle and a small, "Yes?" "May I come in?" I asked politely before another crash of thunder vibrated the house. He screamed, and I could hear his sheets shuffling. I didn't wait for an answer, but I went in his room anyways.

I saw he was curled into a ball in his bed, and was hiding under the sheets. "Danny." I cooed, setting my tea mug down on on his nightstand. He poked his head out from the covers and looked up at me. A frown instantly captured my face.

His hair was curly and messy, he was sweating up a storm, there were tears streaming down his red and puffy face and his eyes were bloodshot.
I asked, "hey, whys wrong." "I-I... itsthestorm." he said weakly under his breath. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you." I got on my knees in front of him. "It's the storm." he whispered. "Aww." I wrapped my arms around him, sitting up straight.

I stood up, when Dan suddenly invited me into the bed. I smiled, and accepted before lightning struck again, and Dan squealed and flinched back violently.

I sat with my back to the headboard beside him, and he rested his head on my lap as I soothingly stroked his hair.
As time went on, every flinch and squeak became quieter and quieter before eventually, he fell asleep on my lap.

I continue to look down at him though. he has no idea how I feel, and it kills me more and more everyday. I wish I could tell him...

None the less, I gently set his head on the pillow beside me, and stood up. as I set my hand on the door knob I heard a groan and mumble from behind me.

"What?" I asked in a whisper over the, now much lighter and softer, rain outside. "Stay, please?" Dan asked. "Like, in here... with you?" I questioned in concern and confusion. Well, this was different. he nodded his head sheepishly, and I smiled. Maybe this was my chance.

I walked back over and crawled into the bed beside him. Before I could even think about making a move, he snuggled right up next to me, and birdied himself in my chest. I chuckled, and protectively wrapped my arms around him.

We stayed like that for a while, until I decided, it was time. I gently lifted his chin up with my two fingers, and looked him in the eyes. I swallowed the lump of nervousness in the back of my throat before I tackled him in a kiss.
I smashed his lips against mine with such swiftness, that he fell onto his back, and I fell on top of him. I held myself above him with my arms, and kept our lips attached. When he didn't kiss back, when he didn't do anything, I pulled my lips off of him. However, when I pulled away, I saw him open his eyes. Open his eyes. And he whimpered. Like, what!?

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered, but I didn't move, hoping he'd say "I feel that same" or something. "Don't be." He smiled, and cupped my face, bring our lips together again.

"Will you be my boyfriend." I suddenly blurred out, not thinking twice. I gasped at my own words, "No no, I'm sorry. I just got carried away and-" he put his lips on mine again, shutting me up. "Of course I will, you idiot." He mumbled into the kiss.

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