Watching An Angel

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Phil's POV

"Hey." I walked into Dan's room where he was sat at his desk. "Hey, what's up?" he replied, writing down a few things on a piece of paper, then typing into his computer. "Nothing, just wanted to watch you." "Um," he laughed as he turned to me, "Ok?" "Well, I got nothing else to do, and you look really handsome when you're focused." "Oh, thank you." he smiled, giing me a look of, 'you're such an idiot'. "You're welcome!" I cheered like a child.

I jumped onto his bed, and laid on one of his pillows. I watched him as he stuck his tongue out of the corner of his moth, and continued to write, then type, then write, then type. It sounds boring, but with him, anything becomes interesting and exciting. He's just so perfect. Would you be bored watching an angel, even if they're just working?

Yet, after a while, I felt my eyes start to droop. Dan yawned, and I did too, only becoming more tired.

I pulled Dan's sheet and comforter over myself, in my yoga pants and blue jumper, then laid there as Dan kept working.

"Danny." I wined. "Yes, baby?" he asked typing something, nearly all focus on his computer screen. "Please come to bed." "Ok, just a second." he looked over at me, smiled, then turned his computer off.

He started changing into his pajamas, and I did too. I only took my shirt off, tossed it across the room, then curled back into the blankets.

Dan turned the light off, but kept his fairy lights on so the room was dimly lit by a beautiful gold color. I felt the side of the bed behind me dip down slightly.
"Tired?" Dan asked in a deep, soft voice. I nodded, curling myself into a cozy, tight ball. Soon, I felt something press up against my neck and suck on my skin. I gasped, "Dan." "What?" he said, and I could feel as smirk play on his lips. He released, then snaked his arms around me, pulling me close. "I love you." he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "I love you too." I said weakly against his masculinity. He chuckled, then rested his head on mine before we fell asleep.

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