Hey, Guys

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I know, this isn't an update. I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you about some current/future things.

Thing 1. My other stories.
So, you guys may or may not know that I have three other books. One book is an 'imagine' type book where you (as a book character) stay with Dan and Phil for a week. The second one is a oneshot book, dedicated to their 'future' children. The third one is another 'imagine' type story, and in that one, you (as, yet again, a character), are going with Dan and Phil to Vidcon.
Now, I am really behind on the Kids book, just because it's only a thing I want to write on when I have inspiration. The Vidcon book is getting restarted up closer to Vidcon, somewhere near the end of March, when Vidcon hype starts to grow. And the last one, Becoming British, is jut going to be updated when I have free time (usually on the weekends).

Thing 2. This book
I am seriously running out of ideas, and I don't know why to do. I have ideas, but I just feel like I'm stuck in this permanent writers block state. If you've never had writer's block, it's basically a certain amount of time (or period) where you want to write/tell stories more than anything, but every idea that you think of (after thinking for hours upon hours on end), you absolutely hate it. And it's not that it's a bad idea, it's jut that in that moment, you really hate it. So I'm sorry I can't e creative nor clever, or anything like that. So, I dearly appreciate it if you left ideas and requests. You knew the drill. Also, I'll try everything I can to stop the writer's block, because I love nothing more than writing for you guys. :)

Thing 3. Phanny Packs.
So, a grand majority o you like the name 'Phanny Packs', so that is what I shall call you. And I'll be the queen of Phanny packs. Good idea? Good idea (not). And our 'fandom (not really at all)' with be, The Phanny Packs.
I'm so clever.

Anyways, that's all.


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